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Everything posted by candide

  1. And guess where did Maxwell recruit Giuffre? ???? "A prominent Epstein victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, says his ex-girlfriend and alleged "madam," Ghislaine Maxwell, recruited her into Epstein's sex trafficking operation when she worked as a locker room attendant at Mar-a-Lago in 1999, when she was 15." https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-and-trump-mar-a-lago-resort-connections?r=US&IR=T
  2. People who did not protest complaining about others not protesting! ???? So what are you complaining about? Black people deciding to take this matter into their own hands while others were doing nothing against such crimes? There was nothing done about such crimes before BLM (be the victims black or white). BLM was focused on helping black people but at least, they did something! Then we had "All lives matter". Fine, why not? However, what did "all lives matter" do to fight police crimes? Nothing! They just complain about a dominantly black organisation being (allegedly selectively) very active, while they are doing nothing. Like you!
  3. How quickly we try to discard information which is fully on topic! ???? The topic is: With pressures mounting, Biden thinks GOP will make his midterm case for him.
  4. Basically the EU is about converging on, generating and applying norms and rules allowing individual people and countries to live side by side and interact peacefully. Voluntarily or involuntarily, it tends to diffuse these norms and rules outside the EU. It sometimes directly imposes rules outside the E.U., I.e. by linking financial help to the application of some rules, but it mainly works through contagion.
  5. It's true that they don't care about the political regime of the "partner" country, and will never impose conditions such as more democracy, better human rights protection, etc.. However, they do care about geopolitics and clear patterns can be identified (I.e. encircling India). There are usually strings attached on this respect. They export "support for Chinese policy" Having said that, China is free to have a geopolitical strategy and other countries are free to oppose it.
  6. Get your facts right. He was not accused of being xenophobic for partly blocking flights from China (more than two weeks after WHO warned about possible human-to-human transmission risk). That's lame MAGA propaganda. He was accused of being xenophobic because of the so-called "Muslim ban".
  7. Actually, the pandemic never stopped as the excess deaths numbers are showing. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  8. Boris Johnson leaves world's fifth biggest economy in crisis https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/07/economy/boris-johnson-resignation-economy/index.html
  9. Joining the common market with a Norway type status would be easier and faster to implement, it would just be another type of Brexit.
  10. Right! Why didn't "All lives matter" protest? Why didn't you protest? BTW, it surely has to do with the fact that the case has been kept hidden for long time. and the Dallas police blocked the release of the bodycam video for 3 years (it was released in 2019 only). In the Floyd case, bystanders made videos with their phones, which were quickly diffused in social media.
  11. China, same as UK, US or Thailand. It's ridiculous. The CCP controls everything.
  12. You just confirmed you have no idea of how it is in China.
  13. You obviously have no idea of how things work in China.
  14. Probably not as large as expected, but they did decline in 2020 and 2021. As you rightly mentioned, there was also a pandemic, so It's difficult to draw conclusions from it. Anyway, as I mentioned, the report is prospective.
  15. I have a better idea! ???? Let's have two currencies. One, called the peso, would be used only by locals, and foreigners would pay in dollars. The value of the peso would be a fraction of the dollar's value, but the price number would be the same: when foreigners pay 1 dollar, locals would pay one peso! ????????????
  16. So according to you, hotels should charge a competitive market price to foreigners, which currently is around listed price -30%, and then do an extra discount to Thai customers (ex listed price -50%). What would be the hotel profitability and your stock value? What about high season, when capacity is scarse and hotel make the most profits? Will the hotels refuse full-price reservations in order to keep rooms for discount customers? Or discriminate and serve foreigners first in order to maximize profits?
  17. The report was also prospective, looking beyond the current period. Anyway, no need to be a genius to find out that if your region's economy is significantly relying on exports to the EU, Brexit may not have a positive impact on it..
  18. In particular in the North East. Shooting themselves in the foot! The reliance of North East firm’s on exports to the EU means the region’s economy will suffer the most https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/north-east-set-take-hardest-24289986
  19. Mitt Romney likens Trump's false claim that he won in 2020 to the 'delusion that leads people to feed money into slot machines' ???? https://news.yahoo.com/mitt-romney-likens-trumps-false-182140793.html
  20. So what are the GOP policy proposals to decrease global oil prices? I don't remember having read any?
  21. On top of it, even if a peace treaty is signed, it will be necessary to further arm Ukraine to make sure Putin won't breach it.
  22. So Russia is breaking international laws by invad8ng Ukraine, but calls for protecting international laws! ????
  23. Ahem.... China seem to disagree with you Beijing accuses United States of creating 'anti-China' alliance as it lashes New Zealand and US for 'hype-up' over Pacific https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/china/beijing-accuses-united-states-of-creating-antichina-alliance-as-it-lashes-new-zealand-and-us-for-hypeup-over-pacific/news-story/57a23c3bd704a0c533a2e73e43245136
  24. Come on! The best thing which could happen to the Dems is Trump candidating in 2024.
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