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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. As you have noticed in the past... The times I show a complete disregard and a lack of respect for another poster when they make nasty toxic comments... the posters who can maintain their class (or whatever you wish to call it) never receive such comments from me - I save such vitriol for the true ayholes. Thus in the contexts you describe, 'my' agenda has has only one facet - those who can be so nasty and outrageously toxic also have some words coming their way... Perhaps the reason you are so butt hurt by such words is because they are familiar to you after I've called out out for your own contribution to toxicity and nastiness in the past. That said - I note earlier in this thread, you also called out those for their unnecessary and toxic comments - I agree with those comments you wrote.
  2. The original phrase from the King James Bible (1611): Matthew 7:12 (KJV): "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Luke 6:31 (KJV): "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." This is often paraphrased as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The phrase is not solely bound to Christianity.... Judaism: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation.” Islam: “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” Buddhism: "Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." Hinduism: "This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you." Confucianism: "Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself." AseanNow: "Hang-em high, they have it coming
  3. Exactly - as you mentioned (and as I did earlier) thats why its important to know exactly what the Ops recept(s) state... and if he has two separate receipts or not. - and he can check that in numerous ways. He may be chasing his tail... The issue of course the difficulty of trying to assist someone who struggles to assist themselves.
  4. Is this like an EV equivalent of dogging or something ????? Can't say I've ever had conversation with anyone at an EV charging station, or a petrol station for that matter... ..... Whats the converstation starter ???... "Mine seems to be taking the whole load, I'll done in a jiffy what about yours ?"
  5. I'm not so sure about that, based on how dangerously they drive, and their lack of self preservation. Unless they're completely oblivious to their own recklessness. There you have it.. completely oblivious... living in the now, no concept of consequence.
  6. The Road Blocks 'method' to catch people (motorcyclists without helmets etc) is legacy policing, its lazy, extremely lazy.... You could have a driver visibly pished out of his head, but the'll ignore him because they are they to catch motorcyclists without helmets. It would be simple for the BiB to step out of their AC boxes at traffic lights and and confiscate the keys of any motorcyclist without a helmet - get them to push their bikes to the side of the road.... Come back and pick up their keys and bike when they can show they have a helmet and have paid a fine. Thai Policing doesn't need to be as effective as it is in the west (not to start with), it just needs to be 'effective' in some way... for at the moment, when each of us can count more than 100 times someone without a helmet etc... we know the police have seen them too.
  7. Covid-19 seemed to put the kybosh on the anti-plastic rhetoric... Never have I seen so much single use plastic in use in my life... As far as plastic bags are concerned - its nothing more than a virtue-signalling an attack on the consumer.... everything (most things) is still packaged in plastic before it goes in our basket anyway... Now it seem - just stick a recyclable stamp on it and away we go. Plastics are of course an issue, but we desperately still need them in specific areas... Where not essential is easy enough to get rid of them if 'authorities' really cared - its already been shown that the consumer will adapt.
  8. Summary: ALL car sales have been down in the past months, up to approximately 18 months ago. So OilWorkers point that 'EV' Car sales are down is accurate, but he deliberately and conveniently avoids another truth because it contradicts his rhetoric. ICE sales are down more than EV sales - this as a % of the yearly market share, EV sales have increased. I'm really not sure what the underlying agenda is here... its fairly simple - Sales are down, EV sales have been impacted less so than ICE sales - thats about it.
  9. On a 'per capita basis' - (i.e. deaths per 100,000 people) the road fatalities in the USA are higher than Thailand for 4 wheeled vehicle usage (i.e. Motorcycles removed)... But... that does not account for distance travelled. The issue with attempting to compare stats between developing nations and developed nations are these details where full statistics are are collected, yet in Thailand, we get the raw end stat which doesn't really help when attempting such nuanced comparisons.
  10. How have you confirmed that ? ... Do you have two separate e-mail receipts, with different reference numbers a minute apart ? Are you checking on your Agoda App - What does it say there ? ... Two separate bookings ? or one booking which has two rooms booked, same receipt ? *i.e. trying to get to the bottom of whether you actually made two separate bookings a minute apart, or if there was an internet / Agoda glitch. Regardless: IF the place has 6 rooms and all 6 are occupied - the second room in 'your name' did not pass through to the end vendor. Thus: the 'end vendor' the Guest-house / hotel... can be able to tell you IF two rooms were booked in your name or not.
  11. To anyone capable of rising above the pathetic horse comments on a missing person thread.
  12. Does asking such a moronic question on a missing person thread make you feel better ? Asking you....
  13. Probably... You can check in three ways 1) Log into your Agoda Account on your Laptop and look at the booking confirmation. 2) Use your Agoda App on your phone and confirm and look at the booking confirmation. 3) Open your E-mail and look at the booking confirmation e-mail. Any of these will tell you exactly what you booked at the time.
  14. The 'O2' levels where the 'air' is clear enough to see the investment. Having owned LifeTime Elite Membership for over 15 years its already paid for itself... - AOT Transport (approx 16x per year) with fast Track through Airport: 16,000 baht per year - Golf (20 to 50x per year at 2000-4000 Baht per round) - Av approx 120,000 baht per year - Massage: Weekly: *26,000 baht per year - Yearly Medical: 20,000 per year - Rough workings: about 180,000 baht of perks per year... At a cost of 1MB - mine paid for itself quite quickly... *using the argument that you'll only pay 500 baht for a cheap massage, in reality these are high end massage places that usually cost anywhere from 1500 to 2000 baht. For someone who plays Golf 3x per week and likes decent / top courses (4000 baht per round) - consider that to be around 642,400 baht per year... OK, so its unrealistic to play 3x per week every week... so half that: and you're still looking at 300,000 to 400,000 per year on golf alone... For those in that sort of target demographic - the cost of membership is not an extreme proposition at all. When the membership first came out we had all the same comments - the nay sayers etc... Years later - there are Thai Elite Members (Life timers and 20 year members) whose membership has more than paid for itself.
  15. Thats not a bad idea... Although knowing which ones to get into touch with is the tricky part. As is trusting them, though any transaction would still have to go through TPC. But... passing over a Life Time Elite Membership (and life time visa) to a Chinese person is certainly going to rub up some of the "not for me" (I can't afford it) crowd....
  16. Irrelevant to this story, as is your reference to whorse and horses.... Also, has he harmed you. Its just a typical MalcomB post - offering nothing of value to the thread, but doing his utmost to trigger as many people as possible into conflict with his vapid toxicity and nastiness...
  17. I suspect thats one of the possibilities... Stick from total ayholes, some of whom have been vocal on this thread and have had to rein in their vapid toxicity a couple of times (or have it deleted)... He may simply be attempting to hide in anonymity - but still, thats no reason for him not to contact his parents and say he's ok - so some serious mental issues can be suspected too.... Parents must be worried sick... Always a possibility here - but the fact that he'd left home without a phone or 'money' suggest thats not the 'initial reason' for his disappearance.
  18. assuming that he suddenly have money. A person that do not take money with him, usually also leave the card, as it would most likely be in some kind of wallet. Yep... thats why I questioned the initial report.... A lot of the discussion has been muddied by fools such as Malcom who'd rather sling dirt and focus on attempting to trigger people with his inanely stupid comments....
  19. Why would anyone want your blockheaded sympathy? Sure, and death is caused 100% by life. I am sure nobody ever accused you of being compassionate or sympathetic.... But who could be so lucky not to have been born? One in a million perhaps... ps - I may have diabetes but my legs are spectacular - - all of your friends would find me 'HOT' There is undoubtedly a significant truth to this. Around a decade ago, at the age of 75, my father was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He had recently stopped playing golf three times a week; a routine he had maintained for years. Though never particularly fit, he was also never unhealthy, always carrying a slight but stable excess weight. However, after he gave up his regular rounds on the course, complications arose, leading to his diagnosis. An extraordinary man, he did what he has always done, he took it upon himself to understand the challenge before him. He read extensively, researched tirelessly, and adapted with remarkable discipline. He meticulously tracks his carbohydrate intake, measuring it down to the gram. On any given day, he knows precisely how many carbs he has consumed, allowing himself strategic indulgences; a slice of cake, a cup of tea with sugar etc without compromising his overall control. He has not deprived himself of life’s small pleasures; instead, he has mastered the art of balance with a precision worthy of study. And, indeed, such studies exist: processed carbohydrates are at the heart of countless health issues. Remarkably, his doctors have acknowledged that he has all but reversed his diabetes. He monitors his blood sugar multiple times a day, documenting every reading with diligence. His primary concern now is ensuring he eats before bed to prevent his blood sugar from dropping dangerously low overnight. I continue to learn invaluable lessons from this man I'm extremely proud to call my father, who remains active and resilient, driven by his love for his grandchildren and to be around for them as long as possible. They, like I, treasure him immeasurably, a sentiment that will only deepen beyond measure once his time with us comes to an end.
  20. I'm not so sure about that... Every funeral I've been to, loved ones are besides themselves with grief... This idea that 'Buddhism and culture" allows for this idea that this life is not 'important' as they will be reborn is a falsification. - No one wants to die. - No one is ok with their loved ones dying. - Those who lose loves ones are grief stricken. The 'idea' that Thai's live, ride and drive with reckless disregard because there's a next life is a complete barstool myth... In my experience - everyday Thai's take about as much solace of the possibility of an afterlife / next life as most 'supposed Christians' do in the west - there's a mild comfort factor in the possibility, but thats about it...
  21. How many times do think these very same kids, 3 up on a motorcycle, without helmets passed policemen ??? How many times have YOU @Jim Blue sat in your car, or on your bike and watched 3 kids (all very young, looking younger than 15) sat 3 up on a motorcycle, not helmet in site, sat next to a Police Box at the traffic lights ? How many times have YOU @Jim Blue watched 3 kids (or more), all clearly under 15, crammed on a motorcycle, no helmets departing a school past the very policemen directing traffic ? - The reason @Jim Blue I target you in this response is not to start an argument, but to highlight that it is you who argued "Grow up" to someone who pointed the finger at the absense of effective policing... When it is the very absense of "growing up" that is the root-cause of so many meaningless and avoidable deaths of Thailands children (and lots of adults too)..... When a child, without a helmet rides a motorcycle past a Policeman who does nothing - that policeman is complicit in any accident that child has. Imagine, at 14 riding a motorcycle past the police without a helemet in the UK, the US, France, Australia... any country that has measurably better road fatality statistics than Thailand and we know with certainty that that child will be stopped very quickly, their bike will be confiscated, their parents fined..... Sorry to come down hard on you with this Jim Blue - but the utter apathy of policing here that is at the very birth of such issues and complicit in so any deaths through sheer lazy negligence.
  22. 100% agree... And how many times did these 3x 14 year old boys ride past policemen, 3 up on a motorcycle, all without helmets... And.... how many times did all 3 sets of parents see them doing this ??? BUT... then there is the point - would another two years have made any difference, would they be doing the same thing at 16 years old ???.... (riding in that manner I mean), if they were riding legally, two on the bike, both with helmets, would they still pull off such manoeuvres as cutting across and oncoming car at speed and colliding head on ? Given Thailands stats and the all too common stories we read on here (which are the tip of the iceberg) the answer is a very firm 'yes'... even when legal, licensed, with a helmet the manoeuvres undertaken often completely defy self-preservation. So sad that a family have lost their son, that friends have lost a close mate, and that they themselves may never recover to full health.... and why ??? I see two reasons (but no doubt we'll get a thesis from a favourite road safety pedant). - A complete absense of road / traffic policing - A complete absense of road safety training
  23. Does it make a difference? No. Yes - from the perspective of widening the search to areas outside of Thailand - checking exit records etc
  24. Good post Its not though is it... The lad has disappeared for 3 weeks...
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