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Everything posted by candide

  1. Add to it that the people who want to ban abortion are the same people who want to reduce social spendings, direct subsidies at married couples only, etc... And by doing so make it harder for mothers in distress to properly raise children.
  2. It seems the current anti-missile systems are not able to stop the new Russian missiles. However, even if UK would be destroyed, there would still be four ballistic submarines, each carrying 8 missiles with 5 nuclear heads. Russia knows that even one single submarine is enough to anihilate the main Russian cities.
  3. As usual, it will be the poor people who will suffer. The "hated" liberal educated classes are living in liberal States, or will be able to pay to travel to other countries and avoid legal traps. On top of it, poor people living in GOP States are governed by a party which is keen on reducing social spending, cut family planning spending, favours subsidising married couples rather than single mothers, etc...
  4. Actually this decision takes back this matter from the "People", who could previously make a free and individual decision. Now, one part if the People will be imposed a decision by another part of the People.
  5. Lame false equivalence. Even if Ukraine would join NATO, it doesn't mean that there would be offensive ballistic missiles in Ukraine, as it is not the U.S. or NATO policy to put offensive ballistic missiles close to Russia. There are no offensive ballistic missiles or nuclear bombs in Eastern Europe. The only case of missile station in Romania is hosting interceptors (anti-missile system). As concerns nuclear bombs, the closest ones to Russia are in Turkey, the others are in Germany, France, etc... So Ukraine joining NATO would mean zilch in term of nuclear threat to Russia. If you new what you are talking about, you would know that the biggest threat is nuclear submarines, and you can be sure that they are now quietly waiting in the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, or the Mediterranean Sea.
  6. I think the U.S. system produces the opposite of what a S.C. should be: - it should be composed of politically neutral judges, yet they have been chosen for their known political stance, -it should be composed of old wise guys, yet judges have nominated at a rather young age, in order to stack the S.C. for as long as possible.
  7. I can imagine the cross-examination! ???? J. Jordan: Mr. Barr, do you think former BLM protests actually induced protesters to storm the Capitol? W. Barr: No, it is B.S.!
  8. He never fails to deliver...???? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-demands-hearing-proof-nonexistent-rigged-election_n_62b4e9a6e4b0c77098b9946b
  9. That makes it easy to know who should be further investigated!????
  10. It's a pity! As usual It's the poor worker -the people who have been "left behind", and who have been lured by the enticement of the Brexiter siren's song- who will pay the price. While others will fill their pockets by speculating.
  11. I guess he will become apoplectic after today's hearings! ????
  12. Well, I guess he would be welcomed to testify! ???? Same as his allies!
  13. More to it! ???? "Trump is hate-watching every Jan. 6 hearing and almost screams at the TV because he feels nobody is defending him, report says" https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-avidly-watching-jan-6-hearings-almost-screaming-tv-report-2022-6?r=US&IR=T
  14. Two priceless quotes from the OP: "It said Britain has experienced a decline of 8% in trade openness - trade as a portion of economic output - since 2019, losing market share across three of its largest non-EU goods import markets in 2021, the US, Canada and Japan." "The report added the North East is expected to be hit hardest by Brexit as its firms are particularly reliant on exports to the EU". Basically, North-East voters shot themselves in the foot
  15. And in particular why the National Guard was sent so late to the Capitol! ???? "Reports: Trump Resisted Sending National Guard To Quell Violent Mob At U.S. Capitol" https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/01/06/reports-trump-resisted-sending-national-guard-to-quell-violent-mob-at-us-capitol/
  16. Who are the people who could show a different side? People close to Trump? In case you did not notice most of Trump's allies refused to testify or took the 5th. Well, there was Ivanka and Jared though! ????
  17. In order to show they are neutral, they also authorised women to be topless. I wonder (not really) which way Muslim men will be looking! ????
  18. People like Carson have no morals. They are able to tell any B.S. if they think it can help them to be elected. They would even be ready to put feathers in their ass in order to attract voters! ????
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