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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. There area speed bumps on so many 'small soi's'... most motorcyclists know they are there and slow for them... ... some may 'come a cropper' but I lack sympathy for those fools racing down the sub-sois at such speeds.
  2. you think so??? I think the motorcycle will make a bump and loose control Of course, with certainty raised crossings such as this would make a difference. The issue is they need to be well painted / easily identifiable otherwise motorcycles (and cars) will blow through (over) them at speed causing more hazard. IMO the issue is at a subconscious level - drivers of vehicles do not beleive they need to stop for lowly pedestrians.... its one of culture and ingrained attitudes. Improvement on road safety requires a cultural shift in attitudes... AND the idiots and stupid drivers to be penalised firmly and with consistency throughout the year and throughout the nation.
  3. What lung conditions ? Anything specific ? - I've lived in Bangkok over two decades... and carry out a full medical each year, which includes the stress-test (EKG on a tread-mill), spirometry, x-rays etc... While I'd certainly agree that living in Bangkok is less healthy for the respiratory system than living in somewhere such as Davos.... I'd also suggest your 'information' on reddit is somewhat paranoid and akin to spreading negative rumours....
  4. You reckon that would work and place us on the same page ?... psychologically so to speak... .... So what was it, a lengthy solitary confinement that cost you your compassion and sanity ?
  5. I agree 100% and I often go for weeks or months without having even a drink... It improves clarity of thought... .... but there is another facet.. with 100's of thoughts at any one time the head can be a very noisy place and I can understand those seeking oblivion, or at least the drunken stupor to dull the senses. I've never taken cocaine, but I find that the times I've taken Marijuana it helps calm those noises within ones head and aids sleep. I like exercise for my clarity... but only certain types.... skiing down a mountainside the 'head is silent' not an alternative thought at all - not a lot can do that other than competitive sports and while I still play, I'm getting too old and the body just doesn't want to keep up. I can understand those seeking alternative highs so, so long as they can handle the 'lows' afterwards and even though its not for me, I think certain drugs such as Marijuana and Cocaine should be legalised.
  6. I question it because its odd.... 'agitated state'... I think most people who arrive after a 12 hour flight are in some form of an agitated state... some more so after unbuckling their seatbelt and trying to deplane as quickly as possible (related to another thread)... ... Really thought, I dont think the police are that observant to 'profile every passenger' and then decided...hmm... "looks agitated we should check their baggage for drugs"..... Thats why I questioned it... the BiB are just 'not that good' or they were very lucky and 'checked randomly and scored'.... ... Or a 'sniffer dog' signalled... which IMO is more likely.... But... as you point out - the story could be just as it was written - the guy was acting extremely weird and drew attention... possibly even high while flying etc... I'm sceptical of the story thats all.... And why am I sceptical of the story ?.... Becuase I've been here a long time and read so many such story's and there is often a lot of information and detail missed out which raises an eyebrow as to what really happened.... ... as this is a forum designed for discussion - thats my input... I'm a little suspicious about the 'agitated state' part of the story, thats all...
  7. It could be that he just was simply complacent and forgot that it was in his bag.... rather that 'trying to smuggle'.... Last year I flew from Geneva to Doha with Paracetamol+Codeine mix... I'd been under the weather and I'd picked up the Paracetamol from Heathrow Airport on my way out to Geneva a week earlier... It was only upon my arrival in Doha at my hotel that I realised... silly fool, that mistake could have been costly. I wonder how many people inadvertently fly from the UK and Europe with over the counter meds which contain 'additional medication' classified as Cat A and Cat B narcotics at the destination end. i.e. flying from the the UK to Thailand, the Codeine in Paracetamol+Codeine medication is also illegal.
  8. Lazy beggars.... Mr. Matsuura is unlikely to be granted access to CCTV in the area without police assistance... It is actions such as this which give the RTP a terrible reputation..... He [Mr. Matsuura] should have lied and stated 100,000 baht was stolen, then the eyes if the BiB would light up with $$$ triggering them into action....
  9. Thats ridiculous... Surely they could alight the passengers and allow those who want to depart the airport from DMK to do so... and those who need to get to SVB to be bussed there instead of waiting that time. Seems like terrible decision making, perhaps locked into some ill thought out SOP.
  10. I think I'll go for the latter. Covid shut the world down with less odds than that !!!
  11. The same 'local Thai mafia guys' who pimped out the underage girls, you mean ?
  12. Agreed.... anyone who is old enough to travel, is old enough to know better...... My point is that this is not a trend, not an increasing trend anyway... Thailand actively 'covets' these characters with their full moon parties on the islands and booze tubing in Pai etc... When the BiB catch someone and publicise it, its only about one thing... the BiB throwing a positive spin to detract from their habitual daily graft....
  13. This is kind of similar to worrying that there is no one at the check-in counters for your flight, or there is no one manning all the immigration counters so you can't exit... ... Its somewhat of a 'non-issue' and concerning yourself with such matters is really over thinking things.... there is always someone there (or very nearby).
  14. The airport is never an empty place. IF the 'Re-entry Permit booth' is unmanned... speak to an Immigration officer, they'll get someone to man it (at suvarnabumi airport, there is an office very close by, the officer assigned for that roll maybe in that office).
  15. It means British.... (as in British Passport carrier)... ... .. no need for the side-tracking 'French-Arab' style debate !!!
  16. Its quite likely the bitter twisted old boomers 'saying deserves it' and 'fork you'... have very few friends anyway... ... certainly their online persona would suggest character traits which make them wholly unlikeable as an acquaintance or a friend.... So... they have few options.... - bury their head in the sand and pass sanctimonious judgement. - Make sure they have their own full cover for such circumstances. - Ensure they have insurance (which becomes more difficult as they get older). I strongly believe there 'should' be an option for long termers here (i.e. those on non-Imm visas and those with families) to buy into the Thai Health Care system. ... and all others (such as tourists, visa exempt arrivals etc) pay a nominal 'visitor health care fee' on arrival (as previously floated - at about 300 baht at the last figures I saw thrown around).
  17. I don't think there is 'any real safe place' in a hotel. But yes, I think my locked luggage maybe more safe than the hotel safe - I guess it all comes down to the standards of the hotel and honesty of the staff. Nope... I'd been using the safe for a few days (with my own code)... then saw the TikTok vid and thought rubbish.... So, I gave it a go and much to my surprise it worked and I could open the safe with this 'secret' code that everyone (most) now know... ... the code may actually vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, nevertheless.... any member of staff had easy access to the contents of my safe as they surely knew the code. I don't think so... I could access my safe (in a recent hotel) with the same speed I could using my own code... thats not safe at all I think - the only difference is the staff might be held accountable and risk losing their job. (I don't bring any guests back to hotels so thats not an issue). Of course, its safer to leave money in a Bank Account.... But I travel with spare $1000 for emergencies. I also travel with backup credit cards, passports, Residency ID's from other countries etc... so I don't want to be carrying this about with me when outside of the room. Thus: leaving the money in a larger suit-case which is harder to walk off with feels safer, but nothing is really secure. .... Zips on bags can pried open. .... Hotel Safes have an 'unlock code' (or many brands do) I suspect the safest option would be the hard plastic clamshell type safe that has no zip and locks with a clasp.
  18. I agree.... Given the content of a handful of posters in this forum, this is quite evident... Seriously though - would this not be adrenaline secreted from the medulla as the brain subconsciously identifies its dying... 'one last push' so to speak... Without the absense of evidence otherwise, this has to be a possibility - though whether its actually consciousness, or a collective consciousness is one of the many possibilities and leads towards discussions of creation, supreme-intelligence etc...
  19. I don't think this is a troubling trend... as in a 'increasing' trend.... ... This is something which has been going in Thailand for decades... Thailand effectively markets itself to young people with full moon parties, which of course are associated with all manner of substances... Thailand wants these party-goers and revlers to come and enjoy themselves.... This is just a game to show the BiB are doing their jobs.... "look we caught a few... we're doing our work well".... ..... meanwhile, who controls the distribution within Thailand in these party areas ?
  20. ----------- Anyone (regardless of nationality) is an utter foo l to be travelling with 'any drug'... even prescription drugs need to be double checked.... as what is legal in the UK may not be legal in the Middle East or Asia. Travelling with 4 grammes of Cat 2 Narcotic is outrageously stupid - its probably readily available here. But really, are the Police that 'sharp'... How 'agitated' and 'erratic' does one have to behave to draw attention amongst a throng of hundreds of international passengers from different cultures ??? Surely there was something else involved - I very much doubt the BiB were able to pick this guy out just on his behavior - I suspect it was more likely the trained sniffer dogs that picked up a scent. No sympathy for the guy - this is clearly a 'personal use amount' so I hope it doesn't ruin his life. A flame has been removed by admin
  21. So, it wasn't their business. They were hired to guard and distribute... The worst thing they did was work without a work permit for a company that didn't have a license... Just like pretty much any other weed shop / dispensary we see all around Thailand then.
  22. A typical 'lock em up and throw away the key' from a grumpy old boomer.... You really do have very few redeeming features to overcome your inner nastiness. Whats next ???... "Aussie caught riding without a helmet" - black list and deport him ? "Woman swimming and taking photos of sea-life mistakenly gets too close to a shark and gets her hands mauled off"... "She deserved it"... ah... you already excelled yourself with that golden droplet of nasty bitterness.... I just don't know what makes people like yourself so nasty and bitter... what went wrong in your life ?... bullied and beaten from an early age ?
  23. Many.... Hotel safes are often a weak point... ... I tried it recently after watching a TikTok Video (how to open any code with a secret code)... .... And... with 0 0 0 0 0 0 # (or something like that) was surprised to see my safe open. Because of this, instead of using a safe, I store valuables in my suit cases.... Damned if you do, damned if you don't... If someone had broken into his safe and taken the items, it would have left the door open for people such as your self to as "what noon puts valuables in their safe, all the staff have the keys etc etc"...
  24. Thread Title: Things I Don't Like Did you see this as a 'say you are homosexual without actually saying you are homosexual' challenge ?
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