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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. I recently popped down from Bangkok and visited the Marina in Pattaya. I was surprised to find there too was dead with no one around.

    While talking with my girlfriend today…(it’s Marriage first, then boat) she suggested the chartering option. Previously I’d had a fruitless search on the internet, but the discussion with her and this thread re-opened the charter idea.

    Otherwise... I still risk being made a gelding and looking at buying a boat before I buy her (sin-sod joke)…

    Other thoughts include purchasing a boat in syndicate, this takes a lot of trust, good insurance but worth while if it works.....

  2. Look at the bright side.

    Less perks is better than no perks at all.

    Quite true - I've paid for 1 round of golf in 2 years (and used approximately B250,000 worth of privileges (Golf, Massage and Airport transfers).

    I do hope the program continues. 1MB is excellent value in my opinion. IF IT LASTS !

    Once the audit is complete we will have a far clearer picture of what to expect.

    I've paid for zero rounds of golf in the past 2 years - or the past 20 years for that matter.

    I climb cliffs. It's free and will remain free, regardless of what sort of schemes ex-PM Thaksin thinks up to enrich himself and his buddies.

    I fail to see how this is relevant to this thread.

    Climbing is Great fun, I’m jealous if you live in the Krabi area by the way, I love sailing and windsurfing too… But, Where can I do any of this within 30mins of central Bangkok ?

    I wakeboard a lot and there is a place within 30 mins from central Bangkok. I wish they had that on Thai Elite also, but unfortunately I have to pay each time. So, if you like golf, TE is still good, no?… Otherwise for free it’s a jog around Lumpini Park and I'm scared of the 'Hia' !!!

  3. I have a similar feeling but I’m male and my Girlfriend is Thai. My girlfriend and I will marry soon. I’m sure her parents would have much preferred she is with a wonderful Thai man who understands the cultural idiosyncrasies, who can communicate clearly and whom is of an easily identifiable status to all observing.

    But… don’t think too much…..

    It’s the best piece of advice I have read so far. I want my girlfriends parents to think I’m wonderful, funny, respectful, polite and someone they want to invite around. But that level of family closeness only seems to occur in the west.

    In Thailand there is still the ‘Alpha Male of the family’ and MIL - DIL (Daughter in Law) issue and all the posturing that comes with that.

    I think…. People see what they want to see. If they don’t want to like you, they will find a way not to like you. If they want to like you, it will be easy for them to put you on a pedestal.

    IF they didn’t like you, I’m sure you would have observed some pretty strong identifiers by now, especially after 5 years.

    Don’t sweat it, don’t think too much, hold your head high and enjoy yourself.

  4. Look at the bright side.

    Less perks is better than no perks at all.

    Quite true - I've paid for 1 round of golf in 2 years (and used approximately B250,000 worth of privileges (Golf, Massage and Airport transfers).

    I do hope the program continues. 1MB is excellent value in my opinion. IF IT LASTS !

    Once the audit is complete we will have a far clearer picture of what to expect.

  5. Thanks for the PM's, and various correspondence's that I've received. Have got a couple of good leads, and now down to inspection/negotiation I think. What I also now realise is the cost of keeping a boat in a marina. Typically, a berth will have a minimum cost of circa 11,000 baht/month (for something 8 metres or less), and that's before you use any fresh water or electric! I can rent a pleasant bungalow for less money, let alone a few metres of water and a floating walkway! This is a good learning experience of course, and I'm homing in on what is both practical and reasonably priced. Subject not closed however, and I still welcome comments and suggestions.

    I've looked for Power-cruiser rentals in thailand and can't find anything reasonable...

    Does anyone know where something like a 30' Cruiser could be rented and what prices ?

    My thinking is that if I'm only going to use a boat 6 times per year then 30,000 B for a couple of days is not a lot more than the 10,000 B per month birthing, plus cost of boat, plus depreciation etc... I know some Yachts are +/- Euro 300 per night (+/-14000 :) which I think is quite reasonable given the extra costs of owning. I'm left wondering about the hire of power cruiser if available at all......

  6. Come on, some of you believe that just because you are not Thai that when in Thailand any incident you are involved with is automatically your fault?.

    I’m sure some idiots may have made that accusation, and that some westerners may have sat back and fallen for it. BUT, the same idiots who are at fault would have blamed whoever the other party was for whatever reason they can think of at the time.

    It’s a given here than no one accepts responsibility for anything, it’s a given that the responsibility is the next persons fault. So as a westerner, if in an accident, it’s a given that the majority of the time someone will try and blame you.

    The police will just go with the easiest decision. It matters little to them who is to blame so long as the situation is dealt with easily and quickly.

    So, if some one is in an accident and accepts responsibility when they are certain it’s not their fault - it was their weakness, paranoia or whatever people wish to call it that is to blame (that and the system).

  7. "TPC has also learned many cardholders are now living in Thailand, which is against the membership criteria and pushes up the operating costs."

    What a bunch of BS. They specifically marketed to card to foreigners living in Thailand. They should be sued by the members.


    I am surprised it took 7 pages for someone to point out the only reasonable course of action: Mass Litigation and Media Publicity.

    Certainly the Elite group members can manage to pool their resources together for a lawsuit.

    But I wouldnt be surprised if the members just sighed, diverted their eyes to the ground and snuck out like scared dogs with their tails between their legs. Just like when their 'wives' rip them of for millions of baht in sin sod or for a house etc.

    What is it that attract spineless idiots to Thailand? Grow some balls and stop taking abuse from everyone!

    Yes its harsh, but hopefully you will realise that no one respects a pushover and you have to fight once in a while.

    As always – with the Thai Elite Card there are more people out of the know prepared to knock it than there are members who care enough to respond to the speculative and narrow minded barstool comments.

    Class action Law Suit – Not yet.

    The Company is under Audit hence the accounts have been frozen. Some of the vendors (golf courses and spa’s) have refused to provide services while payment is not immediate, some continue the service regardless.

    The 7 Series BMW service has been dropped and replaced with a Camry – I received a letter explaining that this was due to reducing costs. Understandable, and apart from the principle I don’t care, I care about the golf and visa (I don’t work here, I am decades away from retirement age, not yet married, I travel too frequently to really require the visa, but some months I stay here longer than a month, the visa is good convenience to have).

    Beyond speculation that the program is failing, there is not much meat to this thread so far. To some, Central Dept store is about to collapse and to others the TAT is deliberately targeting and ripping off westerners… mostly speculation and ill-informed bumf.

    So, apart from the Camry’s and the non-participation of some of the vendors as a result of the Audit process nothing else has been confirmed. The only question that remains is ‘why are they under audit?’ this alone has created a founded uncertainty which as of yet no one has asked… Why? And its because none of the Thai Visa experts knew about the Audit, did they?

    If the time comes a Class Action Law suit will be filed with whomever wishes be included. However in the event of collapse I still believe it more likely that some form of compensation will be offered so that we receive our outlay minus any services we have used. Besides, some TE members are resourceful enough to sue a government. Not me though, I am merely humble enough to mix with the TV cyber folk who are daft enough to bring into the mêlée his opinions on sin-sod (sorry, cheap shot, couldn’t resist).

    One Final Point in response to the Original Article on the first page if this Thread: Part of the promotional package of the Thai Elite card was that at one time per year a Thai Elite member would assist us to expedite any bureaucratic processes such as work permit applications.

    The Thai Elite Card was clearly advertised to non-Thai nationals living and working here as much as it was frequent visitors. Any statement otherwise is false.

  8. Troll post. Not rocket science is it.

    Neither would be responding with intelligence.. A 5 year old can accuse someone of being a Troll simply because some topic doesn't fit in their 'box'....

    With so many Police officers in Thailand its more likely than not that at some point a westerner dates an ex of a Policeman.

    Jealous men anywhere can be capable of anything, as can a jealous woman. I can't see how being a Police makes such a difference.

    There are too many paranoid people on this forum.

    IF you have first hand experience of something and the response is gloomy then fair enough. But come on, so many of the replies are from experts who have no first hand experience of anything like this and are pretty much suggesting the 'Hollywood' response that the Op is due for a huge fall if he doesn't tuck his tail between his legs, give up on his girl and run....

    My tuppence worth to the Op. A lot of this is down to how your Girlfriend deals with her Ex. Don't get into an angry confrontation yourself. If you are sure of your position, stand firm and support her.

  9. There was a dealership in Lad Prao, I think its still there.... A quick google search should bring them up with contact numbers etc...

    It's on the same side of the rd as central lad Prao when driving towards Major Ratchiyothin (about 150m before the Ratchadapisek junction).

  10. Refreshing thread and thanks to the ladies for their input so far.

    My girlfriend and I are talking about marriage….

    For a chuckle… When it gets to the ‘discussion phase’ I would like to ask – IF her brother was to marry my sister how much sin-sot would be offered…

    (Not sure if I’ve made a web-forum faux-pas by posting a response when the question was directed specifically at the ladies. If so, apologies).

  11. Have you looked at Bayliner ?

    No sails, speed boats and cruisers only, their website is easily enough located with a google search and I believe that there are some importers in Phuket (i.e. Lee Marine).

  12. I don't think he means that everyone has to agree. But we can respectfully disagree and offer articulate and intelligent responses.

    It is often frustrating to read an interesting thread and observe it degrade into a dick fight between people who can offer no valuable response other than to prove that their ego is larger than their intelligence.

  13. About a year ago I was in a taxi and stopped by 2 Police officers at approximately 2am coming from Ekammai to Thonglor.

    I was asked where I was going, their tone was stern and assertive. My tone in response was a neither polite nor rude “Thonglor”.

    They asked me for a passport, I said “Mai Mee”

    They asked for ID, I said “Mai Mee” (I was carrying ID but I didn’t want to hand it over and permit the situation to develop in a back street).

    I didn't get out of the taxi (they didn't ask), I opened the window about 2 inches.

    The next step would have been for me to call one of my friends, but they just waved me on.

    I told my friend (A Thai Police officer) about this and asked his advice about what to do. I was in a dark back soi and was not about to get out of the Taxi and face a search and risk something being planted on me (I’ve never heard of this happening, however its not an irrational concern given the time and location).

    My friend advised me that in this situation, if they insisted on a search it would be best to tell them that you are happy to go to the nearest police station and they can perform a search there if they wish.

    Once again, I have never heard of anything being planted. But being searched in such a situation given the common paranoia is quite worrying… What if something is planted, how realistic is this worry? Is there anyone with any first hand experience of something more worrying than being intimidated into handing over a little tea money?

  14. Is this a race issue? It’s not the dating that’s an issue. It’s being accepted by the parents.

    I can only imagine it being similar to the difficulties non-whites might have faced when dating someone’s daughter 50 years ago.

    As a white western man I understand this, not from reason, but from history. Some people don’t think the way I do, they have different opinions and fears and see society differently.

    I don’t want to date a white skinned Swedish woman…. or do I? Or should I be looking for a steaming hot Caribbean woman? or should I care… actually I don’t so long as I am attracted to them for whatever right reasons there may be.

    I wouldn’t be able to identify exactly what it is, but whatever I have found in past and present it’s nothing I searched for but something I’ve observed after finding it, and like any other relationship that anyone else has it takes a path towards success or failure. That’s down to two people and no one else.

    I am dating someone I wouldn’t have met had we not been in a similar environment and similarly suitable.

    That said, I can see how fickle some people can be, but I believe that’s out of self preservation (of image more than anything else). The woman I have dated I have so not out of any specific choice but because that is whom I’ve met.

    But also the way I see people treat each other I think I have become guilty of being subconsciously manipulated by a social system in Thailand which benefits certain people. Naturally and subconsciously I have accepted this.

    The result of all this is that as a westerner and given much of the stigma attached to mixed relationships, I find that as a couple the only life I could enjoy here is one were I have found in any situation I am treated equally and respectfully.

    I have found that when dating a lady who is universally respected life is much easier. I’m dating and will marry in the foreseeable future a Thai Chinese girl…

  15. "Last Saturday night I was at a chic party rubbing shoulders with the upper echelon of Bangkok expat society. No need to put on that face - there is an upper echelon, you know, and but for a brief moment I was in it."

    OMG. He can just turned 90% of the farang community against him with less than 20 words.

    Those less than 20 words alone sound rather silly.

    And I couldn’t educate anyone as to what is wrong about that sentence which is why I am not an English teacher.


    Mr Andrew Biggs has become somewhat of an icon amongst Thai’s and many Westerners helping bridge a linguistic gap. For that alone no one should be critical, he is a face for whom English speaking foreigners in Thailand should thank, particularly in light of the socially damaging image many Westerners attract.

    I for one, and from what I gather many TV posters do not like seeing our image being tarnished.

    Thank you Andrew Biggs for ‘Upping the bar’.

  16. Girlfriend and I - B70,000 (each) business class with Etihad, if we fly before 30-June - this is the best price I have observed since B76,000 with Emirates 4 years ago...

    I consider the Etihad pricing at the moment to be the most competitive in the industry for the routes I fly and they are one of the few with a 180 deg flat bed.

    That said, I too have noticed the pricing switch, perhaps not due to elasticity of demand unless this demand has also switched.

    Up until the end of last year it was cheaper to fly with Thailand as the origin, now this has switched so that in many cases its cheaper with UK as the origin. Could this be due the Thai Baht maintaining its value ? The Thai economic model being highly questionable ? The UK economic models of each airline being highly competitive ?

  17. As one of the posters on this forum has already mentioned – Its not the quality of flight attendants that has deteriorated but the quality of the passenger.

    It’s the drunks, chavs, hookers who believe they are now a cut above because they have their hansum man, families with unruly children, people who cant sit still for more than 30 mins, those who demand ‘superior’ service and those who fail to understand the concept of basic manners… just a few of the things that irritate me as a fellow passenger….

    I refuse to fly in economy because my fellow passengers make it so much more of a hassle.

    Its not difficult to be a considerate and a responsible passenger: pleases’, thank-you’s, be quiet, be respectable to others around you, control your kids, don’t have unreasonable expectations… If you want first class treatment pay the fare.

    As a conclusion I would offer that it’s the expectations that passengers put on their own behavior that has changed.

    This said there are some cabin attendants who should not be working in a service based industry, but every passenger has a right to fly (within reason)....

  18. I used this service about a year ago. I had an existing one2call (pre-paid) number that I wanted to 'phase out' and start using a newer AIS contract number which was to be direct-debited from my account. I used the combined sim service for about 6 months (at no extra cost).

    Receiving calls was simple enough. I could choose which the main number was to be and calls coming into No.1 were shown normally. Calls coming into No.2 were shown with a prefix (i.e. 880 or something similar before the number).

    To make outgoing calls from No.1 the normal calling process was used. To make outgoing calls from No.2 either the same prefix was to be used or I could re-select the No.2 to be used as the primary number.

    Not too confusing and I can't remember if I could turn one number off while keeping the main number on. Some people may require this function for their 'naughty' number - In this case two phones really would be safer...

  19. For Thai's its the Law for them to carry a Thai ID card. A Thai driving license is not sufficient.

    It is required by Law that aliens carry their passport at all times. A Thai driving license is not sufficient.

    IF you want to ensure that you are following the Law to its fullest extent, you must carry your passport. However, most people, Police included recognize the potential issues and inconvenience involved with this and the potential loss of a passport.

    For me, as photo ID a drivers license from my home country has always been fine, for many a Thai drivers license is fine, and for many others, a photocopy of their passport is fine.

    Personally even though I don't do it, a photocopy of your passport is probably the best option. Also including your visa page...

    With all thats being discussed the biggest impact anything will have when dealing with an situation that requires you to provide ID is your attitude...

  20. I gather you are up in Isaan as you posted this in that forum...

    I imagine there are car tents there, you wont get a good price, but you will get a quick sale.

    There maybe some local magazine in which to advertise cars. Go to the local news agents or anywhere else that sells magazines etc and you might be able to find some local magazines in which to advertise, also, is there any local paper ?

    Spreading your target audience to beyond westerners will increase it by an estimated 99% and thus increase your opportunity for a sale.

    Why would you prefer to sell it to a westerner?, I cant understand that part, if its sold its sold.

  21. Yes. Many of my friends and I are in very happy and stable relationships with Thai ladies. We mix and integrate with Thai's and have a large overlap of friends.

    I would like to point out as I believe that its a necessary part of any successful relationship over here that we are all within a similar socioeconomic and educational bracket. While not critical to ensuring the success of a relationship for many, I'm sure that for many of my friends and I, this similar socioeconomic and educational bracket helps significantly when building a trusting relationship.

    In short, we are not doing anything too dissimilar or living our lives with any significant difference from the way we would be in our countries of origin.

  22. It was Chewit's (sp?) son who was either set upon or caused some trouble in a club in Ekammai a few weeks ago, I'm told that this is not related to the bars closing earlier this past week.

    The early closing of the bars around Bangkok is actually closing at their licensed time, usually 1am apart from the 'Zoned' areas such as RCA which I believe can remain open until 2am. I'm told the reason for keeping this strict policy at the moment is that someone senior enough in the Police force is tightening things up and the district heads risk loosing their position within 24 hrs if bars in their area are found flouting the laws.

  23. IMO Changing lanes in Bangkok is one of the riskiest manoeuvres, simply because you have to do it quickly before some one sees what you are trying to do and blocks you.

    So, if there is space to squeeze through you ‘might’ be in the wrong in some peoples opinions.

    But in My opinion you are quite right to wait the 5 seconds and not change lanes.

    In traffic, people here cannot wait 5 seconds to give way to something. Its my guess that the people behind papping their horn can’t wait the 5 seconds it will take for the bus to drop off and pick up their passengers and desperately feel the need to move that 5-10m forwards.

    Bus driver’s road behaviour is generally infuriating and I often see them pulling in from the right most lane blocking middle and left most lane completely.

    The busses drive recklessly and position themselves within shocking proximity of my car. Once they bent back my wing mirror and were gone before I could do anything about it.

    I am guilty of ‘papping’ the horn, mostly to motorbikes who appear to be pottering along, unaware of other vehicles around them. I also ‘pap’ at cars who are behaving in a similarly unaware character. In fact I ‘pap’ quite a lot and that is because I find that most of the people around me appear semi-conscious.

    I find that driving here lacks the need for any sense or knowledge other than the law of an asphalt jungle….

    Many drivers…

    a) Lack the ability to drive within their lane.

    b ) Cover two lanes hedging their bets at which will be the quickest (Taxi’s !).

    c) Pull away from the lights in a sleepy daze.

    d) Force their way in front of you then drive slowly.

    e) This list could be endless….

    It amazes me that for what are documented as such a happy, polite and ‘jai-dee’ race of people that driving habits have taken on such a profoundly opposing character where not giving way, being forceful and aggressive but also very slow is considered the normal thing to do.

  24. Incompetence to the point of uselessness is becoming irritating. I wonder how some people get promoted to the point where they become counter productive. The accounts below are an example of one man at one branch of one bank being, quite frankly in my opinion - Useless.

    I’m not interested if your opinions are “if you don’t like……..” because a response like that is as useless as the officious muppet at the bank…

    Also, it shouldn’t be necessary but I read a lot of this forum so, if you are a smart arse who is going to write a daft one-liner reply… Don’t bother reading on…just skip over the thread.

    For those remaining, here goes…. Apologies for this being a little boring, but I’ve found myself left in a state of significant irritation at how one mans incompetence can waste my time.

    1) Approximately 6 months ago: I wanted to pay a GBP £ check into my Thai SCB savings account and was told by the manager at the SCB J Avenue account that I would have to pay the check into the branch at which I opened the account.

    Not wishing to drive to SCB plaza on Ratchada I tried the nearest alternative SCB branch on Thonglor nearer Sukhumvit. Check deposited without issue apart from the 45 day wait (standard in Thailand for a foreign currency check).

    2) Approximately 2-3 months ago: My Passport was at the Embassy for renewal (pages full). With my bank book, an old passport, the note from the Embassy stating my passport was being renewed and driving licence in hand, the same branch Manager at SCB J Avenue refused to let me withdraw money over the counter (I had an ATM card, but wanted to withdraw more than B20,000 and didn’t want to waste time making numerous withdrawals).

    Again, I made the required withdrawal without issue at the nearest alternative SCB branch on Thonglor nearer Sukhumvit.

    3) Today: I wanted to pay a US$ check into my Thai SCB account. As I was at J Avenue anyway I thought I would try at the J Avenue SCB branch. The very same manager rejected me again. I asked him why this could be done at the nearby branch and if he does not know the regulations why is his first response ‘Cannot. You have to go to Head office’. He could not answer so my reaction was just to tell him he’s useless and that he’d once again wasted my time. I went to the other branch where once again the transaction was made without issue.

    I’ve been here long enough to know the regulations and many of the things I attempt (i.e. with banking) are repeat exercises where I know the regulations and limitations.

    So… Moan over –

    I am left wondering. What is the best way to deal with these people? I encounter them in many places…

    You know, those semi-officious puppets who stand tall, but are remarkably ineffective at dealing with anything other than simple every day situations and so often result in unnecessary wasted time….

    I have the receipt from the second branch that proves its fine pay in a foreign currency check at somewhere other than the head office. I have my idea anyway, but I’m curious, in other (your) opinions would it be worth the time of passing by and show this to the Manager in question, thereby pointing out his error and request that he makes himself more aware of the regulations or at least be prepared to do something more than say ‘cannot’ if he doesn’t know…

    I’m getting tired of these reactions and often find that in other circumstances forcing the issue works (i.e. service staff in shops etc)

    If the manager in question were to manage a branch outside of a busy area I imagine that he could cause foreigners greater issues simply because he doesn’t know…

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