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Everything posted by candide

  1. I have no doubt that many people are despising the U.S. WW, and it's not a new phenomena. However, it's not what you claimed in your post. You claimed that many people WW believe the election was rigged. I call it B.S. (Of course, excluding Russia and China.)
  2. Opinion? It's written in the PRA. 😀 https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/presidential-records.html#2201
  3. It's not an opinion. It's an official press release by NARA! Trump can claim whatever B.S. he want, he cannot make up laws. It's the PRA which precisely defines what is a PR., not the President. https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/presidential-records.html#2201 I already replied to your other claim. You are like a broken record.
  4. Wrong again, as explained by NARA. No wonder only "some right-wing news outlets are making this false claim. https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2023/nr23-016 "The Presidential Records Act (PRA) defines what constitutes “Presidential records” and what are “personal records.” 44 U.S.C. 2201. Personal records include “diaries, journals, or other personal notes serving as the functional equivalent of a diary or journal which are not prepared or utilized for, or circulated or communicated in the course of, transacting Government business.” The PRA also requires that all documentary materials “be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.” 44 U.S.C. 2203(b). The President does not have discretion to categorize a Presidential record as a personal record."
  5. Dolf is not Yellowtail. Quite different trolling styles. Dolf is the former Bignok.
  6. As of yesterday, the price was -33% compared to the introduction price.
  7. Weren't you claiming that Trump did not direct Cohen?
  8. This, and also the corroborating testimonies under oath are better than the evidence you have brought up so far to support your claims, that is zero evidence!! 😃
  9. This phone call was a mistake. They have been tricked by Russia and no different reaction from Russia should have been expected.
  10. Unlike Trump and Trumpers, "we" don't make up what laws may be.
  11. Read it. That's not what was discussed and It's not what I wrote. Stop making up what I claimed! If you are not able to understand what other people write, There's not much I can do for you!
  12. You are making up stuff again. The PRA doesn't allow a former President to take PR with him when he leaves office.
  13. Certainly the first time a former President hid PR and lied about it. A conspiracy, once more! 😁 Nothing suspicious bout the timing: NARA was too kind to wait one year before notifying the DOJ + Haven't you noticed Trumps numerous initiatives to delay the trial?
  14. I'll just see it as it will be decided in court.... About the tape, you can check in the same source from which you already got the sentence you wrote before.... 😁 https://www.reuters.com/legal/trumps-alleged-hush-money-payments-path-criminal-charges-2023-03-30/
  15. Haven't you read at least the title? "Court says", not "daughter says."
  16. No. Trump started by refusing to give documents back. If he had just given back the documents when asked by NARA, there would likely have been no trial.
  17. Too lazy to find a better thread... Trump just can't stop winning! 😆 Judge rejects Trump’s bid to get Georgia election subversion case dismissed on free speech grounds https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/04/politics/donald-trump-fulton-country-first-amendment/index.html
  18. Only a few people may really not get it. Most pro-MAGA posters here just pretend they don't understand because they have no other argument and/or are trolling!
  19. Easy question. Trump refused to give some documents back, hid them, and lied about it. (to keep it simple). For more details, you can use Google.
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