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Everything posted by candide

  1. Less crime? Maybe, if you don't count those for which Trump is being charged! πŸ˜€
  2. It's more than school rules. It's the law, and it applies to all religions.
  3. They may well believe it, but consciously or unconsciously It's about exerting power. Religion is seldom a problem in itself, the problem is men using religion to have power on others.
  4. An incoherent and ridiculous claim made by Jim Jordan (I found out where it comes from). A ghost writer works for the official author and signs a contract with the official author He is paid by the official author (usually with a percentage of his royalties), so the ghostwriter did not give him $8m. The official author signs a contract with the publisher, and the publisher pays the official author for the text of the book (a book on Beau Biden). Biden provided the text of the book to the publisher. The book doesn't include classified information. The publisher never paid any classified information. It's just another trick by Jim Jordan for the confused MAGA brains. About Hur, he confirmed in front of the GOP committee that he was not able to establish intent beyond reasonable doubt
  5. One difference is that unlike Republicans, the Democrats were able to state for which crime they wanted to impeach Trump, based on real evidence: the phone call to Zelinski is fact, Trumps phone call to find him 11,800 votes is fact, etc... They did not need to make up false accusations. Another difference is that the Democrats have shown real incriminating evidence: testimonies (mostly by Republican) and other evidence such as text messages and recordings, while the witnesses heard by the Republican committee have contradicted their smear campaign. Several of the evidence shown by the Democrats have been confirmed by the DOJ and other official investigations. Another difference is that the Democrats, unlike Republicans, did not need to distort or to lie about testimonies. Finally, as commented already by other posters, Democrats did not get fake evidence coming from Russia.
  6. One difference is that unlike Republicans, the Democrats were able to state for which crime they wanted to impeach Trump, based on real evidence: the phone call to Zelinski is fact, Trumps phone call to find him 11,800 votes is fact, etc... They did not need to make up false accusations. Another difference is that the Democrats have shown real incriminating evidence: testimonies (mostly by Republican) and other evidence such as text messages and recordings, while the witnesses heard by the Republican committee have contradicted their smear campaign. Several of the evidence shown by the Democrats have been confirmed by the DOJ and other official investigations. Another difference is that the Democrats, unlike Republicans, did not need to distort or to lie about testimonies. Finally, as commented already by other posters, Democrats did not get fake evidence coming from Russia.
  7. Trolling now? There's even a thread about it, in which you wrote posts! 🀣
  8. The MAL search occurred in June 2022. That's what eventually triggered Trump's early candidacy.
  9. It was certainly not irrelevant for Trump, as he was furious that Hillary won the popular vote. As usual, he claimed the 2016 elections have been rigged. That was so important for Trump that he created an investigation commission about it. Of course, it was baseless, the committee went nowhere and was eventually dissolved. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926
  10. "Him" is not the one who paid $8m. It's ridiculous! You have nothing so you just repeat this nonsense! πŸ˜€
  11. No word games! Your claim is just incoherent and ridiculous! πŸ˜€ The ghostwriter is paid to help write a book. He's not giving any money to the official author. It's the editor who pays the official author for a book. And the book (on Beau Biden, BTW) has been published πŸ˜€ Anyway, thanks again for acknowledging that the sources of Biden's revenues have been known for years! πŸ˜€
  12. So the ghostwriter gave him $8m? That's a ridiculous claim! That's not ow it works! πŸ˜€
  13. Thank you for the reminder! I forgot to mention "Putin's bitch" Trump! πŸ˜€
  14. Except that there was no influence peddling and he did not sell classified information. You are making things up,as usual!
  15. Wasn't it you who claimed the sources of Biden's wealth increase were fraudulent.? It's quite fair from you to now acknowledge now that it came from a legitimate income! πŸ˜€ Additionally, where can we find this critical classified information in the book: "Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose" πŸ˜€
  16. You mean the "tax cuts to the rich" Trump? Or the Big Pharma and Big Oil Trump? Or the "my family has been financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar" Trump? πŸ˜€
  17. In particular, two key events occured at the beginning of the 70s: the definitive end of the Bretton-Wood system, and the oil shock. Additionally, UK was the sick man of Europe at that time. Looking at the chart I posted, it could be considered that joining the EC/EU has allowed UK to re-establish the basis of a competitive economy, until it left.
  18. And the reasons are well known, just like the reasons for the decrease in 2016 are well known. There are also macro-trends (this macro-trend is not restricted to UK, to be honest).
  19. Good comment. It would be more relevant to compare with the Euro.
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