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Everything posted by candide

  1. What is innacurate in the post you quoted? From what I remember, the protest coup failed as Suthep's mob was spreading thin. The legal coup failed because they could only remove Yingluck and a few others. They was no way an appointed government could be put into power according to the constitution. New elections were agreed by the EC (an EC which had been appointed by Abhisit) for July. The only way to prevent Thai citizen to choose their government was a military coup. Prayut was told to make a coup as all other options had failed. PS. OK there was also the succession issue as an additional motive.
  2. Quite nice people, these yellow protesters! ???? It's not like they would seize an airport, assault government buildings, assault voting places, attack voters and carry popcorn.
  3. The middle and high class people from Bangkok who occasionally protested were not paid. The others, who were coming from Southern provinces and were there day after day, eating and sleeping in camps, were paid.
  4. Come on! Yellow or red, they all got paid. Do you really believe those yellow protesters coming from the South were not paid? When protesters leave their home and occupation to protest in Bangkok, they are always paid.
  5. So what's wrong with protesting in order to get elections and citizen choose their government? Of course, for you, It's better to protest in order to prevent elections to be held.
  6. "Addressing the participants, Nattawut said that the holding of the commemorative event was not intended to drive a wedge between people who share different political opinions adding, however, that whoever ordered the crackdown against the red shirts has not yet been held accountable." Who could be accountable? I am wondering..... If I remember well, Abhisit was PM and Suthep deputy PM, Prawit was army chief and Prayut chief of Bangkok army. They could not possibly be held responsible.???? If I remember also well, the red shirts were protesting to get Abhisit dissolve the house quickly, so that he would not be able to nominate Prayut as army chief in September 2010. Just a mere coincidence! ????
  7. It has been a regular pattern over time. When the yellow/green network sentenced one of its own people (or was lenient in a case involving an opponent), it was a way to pretend being balanced and fair, before hitting hard opponents. You may be right.
  8. Generation divide! Lol! The truth is that most Thai people don't care.
  9. Surprising verdict, considering her political allegiance. Internal conflict?
  10. The aim of the source I used is to provide accurate facts. They don't provide interpretations, I guess because they want to stick to their mission. They leave it to others and that's fine. In some cases, analysts found that Covid deaths could have been underestimated, or overestimated (it happened in some occasions in UK, if I remember well). However, in countries with a decent measurement system, the differences between covid deaths count and excess deaths usually don't exceed the +/- 10 % range. In Thailand it's +200%. It's quite possible the two factors you mentioned (among others) may affect the excess deaths count. My interpretation is that, in the case of Thailand, they cannot account for the huge discrepancy between official covid deaths count and excess deaths. Ex. there have been deaths caused by vaccines in other countries. How many per month in countries with similar population size as Thailand, such as France or UK. 1, 2, 10? The huge discrepancy observed in Thailand leads to the following question (lawyers usually advise to formulate questions rather than assertions ???????? "Could it be possible that the current measurement system doesn't accurately assess the true number of covid deaths in Thailand, and actually significantly underestimates it?".
  11. The chart provides raw figures without any interpretation. These figures are accurate because deaths are registered for various administrative purpose. Some factors such as those you mentioned, if relevant, may be taken into account for interpreting them. Some may increase the number of deaths, some may reduce it (ex. Less deaths by other contagious diseases such as flu because of measures ta - it has been observed in other countries). But they cannot explain the huge difference observed. However, even by using a +/- 10%, or even 20% margin of error, there is still a huge difference between official Covid deaths count and excess deaths all causes. We are not talking of differences measured in 100s but in 1000s. If we compare with the official covid figures w/o the year with the highest number of deaths all causes (2021), there are 4246 unexplained excess deaths. This difference is around two times the official number of Covid deaths. Which mysterious cause would explain such a difference? And the same pattern has been observed since the real beginning of the pandemic in Thailand, in April 2021. Vaccine and medication side- effects causing thousands of deaths during ONE MONTH. Postponed surgery causing thousands of deaths durping one month? Really?
  12. Raw deaths count available for Thailand in March. Compared to the same month in 2021, the number of Excess deaths is 6508 (an average of 209 deaths/day) Compared to the same month in 2020, the number of excess deaths is 8952 (288/day). The official number of Covid deaths in Thailand is 2262. As usual, it is around 3 times lower than the number of excess deaths compared to previous year (2021)
  13. Pre-Covid I've been spending around one month a year there, during around 10 years
  14. What are these day to day freedoms that Chinese people are enjoying while British people are not? Can you give a few examples?
  15. Lol! Are you serious? Try to protest against the government in China! Try to openly criticise the government positions in China! Try to use forbidden words or address forbidden topics in Chinese social media! Try to use the same words to qualify the Chinese leader, as have been used to qualify UK PMs in the media! You know like "BoJo the clown", etc....
  16. Complete B.S., as usual! Excess deaths figures absolutely confirm the number of Covid deaths with a margin of broadly +/- 5%. https://www.ft.com/content/a2901ce8-5eb7-4633-b89c-cbdf5b386938
  17. Maybe, but the Ukraine war has reinforced the alliance between the US and European countries, which is obviously not good for China. As about political control, China has done much much worse than Russia. Putin is actually a mere amateur in this department, compared to China.
  18. Russia weights nothing rom an economic point of view. Trade with Russia is at the same level as trade with Thailand for China, that says it all! The biggest trade partners are the US and the EU, together they weight more than 13 times the value of trade with Russia. Trade with Russia is around 7% of the value of trade with the US+EU. The Chinese know how to count. On top of it, this war strengthens the alliance between the US and the EU, which is not at all in the interest of China, for obvious reasons. The political discourse of the CCP (basically US and Western bad) which is served to the mass, should not be confused with the true interest of China. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_China
  19. While for political reasons, in particular internal reasons, China obviously cannot take side for the Western camp, and in particular the U.S. I would not be surprised if China would be "surreptitiously" <deleted> off by Putin. This is very bad for what really matters to China: business. Supply disturbed; higher prices for energy and cereals; global inflation; risk of reduced global economic growth, investment deal with Europe postponed; belt and road disturbed, etc.. Not to mention the non-neglectible economic ties with Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/chinas-business-economic-interests-ukraine-2022-02-23/
  20. Ahem! Unlike USA, China, Russia, UK..... (joking, in case some people may not notice it)
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