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Everything posted by candide

  1. I guess It's a long story, starting with religion. It's the same people who believe the world has been created in 7 days and the apocalypse may be coming soon. I can imagine what these people may feel. They actually believe children are raped and killed in a pizzeria. They are horrified! The poor little kids! Same about elections! They are convinced they have been screwed by the deep state!
  2. Another example of the "madness" inspired by Trump and MAGA heralds. As rightly formulated by Kinzinger, when people are convinced that elections have been rigged and politicians drink children's blood, it is not surprising that such assaults happen.
  3. So, if I understand well, gamblers have been robbed in an illegal casino and ultimately complained to the police. Instead of arresting the casino owners and managers for illegal activity (on top of robbery), they just negotiated with the casino to give back some of the money stolen. ???? All this now exposed in the media, apparently without any consequence.
  4. With Trump fighting like hell to prevent his tax returns from being disclosed, there must be something interesting in it! Nothing to hide, nothing to fear! ????
  5. And in any case, they won't get the votes from the 250 appointed senators, so it is a rather theoretical discussion.
  6. From what I recently inadvertedly found out, it seems that these "new" drugs such as ketamine (I am old school, so I knew about coco, snow , ecstasy, crack, etc...) are quite popular among young Thai people. I would assume a raid in any Thai style disco may lead to numerous arrests.
  7. False equivalence. The Russian interference has been proven true, and acknowledged even by the GOP led Senate commission. The 2020 election fraud conspiracy theory has been debunked since some time, including by several Republicans (I.e. Barr).
  8. He was permitted to have a gun. Not surprising knowing the recent law introduced by the TOP in this state. "In 2021, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson signed the Second Amendment Preservation Act into law, which states "that all federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders... and regulations, whether past, present or future that infringe on the people's right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution... of the Missouri Constitution must be invalid in this state." https://abcnews.go.com/US/missouris-gun-laws-wake-st-louis-school-shooting/story?id=92140341 You reap what you sow, Parson.
  9. Well worth reading the article!
  10. With all the MAGA morons excited by Trump's endless Big Lie campaign, it will be a mess!
  11. As far as I know, they did not claim they had proof of who did it. On top of it, if it would result in a legal case, as you mention, it may not be wise (or even legal according to Swedish law) to disclose information before the trial.
  12. *Deleted post edited out* As I mentioned in a previous post, Gazprom cannot cut supply without having to pay contractual penalties according to international law. That's why they can only do it in case of "force majeure". Officially, there is no conflict, so war cannot be evoked as force majeure. It can only be a technical problem (as previously), a refusal to pay with Rubles (Finland), or an "accident" (this case). It is possible that Russia could make a law allowing Gazprom to cut supply. However at a time Russia is looking for new customers, who would contract with Russia knowing that it may just cut supply in case of disagreement?
  13. The population decline was around one million in Russia in 2021. They need to compensate for this decline.
  14. After the 2006 coup, the army dropped all charges and investigations into army misconduct related to the Tak Bai incident.
  15. As far as I know, there have been cases in which local politics were the cause of killings, but Thaksin has not particularly targeted his opponents. If you make a claim, you have to back it, and not ask other posters to waste they time finding sources for you (in case there were any).
  16. The trick being there's officially no war. Only a special operation!
  17. There may be plenty of reasons other than your conspiracy theory, I.e. they don't want to disclose a source, they don't want to disclose how they are able to investigate, etc....
  18. So, if I understand well your post, Obama's familly made around 1000 trips during 6 years, and Trump's familly around 4000 during 3 years, so 8 times more trips per year than Obama's familly. ????
  19. *Deleted post edited out* It's you obfuscating. The topic is "Trump company charge....", It's not about Obama, and there was also no "Obama company charge....". So It's an obvious false equivalence (on top of being off-topic) Fact is there was an obvious conflict of interest, aggravated by the high price charged for rooms.
  20. Not so nice attempt at distracting attention from the key issue. It is not about how much taxpayer money Presidents have spent, it is about a conflict of interest: the money Trump spent went into his pocket (well, his company).
  21. For such luxury brand watches, each watch has an ID number and is registered in order to manage guarantees, and also to trace the watch in case of robbery. What's the name on the certificates? I know, stupid question! ????
  22. Exactly. It's called conflict of interest: a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in his official capacity.
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