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Everything posted by candide

  1. It was certainly dumb! A dumb attempt to "stop the steal". What did they want to stop?
  2. Honest Don! 😀 “For the good of our now failing Nation, and in order to inform the American people of what is going on in our Country, we must immediately have a full scale debate between Crooked Joe and Honest Don. I’m ready to go, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE!” Trump wrote. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/honest-don-coins-nickname-himself-064500487.html
  3. For those who don't like to watch videos: ‘This is not a witch hunt’: Takeaways from CNN’s sit-down with ex-Trump employee who unwittingly moved classified docs https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/takeaways-cnn-exclusive-interview-trump-employee-5-mar-a-lago Quote from the article: Butler said he was helping to move the boxes to the airport at the same time Trump was greeting federal investigators at his property in June 2022, two months before the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago and a year before Trump was indicted by special counsel Jack Smith over his alleged mishandling of classified documents. 😀
  4. More of Biden's achievements... The US is pumping more oil than any country in history - and it's unlikely to be surpassed any time soon https://news.yahoo.com/finance/news/us-pumping-more-oil-country-221438851.html
  5. I was about to write a post with but but BLM as a joke, but I was too late! 😀
  6. Well, if they believe the world has been created in 7 days, there is no reason they cannot believe Trump! 😀
  7. As it seems reading may not be one of strong skills, below a video interview of the guy who helped Trump hiding the documents!
  8. And, of course, no drug was smuggled through the border under Trump! Wait a minute! Most of the growth of Fentanyl use and deaths occurred under Trump! Wasn't this drug smuggled through the border? 😃 Sorry, another spreadsheet stuff reported by a highly reliable source!😁 https://www.economist.com/briefing/2024/02/29/americas-ten-year-old-fentanyl-epidemic-is-still-getting-worse
  9. Lol! MAGA fans did not even notice that this article confirms Trump was lying! 😆 This information from the testimony is not new and has not been hidden, we know since 2021 that Trump wanted the National Guard to protect the protest. And as Trump, Loudermilk is shamelessly lying about it. It was not to protect the Capitol. 😆 From your Fox News source, quote from Ornano's testimony: "I remember he had – he was on the phone with [Bowser], and we – I had walked in for something, and I was there, and he was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed. Because I think it was the concern of anti and pro groups clashing is what I recall. And not anywhere near the Capitol, this was just out on the mall area or at the event; and wanted to know if she needed any more guardsmen," Ornato responded, according to the transcript reviewed by Fox News Digital. In summary, from your Fox News source:: - Trump discussed the use of the National Guard to protect the protest, not the Capitol. - Pelosi was not involved. (another popular MAGA lie) - the testimony content was integrated in the report (That's why we already knew about it). There were also testimonies by other people, such as Milley. Here's an example of what was made public from the Jan.6 committee hearings in 2021. Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congresswoman-says-trump-administration-botched-capitol-riot-preparations-2021-05-12/ "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."
  10. Which desperation? The order dates from 2021. It's more like GOP's desperation! 😀 Another example of GOP and Fox News making up things. We think..., we fear..., probably..., etc... 0 evidence provided.
  11. What a biased survey! They only asked people who watched the speech, and not those who didn't watch it! 😀 So CNN itself outlined the limits of the survey, as expected. That they polled only CNN listeners is only from your own imagination.
  12. Sorry, I don't have your ability to identify trends from cases selected by Fox News! 😁
  13. Thank you for posting the article. There's nothing new and it's already been known. Since they have been caught by Dominion, Murdoch's media articles have a misleading title, but usually tell the truth somewhere in the article. Have you read the article? It shows that: - Trump discussed the use of the National Guard to protect the protest, not the Capitol, - it was not a formal request, - Pelosi was not involved. It confirms Trump and his gullible fans have been lying about it, - the testimony content was integrated in the report (That's why we already knew about it). Thete were also testimonies by other people, such as Milley. Here's an example of what was made public in 2021. Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congresswoman-says-trump-administration-botched-capitol-riot-preparations-2021-05-12/
  14. Your post is not clear. What do you mean, in a more analytical way? In the link, they use CPI and compare with other countries. I haven't checked how each country calculates it, but for the ones I know, It's the same method. So the comparison is valid. That was also exactly the same calculation method used when you (or other posters sharing the same view) bragged about "Trump's" low inflation in 2019.
  15. Republicans doing what they do best....😆 Katie Britt used decades-old example of rapes in Mexico as Republican attack on Biden border policy https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-senator-used-decades-old-223010728.html The victim has previously spoken publicly about the abuse happening in her home country of Mexico from 2004 to 2008 — not in the United States during the Biden administration. Yet, Britt used the account to chastise Biden's action on the border. “We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a third-world country. This is the United States of America, and it’s past time we start acting like it," Britt said in the Thursday night speech televised from her home in Alabama. “President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace."
  16. I don't think they all believe what they claim. A part of them is dumb enough. ex. those who send Trump money, buy NFTs, parade with MAGA caps,etc.. Knowing that 46% of Republicans used to believe the pizzagate conspiracy theory, I guess they represent at least 50% of Republicans. Others are like GOP politicians.They perfectly know that Trump is lying, but they don't care as long as they feel it can be politically effective.
  17. Interesting anecdote! 😀 Crime in America is down, rudely interfering with GOP narrative that it's out of control https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/12/20/crime-murder-violence-down-biden-fox-news/71974355007/
  18. The crime rate 'only' doubled under Trump in Portland! 😀
  19. The main difference between Melania and Stormy is the price.....
  20. Recycling lame Bignok's arguments! 😆
  21. Interesting 'anecdote'! Meanwhile.... https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA
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