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Everything posted by candide

  1. The source you referred to in your post. Actually it wasn't your source, it was from Impulse, you just invited yourself to the discussion. I got confused because you replied to my post (crickets) which was addressed to other posters.
  2. Sure! You don't need to provide any proof of your B.S. conspiracy theory...because there is none! 😀 So you confirm that the claim that "Trump offered Pelosi National Guard...she turned it down" is nowhere to be found in your source.
  3. Sure. Trump did not call a person supervising elections to find him 11,800 votes, there was no fake elector plot, he did not refuse to give back classified Presidential records, hide them and lie about it, did not watch his supporters assaulting the Capitol without asking them at once to stop it,.... etc That all a baseless witch hunt! 😀
  4. Witch hunt! 😀 Don't you have anything else to post than conspiracy theories?
  5. Lame diversion! 😀 You wrote: "The officer did nothing because he was directed not to. Pelosi needed to make sure her daughter had sufficient footage for Pelosi films Inc." Where is it written in your source that the officer was directed by Pelosi to do nothing?
  6. Where is it written in your source that: (Quote from your post): "The officer did nothing because he was directed not to. Pelosi needed to make sure her daughter had sufficient footage for Pelosi films Inc." 😀
  7. So, where is it written that: Quote from your post: "The officer did nothing because he was directed not to. Pelosi needed to make sure her daughter had sufficient footage for Pelosi films Inc." 😀 B.S. conspiracy theory!
  8. So where is it written in this interview transcript that "Trump offered Pelosi National Guard...she turned it down."? 😀
  9. No, in polls. You know, the kind of polls Trump supporters have been bragging about for months. 😀
  10. On average around 2%. It nothing like "totally crushed". Even Nikki, who luckily is going drop out (what a relief), was more likely to win the election than Trump! 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  11. Good news for the Dems, as she was more likely to win the election than Trump! 😀 https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  12. He just told them to stop the steal! 😀 Then how do you explain that he did not try to stop them after they started assaulting the Capitol, and waited for hours before telling them to go home? If they had misunderstood him he could just have told them to stop assaulting the Capitol (instead of contacting congressmen to block the certification while watching it on TV).
  13. That's the Trumpers' m.o. when they have no evidence: false equivalencies and conspiracy theories.
  14. Ok, if you wish, only those who assaulted the Capitol. The rest if your post is the usual conspiracy theory deflection! 😀 It's not what has been shown in the Jan.6 rioters trials.
  15. B.S. (except the fact that Trump supporters are dumb! You said it! 😀)
  16. Deflection and lame false equivalence. She did not call protesters to march to the Capitol during election certification.
  17. Lol! Where is it written in this interview transcript that "Trump offered Pelosi National Guard...she turned it down."?
  18. Please show the quote confirming that Pelosi refused a national guard offer by Trump. I did not find it.
  19. Sorry, I was not precise enough. He sent them to the Capitol after telling them to fight like hell, during a protest called "stop the steal" , and then by themselves, they decided to assault the Capitol. They may have thought that stopping the election certification was like stopping the steal. And when they assaulted the Capitol, Trump did nothing to stop them during hours. He never told them: no no, you misunderstand me, stop it at once! 😀 As to your question : that's what the Jan. 6 rioters trial has showed ( that their were Trump supporters).
  20. So she did not send her supporters to assault the Capitol. Thank you again for acknowledging this difference. It can be discussed forever whether the Russian interference had enough impact or not to change election results. However it is fact that there had been Russian interference.
  21. Thank for highlighting the difference between 2016 and 2020. In 2016, Hillary did not claim there had been massive fraud, did not organise a protest and id not send her supporters to the Capitol, and they did not assault it in order to steal the election. Some people protested and burned Trump's head, as during a Carnival. In 2020, Trump claimed there had been massive fraud, organised a protest and sent them to the Capitol, and they assaulted the Capitol in order to overturn the election. Oh, sorry, wi forgot to mention the similarities! After the 2026 election, Trump claimed there had been massive fraud! 😀
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