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Everything posted by candide

  1. But this poster stated there are no facts, only opinions! 😀
  2. B.S.! All witnesses (you know, in front of the GOP Committee) have stated under oath that Joe was not involved in Hunter's business and that business subjects have not been discussed with Joe during these dinner! As to your lame false equivalence, Trump's Phone call wascrecordedvand there was no doubt about its content. 😀
  3. No. The stated fact is that he popped in during 5/10 mn to say hello.
  4. In your alternate universe only. That's not what evidence presented in court is showing.
  5. They assaulted the Capitol in order to block the process of certification and bypass the legitimate electors vote. I call it trying to steal the election. How would you rather call it?
  6. Sorry to spoil your fantasy, but no need for tissues. 😀 Trump winning the primaries Is good news, as Haley was more likely to win the election. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  7. The summer of love is out-of topic. Moreover, they did not assault the Capitol in order to steal elections, so the comparison is irrelevant.
  8. Anyway, what has summer of love to do with the current thread topic?
  9. Facts from testimonies by Trump's aides. Facts you are not able to contradict 😀
  10. I have given facts, not opinions, about Jan. 6, which you did not contradict. If you want to talk about the so-called summer of love, why don't you open a thread about it?
  11. Another lame deflection. 😀 Trumpers are so funny. They cannot defend Trump by contradicting assertions, so it's always but, but... BLM, summer of love, or whatever false equivalence they may think of ( or rather, have been fed with).
  12. Deflecting again. 😀 So what was not true in the quote? What was not true in the Reuters news, too?
  13. Lame deflection. What is not true in the quote? Is Reuters better for you? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-probes-season-finale-focus-trump-supporters-three-hour-rage-2022-07-21/
  14. Sure, don't read comments form Trump haters! You only need to read the rioters' trial accounts and judgements! 🤣
  15. Lol! In your alternate universe.... Trump remained in the WH for hours, watching the assault on TV, and refusing to follow the suggestions from his aides to call protesters to stop the assault! He could have stopped it at ounce, but preferred to enjoy watching it on TV for hours! 😆
  16. And I am happy about it, as she was more likely to win the election than Trump. It will be easier for the Dems! 😀
  17. Making up what I think again? It is starting to be annoying. Where did I write I did not know it doesn't apply to Presidents (lol! It's the thread subject) Also, as I wrote two times already, I am quite happy that Trump is not banned, as Haley would have been more likely to win the election. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  18. I am not advocating for voting Nikki. Quite the opposite, I am happy she can't win the primaries, as she would be more likely to win the election than Trump.
  19. Of course they are posturing, threatening, blah blah in order to pretend there is an equivalence...
  20. Changing argument now... I have no doubt they are eager to make "something" up. 😀 In Colorado, a judge decided he was an insurectionist. Don't they need a court decision in Texas too?
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