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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. England a first world country. Someones having a laugh aren't they? A change in weather (which was forecast, so was no major surprise), and the country comes to a standstill. What a joke for the country that started the industrial revolution and accomplished so many other great achievements in days gone by.


    When was the last time snow shut down the transport systems in the UK ?

    It last snowed in London in 2002 (I think) and that had mostly melted by morning.

    I have no facts regarding the spread of budget, or the costs involved with ‘snowproofing’ the transport networks in the UK. However due to the rarity of such extreme weather I wouldn’t imagine the politicians would want to assign a significant amount of their budget over for something that happens so rarely.

    A weather event such as this is big news when it happens in the UK because of its rarity. When Switzerland has extreme weather its not big news, they are well prepared because extreme winter weather there is a certainty.

    Gritting the roads and pavements, the odd snowplow clearing the major arteries seems about all that can be managed and I for one believe it unreasonable to expect any more.

    Enjoy the Weather in the UK, find a hill and have some fun…

    Alternatively... write a letter to your local MP and complain that not enough of the budget is allocated to those extreme weather events that arrive every few years.......

  2. Are there any Thai Elite Members out there out are regretting their purchase?

    I’ve read a lot of clever posts from clever people who were clever enough not to purchase Thai Elite Membership because they are clever.

    C’mon… we all know the risks. Don’t insult me for buying the card and equally so don’t hate me for getting a privilege that I paid for but don’t deserve.

    Don’t be judgmental because I made my choices. Don’t tear my decisions apart with your opinion without knowing me.

    I could write cutting responses to many of the posts in this thread. However, points will be missed, and I'm sure egos will not fall. We each read what we wish into any of the posts.

    I would like to say this… opinions are great, but so many people lack the intelligence to enjoy the concept of someone else’s…

    I suspect that if the word ‘Elite’ was missing from the name of this card then the current ‘up the Bourgeois’, I’m cool ‘cos I eat 20 baht noodles all da time an’ save a packet critics ….(SORRRY, I apologise… that was a cheap shot at those who inadequately post…hmmm).. wouldn’t have such a negative opinion….

    Respect to all...

  3. As Promised earlier (Page 4/5)... The TE Announcement..

    Make of it what you will...

    Message from the President

    29"' January, 2009

    Dear Our Valued Members,

    Greetings from the Thailand Elite Card,

    Amidst the news that appeared on the media today, the Cabinet has now reviewed and

    audited the Thailand Elite Program. Please find the information below concerning the

    agreement as follows.

    The Cabinet has now concluded its decision regarding the multiple-entry visa issue. It

    has now been confirmed that the Cabinet has authorized TPC to grant our members

    multiple-entry visas every 5 years upon the duration of the membership status. Please

    find the attached announcement of the agreement on this matter.

    As for the concerns regarding the cancellation of the program, we would like to

    inform our members that the Cabinet has requested TPC to propose a strategic

    business plan. Hence we are currently formulating it in order to show the Cabinet how

    the management intends to sustain the organization and how we would compensate

    our members if the given circumstance prevails.

    Hence, on behalf of the TPC, we will try our hardest to ensure that the outcome will

    be most suitable for our members. Please note that we perceive our members in the

    utmost regards and providing the most convenient and suitable solutions to our

    members is the priority. If any changes occur, we will immediately inform you.

    Nonetheless, we are confident that the cabinet will share the same view that the

    Thailand Elite members are valuable assets to the Kingdom of Thailand.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Director and President (Acting)

  4. .

    As for other schemes; it was suggested that 100 MB for a 5 year visa.... As I understand it, its illegal to sell visa rights to foreigners which is why the card in the first place was sold with benefits such as free golf, massage, airport transfers etc and the visa was an additional perk.

    I'm still using the Elite card to play golf later today, I'll post the official statement from Thai Elite when I have it.

    I hope Elite members dont jump immediately into this one :o

    That was a mistake in my post - apologies for the error...

    I was referring to a suggestion made by another member whereby an alternative of 100,000 B for a 5 year visa was suggested as a viable alternative to the Elite card.

  5. One should not be mean spirited, but there is something fundamentally sad and inviting of bad karma to try to buy prestige, the root of it might have been in Thaksin himself.


    I would have thought the majority of people purchasing this card did so for reasons of convenience, not prestige (?!!) I find it very sad that people wish ill on others, simply because they are financially more successful. This invites its own karma.

    I've been sitting back on this one as I am one of those who purchased the card.

    I ignored the previous thread on this subject because I was well aware that with each change in government the program was re-evaluated with regards to visa status.

    I am of the impression that this worry is more real. I have spoke with Thai Elite head office and I am told that an official statement will be released this afternoon, and that I shall receive an e-mail. I have no idea what this statement will consist of or what my remaining status with Thai Elite will be.

    For me, the card was a huge convenience, I am not married, well below retirement age and wouldn't have missed 1MB - Nevertheless I don't like loosing out on any risks that I take. However, where other investments have paid off this one might not. Without some risk little is gained. I considered the Thai Elite card an investment in the manner that in addition to significant convenience after 7-8 years the card will have paid for itself.

    Now that its looking as though this risk will not pay off. Do I feel as though I have made a mistake? My answer to that is.. 'you win some you loose some'...

    If the card is indeed cancelled I am left wondering what other options are available. There are some Thai Elite members who are also influential members of the international business community (who I know were not given the card) I am watching this space to see if any what level of compensation, reimbursement or alternative is offered.

    As for other schemes; it was suggested as an example (by another poster) that 100,000 B for a 5 year visa could be an option.... As I understand it, its illegal to sell visa rights to foreigners which is why the card in the first place was sold with benefits such as free golf, massage, airport transfers etc and the visa was an additional perk.

    I'm still using the Elite card to play golf later today, I'll post the official statement from Thai Elite when I have it.

    (Edited - for a mistake in my post - corrected 100 MB to 100,000 :o

  6. I don't use it that often -

    By the time I've waited outside my apt to get a taxi, then arrived at the station, walked up the stairs, waited at the platform, travelled in a crowded BTS carriage for which the air-con has not adapted and is not cool enough, then walked to my destination... I'm too hot, sticky and uncomfortable... depending on my location often sitting in a taxi or car even if it takes 15-20 mins longer (generally) is my preferred option.

    The BTS is great late Nov to late Jan - But I think now its becoming a little uncomfortable to use unless going from Emporium to Paragon (which has direct access).

    Personally in the day time I'd rather get in my own car and have my air-con on subzero, however the skytrain can prove invaluable on Friday evenings when in a rush and I don't want to take my car cos I'll be drinking... However, I mostly take a cab because the skytrain doesn't suit my destinations....

    I voted for the chargers... that level of ignorance is annoying anywhere....

  7. Thanks for all your replies...

    I've been reading a little about Muju resort (about 3 hrs from the main Incheon airport). Has anyone been there ?

    One of the reasons I'm interested in skiing in Korea is that I'd like to see some of Korea as an additional part of the trip.

  8. I'm hoping to hear back from anyone who has any experience of skiing in Korea.

    I'd be traveling from Thailand and wish to go somewhere as close as possible for a quick +/- 5 day trip.

    I've recently come back from the Alps and don't expect Korea to be up to that standard, however I've read that Muju resort is a decent enough alternative.

    I've read through the web sites etc and have some base information and now I'd be grateful to hear from anyone with their own experiences, travel, costs, accommodation etc



    Thanks, that website was not of much use however.

    "I've read through the web sites etc and have some base information and now I'd be grateful to hear from anyone with their own experiences"...

    (Shameless bump)

  9. I'm hoping to hear back from anyone who has any experience of skiing in Korea.

    I'd be traveling from Thailand and wish to go somewhere as close as possible for a quick +/- 5 day trip.

    I've recently come back from the Alps and don't expect Korea to be up to that standard, however I've read that Muju resort is a decent enough alternative.

    I've read through the web sites etc and have some base information and now I'd be grateful to hear from anyone with their own experiences, travel, costs, accommodation etc


  10. Is this correct ?

    In the recent past I obtained a 6 month multiple entry tourist visa. I once requested a longer visa and was told that none was available and that the 6 months option was my only option. (This was from the UK).

    I’m not sure that being ‘not married to a Thai’ or under 'retirement age' whether or not the Op can obtain a type O visa.

    Someone will know for sure – But to the Op, my belief is that the best way is to be honest and contact your local Thai Consulate. As they will be the ones issuing your visa you will get the information you need without speculation.

  11. One of my relations, some stoned English Expat (Roy), long time local resident and resort owner in Phuket tried to explain this to me earlier, confusing me and everyone around, even managing to somehow include the words "Titty-Bar" and "Kapowww!" when asked the below;

    Considering the time frame to get the last boat out of Phuket to Phi-Phi from the Airport, where and how would you go about hiring at last minute a private speed boat when stuck at the pier to Phi Phi for that 1 way trip.

    I know the cost is pretty above average, but is worth it when grouped with 12 other people in the same predicament.

    Suggestions please?

    A few years ago my sister along with her friends visited Thailand. Against my recommendations they thought they could catch a late afternoon flight to Phuket (from Bangkok) and arrive at ‘a pier’ and catch a ferry across to Phi Phi.

    As it was dusk I suggested that we stay overnight in Phuket town and take a ferry the following morning.

    They were insistent on arriving on Phi Phi the same day, I relented.

    After speaking to our airport van driver we were taken to a travel agent who could arrange speedboats.

    We paid 10,000 Baht (between 6 of us) for a one way crossing in the dark. It’s something I won’t do again and I really don’t recommend it. With the benefit hindsight I’d stay overnight than run the risk of running a good holiday.

    We hit a log or something similar, the speed boat pilot put on a snorkeling mask and with a diving torch jumped in to examine damage, luckily neither the prop nor the hull were damaged, but the situation was enough to give us a scare. My sister and one of her friends arrived on Koh Phi Phi in tears. I was furious with myself for not insisting on common sense.

    It’s my understanding that you can just ask for what you want and if you are prepared to pay then you can get what you want. However from personal experience I really don’t recommend speed boat passage in the dark. Stay over night and travel in day light. At least then if something were to happen you can see.

  12. There is no ICU in Thailand government hospitals. That's a lie

    Who say's your babies would be dead ? Prove it ?

    Me,I have one daughter, born via IVF age one year, and twins to be born (via IVF the same) in April. Born Government hospital Thailand both times. God willing.

    The best hospital in your case are in Pheonix. Why is that ?

    If your not concerned about the decor of the hospital, why remark on it ?

    What is your particular case ?

    Other than the fact that you're an American, one step higher than a piece of slime, you're no different to anyone else, even though you think you are. Just stick to killing innocent civilians and coalision troops, with airstrikes. It's what America is good at.

    Have a nice day.

    Any valid argument that you may have had or thought you had has been ruined by being silly enough to make personal slurs.

    In the future I will have children and have been reading this thread out of interested in people’s experience. Personal attacks such as this help no one and only succeed in persuading people such as myself that you are not intelligent enough to make a sensible decision.

    For the benefit of others please maintain your composure and keep insults away from these informative threads.

    (And for the record, I'm not American)

  13. Check the dates...

    Sometimes on high end tires the stock is old and they have been stored poorly.

    I had a Friend who went through his tires in months, when he went back to the same tyre shop for replacements he noticed that the import date on the tyres was something in the region of 7-8 years...

  14. My Girlfriend and yy Thai friends have similar views to mine.

    We recognize the view point of both sides and conclude that neither side is completely correct. We recognize that with such a wide economic and social dynamic that this is not a black and white situation. We recognize that democracy is mob rule whereby 51% can rule the other 49% and that democracy is the worst form of government other than all forms previously attempted (Quite: Churchill, Roosevelt).

    We recognize that to realize improvement, something has to be done, but there no correct answer while democracy is on its knees.

    We, agree, we disagree, we discuss and we respect each others opinions. We socialize, drink, get drunk and we discuss more openly, and we continue the cycle of this popular political discussion. I’ve been corrected and I’ve made corrections. I’ve been made to think greatly about the currently situation, we have stimulated each others thoughts….

    We don’t let it affect our relationships or friendships… We each understand that in this there are no absolutes and no easy answers. But we all look for the answer regardless, we want to see improvement.

  15. Why isn’t your add for ‘anyone who can help and be a friend’ rather than specifically a Thai woman ? Anything more to this than just wanting some assistance with cultural and language barriers ?

    Sorry to be negative – but it seems to be that you are looking for a little more than your apparent candour lets on.

  16. I quite agree, this is not specific to Thailand and I’m happy that no one has jumped on the ‘if you don’t like it get out’ bandwagon…

    I experience this sort of behavioral attitude at work (global) however as its work there is a greater opportunity for recourse or correction.

    With this situation I was quite helpless, which is why I felt a greater source of annoyance and frustration. I had to swallow my frustration, point out that I was disappointed, say thank you, leave, head off to the next branch and get what I wanted done.

    It was 900,000 B

  17. Incompetence and Indecision through fear….

    I’ve had my fill recently of what I term ‘Incompetence and Indecision through fear of making a mistake’… Whereby someone in a decision making process decides ‘No’ / ‘Cannot’ because for them any negative implications of making the wrong decision are reduced by either doing nothing, being unhelpful, passing you along or rejecting something….

    I’ve written my letter of complaint and expect nothing to change… this is just a vent which I don’t often do on TV.

    I couldn’t withdraw a large sum of money from one SCB branch today (with my bank book and passport), I had no problems and an alternative branch but I was inconvenienced by having to travel to a different branch and get wet in the process in terrible weather.

    It was clear that the branch manager at the first branch ‘froze between the headlights’ and the safest decision for him was to say no…

    I know its being safe, but how safe can the more meak personalities of commerce and business become before such an inconveniences is created its just easier to use the alternatives ?

    Rant over.. apologies for boring you….

    Any More similar stories of Incompetence and Indecision through fear….??

  18. Well, he got his point across, albeit in an unsavoury way. However, how many threads are there on this forum alone complaining about persistent unnecessary noise.

    Can they put this information on a notice board ? can they make up fliers and let the village folk read it themselves ?

    It seems that disturbing the whole neighbour hood at sometimes unfavourable times of day is preferred (I enjoy a lie in !) and I really cannot understand why, surely this irritates more people than it informs ?

    Given a choice – OR vote... Would villagers rather a flyer or this loud speaker system?

    I’d be very tempted to do the same thing and rip out the wires... Though out of cowardice I’d probably have made it a black ops covert operation in the small hours the morning and under the cover of darkness, dress up as one of the other foreigners in the village and snip the wiring...

    The complaint about not making the announcements in English does show the subjects stupidity however....

    I don’t believe discussion about culture in relation to this matter is relevant. The birth of electricity and sound amplification came much later than the onset or development of any Thai culture.

    To me all this noise appears as a of general lack of education and consideration for others tied in with the general lack of personal incentive for many people to complain about it. After all “why complain, if nothing can be done about it” which seems to be the general attitude to many seemingly insignificant issues such as this.

    This seems to happen in the less well funded areas. It certainly doesn’t occur in the upscale Moobans.. I wonder why that is ?

    As for the Church bells, Mosque excuse – This is not a religious issue.... If, for example, in my home country an Asian went nuts at the ‘ice-cream van man’ for waking him up while he’s sleeping off his night shift and told him to steer clear in the day time in future, I’d understand.

  19. From a male perspective I second Girlx’s comments.

    I’ve many genuine female friends back home, mostly from School and Uni days, but no so in Thailand.

    I’d suggest that there are not enough cultural and social consistencies between Thai ladies and western men to mentally stimulate each other in the long term.

    I’m guessing that generalisations also interfere with the development of plutonic relationships, particularly due to certain negative aspects of each group. With this in mind I think it’s equally difficult for western men and women in Thailand to make acquaintance and build up a lasting relationship.

    I also observe that the cultural differences exist in the manner that in the west it’s quite common to have friends of the opposite gender, whereas in Thailand it’s not as common; with exception of the ever popular ‘GBF’ (gay best friend). It seems that there is a jealousy factor that would appear to get in the way. And in a culture where there is a word for ‘special friend’; Gik, I can understand why.

    It’s simply not easy to make a good friend of the opposite gender. Either the guy wants something, the girl wants something, the partner doesn’t like it. And if those barriers can be surpassed then one has to find a friend of suitable stimulus where there is no attraction on both sides...

    It seems the odds are stacked against this one, add that to the general reputation opposing genders have of each other in a location such as Thailand and its hardly surprising that genuine plutonic relationships between opposing genders are not more common.

    And then there is common ground... what to do....

    Golf ? Sit in the pub and solve the worlds problems ? Go on holiday with girlfriend and take the ‘female friend along’ ? it all seems a bit too unlikely that anything more than a distant friendship can exist.

  20. IMHO – Age is important.

    The reason being – If the girl is much younger then there is a far higher probability that the girl in question is being less than honest with regards to her true intentions towards and older man (this in any country, not just Thailand, although given the demographics its likely to be more common in Thailand).

    If the Op and his lady are of a similar age it would take this suspicion out of the equation and permit people to assist him with their thoughts and advice down other avenues.

    If however there is a significant age gap, then it’s far easier to draw negative conclusions...

    Occam’s Razor - “one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything” – Translated as the simplest answer is often the best.

    Op you have been defensive about the age gap – its clear people have been jumping to the same conclusion that there is rather a large age gap and we cannot ignore this unless you suggest otherwise.

    Therefore, based on the limited information you have provided, the forum is drawing a that the lady in question is being less than honest while she is away.... The simplest answer is often the best until you give the forum what the forum (not you) believes is necessary information to provide a better informed response when replying to your request for help and opinions.

  21. Can’t believe that this thread has't been crashed by the ‘holier than thou’ crowd yet....

    A couple of years ago: 232 kph – in an Alfa – Bang-Na Elevated expressway while very quiet – Passed 5 police men testing their speed camera, got quite a stunned look from four of them while the fifth tried to swing the camera round as I drove past. I assume the speed camera was in its testing phase as I never got caught.

    More recently: 210 kph +/- in Range Rover - Bang-Na Elevated expressway again while very quiet, no police this time, fuel gauge falling rather rapidly.

  22. The price of a vehicle is usually easy enough to find...but frankly I think the agression and insults Ive got from this post means that I won't get an answer. Way to late now.

    I CAN get one by chatting away to dealers, my thai is not that good but it will suffice...i simply hoped that there was someone on this site who knew what they were talking about, rather than tell me what kind of car I SHOULD buy....as if the have the first idea what their talking about.

    Thanks but no thanks....now how do I unsubscribe?

    What an unlikeable twit….

    I own an imported 4x4 and know very well how much the tax is and many of the other running costs. I also looked deeply into various Landcruiser models and chose a European model in the end.

    However, I see no reason why I should be charitable when you have been so consistently arrogant and impolite to many of the members who have tried to help you.

    In future I suggest that when asking for advice, help or assistance with any matter you loose what ever chip it is that weighs down your personality and be thankful that other people are willing to assist in any way they can.

    Better still - Unsubscribe !

  23. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been turning left (with indicators), only to have to Jam on my breaks when checking the mirrors and left hand blind spots. I think I have saved a good number of motorcyclists from pain and injury by being lucky enough to have seen them, but one day one will hit me for sure – its just a matter of time.

    In general I have found motorcyclists in Thailand to have no concept of consequence and no regard for their own safety.

    I’ve been very lucky so far by not hitting a bike. I’m sure its coming and based on past experience (8 years driving in Bangkok and Thailand) it won’t be my fault.

    Knowing that they don’t have insurance I wouldn’t worry if they stop or not, its part and parcel of driving in Thailand and I’d have to cover any damages myself or have my insurance pay for it.

    However, I’d refuse to pay for any damages to the motorbike, and I’d like to think of myself as someone who would stop, definitely so if they were hurt….

    I’d like to say….“serves yourself right, you should look where you are going !”

    With Police involvement, some people have mentioned that the Westerner / foreigner is always wrong. I haven’t found this to be true. They do take advantage of weakness, however, by sticking to your guns and remaining polite I’ve experienced having been dealt with favorably (when in a car-car accident).

    I know Thai’s who have been hit by motorcyclists and there is always an attempt by the motorcyclist to get money from the car driver. Foreigners are not solely outlined for this attempt – But, as it’s not our country, as some of us don’t fully understand our rights or fear for our safety or the consequences given such situations they may feel the pressure a little more that the Thai’s in a similar position and cave in.

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