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Everything posted by candide

  1. Simple. He will say the Ukrainians have done it.
  2. As opposed to Brexiteers who only make their own decisions after having carefully checked facts and data! ????
  3. Only one hour and 30 mn to wait.
  4. From a tactical point of view, it may make sense to refuse entry. If they can flee rather than being trapped in Russia, it somehow reduces the potential pressure on Putin,
  5. What a waste of time and money for nothing. (3 years and $4 million spent). A witch hunt launched to please Trump.
  6. The end of the question was "if they believe it was wrongly decided.". OK. However, do you have any doubt that MAGA candidates will declare that they believe it was wrongly decided.? You know, the ones who also declared the 2020 election was rigged and did not commit to accept the midterm elections result. The candidates have shown they may challenge the results if they lose, and the MAGA films have shown they are ready to believe them. Additionally, the comparison between replies from Republican respondents and Dem respondents is eloquent.
  7. Have you read the article? This was a question for the Republicans only, asking for whom they would vote if the Republican primaries were held today. So 1% more Republican would vote for Trump at primary elections, well below the margin of error of 2.9%. The title is misleading (which is not surprising, coming from a pro-conservative organisation.
  8. Ooops! It seems the judge appointed by Trump thinks differently! https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/29/politics/trump-special-master-request-doj-inventory/index.html
  9. It looks like Trump screwed himself! ???? "Requiring Trump’s lawyers to verify or object to the inventory also effectively means making them either affirm in court or disavow a claim Trump has made in public: his accusation that the FBI planted fake evidence. While it is not a crime to lie to Fox News viewers or on social media, there are consequences to lying to a court." https://news.yahoo.com/giant-backfire-trumps-demand-special-120709247.html The comment from the DOJ! "Plaintiff brought this civil, equitable proceeding,” it wrote in its letter. “He bears the burden of proof. If he wants the special master to make recommendations as to whether he is entitled to the relief he seeks, plaintiff will need to participate in the process” that Dearie laid out."
  10. It's quite possible that the next midterm elections will be a complete mess. MAGA crooks like OZ will claim elections were rigged, MAGA electoral commissions and Governors may refuse to accept results, Trump will ask his fans to take to the street, etc...
  11. It's completly incoherent. The Trump administration has appointed a special counsel (Durham), and instead of giving him this evidence, Trump would have kept the document. It's absolutely ridiculous! ????
  12. Trump? ???? Could it be that Putin waited for the end of the pandemic and for the price of energy to go up, before making the decision to attack?
  13. Yet, as the choice was between Trump and Biden, stating that people should not have voted for Biden implies they should have voted for Trump. So it's not really irrelevant.
  14. How is Biden showing he has nothing to hide by releasing his tax information not related to the post you wrote, in a thread about Biden? The reference to Trump just highlights that when candidates or presidents have something to hide, they may not release this information.
  15. Exactly, nothing to hide, nothing to fear! That's why, unlike the other moron, he was not afraid to show his tax returns information.
  16. It's an openly pro-conservative organisation, and, of course, The title is misleading. ???? Details matter: they did not ask for whom would you vote for next presidential elections, but for primaries if they were held today. ???? So basically it confirms Republicans favour Trump with an increase of 1% which is inferior to the error margin. It says nothing about the opinion from all US citizen. This we know from other polls, Trump has declined. The poll also shows more people want the Dems to win the midterms than the TOP, and this percentage has increased. Hmm... who could have caused this increase of the Dems popularity?
  17. Here we are! 2022 poll: Less than half of Trump voters say losing candidates should concede elections https://news.yahoo.com/2022-poll-less-than-half-of-trump-voters-say-losing-candidates-should-concede-elections-205513021.html
  18. Interesting article Opinion: The most likely nuclear scenario https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/28/opinions/how-close-putin-nuclear-war-de-bretton-gordon/index.html
  19. Not to mention a fresh injection of people in a declining Russian population (including a one million decline in 2021).
  20. It seems you did not notice it's the member States who made these decisions.
  21. I quite agree with the article you link, which suggested in 2016 that Trump could be similar to other dictators around the globe! ???? That was actually quite predictive of his fascist behaviour: strengthen the law on classified documents in order to apply it to Hilary (he's having a taste of his own medicine now), abuse his power to discredit a political opponent, try to overturn fair and legitimate elections, etc...
  22. It's a recurrent pattern among MAGA folks. They are told they must back their assertions by linking sources, so they tend to link whatever they find by just reading the title, ????
  23. It would be particularly interesting to know how he valued the properties he donated to charity. If a property is worth 10, and you deduct a value of 30 (a 3 times overvaluation seems to be modest, by Trumps standard) , that's 20 net in your pocket. Knowing the Donald, I doubt he could have resisted scamming the IRS. ????
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