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Everything posted by candide

  1. However: - some of it is already corroborated by written evidence (ex. messages) - the Committee (and the DOJ) now know exactly which other persons to interview, in order to corroborate her testimony. Of course, Trump's closest allies will refuse to testify or will take the fifth, but I guess people like Pat Cipollone will be ready to testify. So it is likely that not 100% of her testimony will be corroborated, but a large part will be.
  2. A promise (so to say, no agreement signed, only verbal assurances or opinions) made to a Union which has been dissolved (initiated by its own members, with the Russian Federation playing a key role in it). As to the "guided baton"! ???? You conveniently forget to mention that these Eastern Europe countries have been under the guided baton of the Soviet army for decades. By adhering to NATO, they wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again with Russia. The Soviet Union and Putin's Russia are responsible for their own fate. Nobody wants to be associated with backward regimes which, on top of being imperialist, are unable to ensure their own economic development and the well-being of their citizen. The Soviet Union was a failure, and Putin's Russia is a failure. When you are failing, you cannot expect to win!
  3. That was better what In was expecting Here's a short analysis Why today's 1/6 hearing was utterly devastating for Donald Trump https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/28/politics/donald-trump-january-6/index.html I just loved it ????
  4. This is really good to watch. ???? Trump Tried to Grab Steering Wheel to Go to U.S. Capitol Jan 6 -Witness https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-06-28/trump-tried-to-grab-steering-wheel-to-go-to-u-s-capitol-jan-6-witness
  5. I read there's also a piece of the new video about a meeting which occurred right before elections
  6. It was not a convenient time to dissolve them, as they would have started again with a new party name. They will be dissolved right before elections.
  7. Even more ironic, considering it was Abhisit who appointed Prayut as army chief (and made sure there would be no elections before the nomination date, at any cost).
  8. I was talking about the difference between UK and other countries, not the absolute level of inflation. UK is 1% above the U.S. and the average Euro Area level. If one excludes countries which are not comparable (ex Eastern Europe countries which are under a different context), the comparison is even worse. Let's take the five biggest countries in Europe: UK 9.1%, France 5.2%, Germany 7.9%, Spain 8.7%, Italy 6.8%. It's also the highest level among G7 nations. The difference is not huge but still significant, and the influence of Brexit is also known: mainly the lower pound level which increases the cost of energy imports and manpower shortage resulting in increased pay.
  9. So what? How is it related to the level of inflation in U.K., which was the issue I was discussing. Do you read posts before replying?
  10. Your post is dishonest and full of B.S.! - you missleadingly use the word "destroyed" where there wasn't much destruction caused by NATO, ex in Yugoslavia, the role of NATO has been mainly to prevent more fights and destructions, I.e. establish no-fly zones - you conveniently fail to mention that in the listed cases, there was usually a U.N. mandate, - finally, you conveniently confuse between cases in which individual countries have been involved (even if the main ones may belong to NATO), and (few) cases in which NATO has been involved as an organisation. For example, there has been no NATO involvement in the 2 Irak wars, and some prominent NATO countries even voiced their opposition to the second one (ex. France) - idem for the "threats", made by the U.S., not NATO.
  11. Other countries are also experiencing high inflation. However, it is higher in the UK. The main reason for the excess of inflation is Brexit. So the issue is: should BoJo be blamed for the impact of Brexit on inflation? Well, taking into account that he campaigned for it, negotiated the deal with the EU, and implemented Brexit, I have a clear opinion about it.
  12. I also guess he did not take the 5th for no reason... https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/03/politics/jeffrey-clark-justice-department-plead-fifth-january-6/index.html
  13. Well, It's you who mentioned it.... https://www.itv.com/news/2022-06-22/boris-johnson-does-not-deny-trying-to-give-wife-carrie-government-jobs https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/simon-walters-i-stand-by-my-johnson-scoop/
  14. What is your evidence that there are no protests in GOP States? So no protests in Texas, etc...? BTW, your reply is not related to the point I made in my post
  15. Thank you! Excellent article with an in-depth analysis of this complex issue.
  16. Add to it that the people who want to ban abortion are the same people who want to reduce social spendings, direct subsidies at married couples only, etc... And by doing so make it harder for mothers in distress to properly raise children.
  17. It seems the current anti-missile systems are not able to stop the new Russian missiles. However, even if UK would be destroyed, there would still be four ballistic submarines, each carrying 8 missiles with 5 nuclear heads. Russia knows that even one single submarine is enough to anihilate the main Russian cities.
  18. As usual, it will be the poor people who will suffer. The "hated" liberal educated classes are living in liberal States, or will be able to pay to travel to other countries and avoid legal traps. On top of it, poor people living in GOP States are governed by a party which is keen on reducing social spending, cut family planning spending, favours subsidising married couples rather than single mothers, etc...
  19. Actually this decision takes back this matter from the "People", who could previously make a free and individual decision. Now, one part if the People will be imposed a decision by another part of the People.
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