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Everything posted by candide

  1. Pelosi: House to vote next week protecting Supreme Court justices and their families after man arrested near Kavanaugh's home https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/09/politics/supreme-court-security-legislation-house-vote-pelosi/index.html It's nice to see the country united against terrorism and sedition! ????
  2. Which excessive checks? The EU is applying the agreement signed. The EU is applying the same checks it also applies to other third countries. Not doing so would be a breach of WTO rules. Actually, the only reason UK. makes less checks than the EU, is that the current clowns governing UK have been unable to implement a proper border check system. https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-outsource-border-check-eu-brexit/
  3. Biden condemns actions of armed man arrested near Kavanaugh's home, supports increased security for justices https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-condemns-actions-armed-man-arrested-near-kavanaughs-home-supports-increased-security-justices
  4. And of course the Trump is not happy and keeps spreading his debunked lies! ???? "It was about an Election that was Rigged and Stolen, and a country that was about to go to HELL...& look at our Country now!" the former president said. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-january-6-hearing-criticism-truth-social-1714308
  5. It's not true. There is no noticeable effect of Brexit on unemployment so far. It was 3,72% in 2019, and 3.7% in May 2022. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/employmentintheuk/may2022#:~:text=The UK unemployment rate was,below pre-coronavirus pandemic levels.
  6. It seems the time horizon is getting more and more extensive for Brexiters. First, they claimed immediate benefits, then they said it was ne essary to wait a few years, and now It's 20 years. Soon they will brag about benefits of Brexit for the next century! ????
  7. It looks like you are right at least on one point: someone actually claimed the 2016 elections were rigged! Wait! It was Trump! ???? "Mr Trump has questioned the legitimacy of the election process in a series of tweets, the latest of which said on Monday: "Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day." https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37673797
  8. At least, the "regime change" scenario allows more hope than Putin remaining in command. I would assume that a significant share of Putin's sycophants are opportunistic people who would be eager to change tune when needed. There's a Soviet tradition about it. ???? Regime change is a convenient face saving opportunity, I.e. remember France after WW2. The people cheering De Gaulle in France were the same people who used to cheer Petain. There are plenty of other examples, starting with West and East Germany after WW2. Having said that, as I wrote before, I have no idea about the probabilities attached to this scenario.
  9. This is definitely going to be interesting! ???? "An email from one of Trump's lawyers says they decided against going to court with a challenge to the 2020 election certification process to court, fearing the consequences of losing. Failure would "tank" their plan to disrupt the count politically, new court documents describing the email said" https://news.yahoo.com/email-trump-lawyers-shows-plan-143039900.html
  10. The only convenient scenario would be a regime change. It would allow Russia to save face by putting the blame on Putin. No idea about the probability of this scenario to occur.
  11. When they left France, they wanted to leave.. How would you force them to leave UK? The UK police would chain them in rows and then lead them to the French coast?
  12. I'm just curious. How would you practically send them back to Calais, taking into account that there is no legal way to force the French to accept them?
  13. I haven't heard anyone in the liberal camp claiming that Trump's election was rigged in a strict sense (meddling with ballots or ballot counting), as Trump and the MAGA guys are doing. Actually, the only one who claimed that the 2016 elections were rigged was Trump himself, because he did not i itially expect to win. 'US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places' https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37673797 Now discussing possible influences on elections, i.e. the media, Comey's statements about Hillary, the pandemic, etc... is usual political discussion. Stating that the President in incompetent, etc... too. However, this is quite different from claiming without any evidence that the collection and counting of votes is rigged
  14. Zelinski AND Putin will have to make peace eventually. It's not just about Zelinski. And it will depend on the balance of power on the battlefield and the economic price of war. Putin will never agree to a fair solution unless he is cornered and has no other choice. Moreover, the only way to make sure he will not start again later is that the price he (his country) pays is so high that he will not be willing to pay that price again.
  15. Exactly. One of the very few valid argument for Brexit was about "political accountability". It turns out it's only accountability for others, as before Brexit.
  16. They will likely also make a barrage of news and programs aiming at distracting attention from it and discredit the committee. The only thing they cannot do is to support the big lie because of the current defamation lawsuits. Apparently, the MAGA world is decided to occupy the media space during hearings. "Trumpworld says 'the entire MAGA movement' is working together to defend the embattled former president during the January 6 committee's public hearings. https://news.yahoo.com/trumpworld-says-entire-maga-movement-194953829.html
  17. That's a witchhunt! They were just peaceful patriots! ???????????????? (Sarcasm alert)
  18. Obviously, someone will soon regret this email has not been kept secret! ????
  19. There was a time I felt a bit sorry for this kid who found himself in a situation he wasn't able to cope with. Now, I don't any more.
  20. Come on. UK had been part of the EU for decades. Boris and his staff perfectly knew the essence of treaties, regulations and state of mind of the EU and its member States. On top of it, the EU position had been clearly expressed from the start.
  21. 1. It's a recovery but it's not due to a comparison with a lower than usual year. That was my point., i.e. comparing 2021 with 2020 and showing a high growth rate is misleading because 2020 was exceptionally low. Comparing with 2019 is relevant because it was a normal year. 2. It seems you are right about unemployment. I have been mislead by numbers about February 2020 which have been provided by another poster.
  22. Right. The Trump administration negotiated directly with the Taliban, without involving the official government. By doing so, it was de facto designating the Taliban as the winner. It's no wonder the official administration and army were demotivated and quickly collapsed.
  23. Not registered as job seekers. It currently happens in several western countries post-Covid. Different explanations have been evoked: the role of social subsidies, lower morale, and also that people realised during Covid they had a <deleted> job pre-Covid.
  24. It's not about individual preferences, It's about your previous arguments not being valid: - if GDP level in value is above pre-Covid level, It's not due to the fact that growth rates are obviously high after a crisis - if the number of jobs is higher than pre-covid, It's not because the occupation rate is lower than pre-Covid. However, you are right that population increase should be factored in, so GDP per capita would be a better indicator, but the GDP per capita in 2021 is also higher than in 2019. https://countryeconomy.com/gdp/usa As for predictions, you may be right. it is quite possible that interest rates increases may slow down growth. More worrying, according to the IMF and the World Bank the war in Ukraine may possibly cause a global economic crisis which will affect the U.S. among others. However, on comparable terms, the performance is there and better than Trump for GDP and employment.
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