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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 4 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    Tenuously linked? 
    Blind Freddy can see the Brit has grassed up the Aussie after being arrested.

    I don’t like snitches Richard. 
    Don’t make excuses for him Richard.


    No excuse - the Brit was also scum...   You failed to make any comment on the Australians situation, your input was only about the Brit...     this is where your anti-British agenda is clear for all to see.


    I don't make excuses for anyone who behaves poorly....  And now, I'm calling you out for doing the same thing on this forum, only your negative behavior comes in the form of bigotry.


    Anyone of an intellectually critical and balanced mind would share similar opinions on other stories involving different nationals, instead you focus on the stories involving the British.







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  2. 3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    Oh, dear. 
    Have you been smoking something?  You sound paranoid.


    Just opening so many threads and reading your anti-british comments...  calling out your bias and toxicity.


    3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:


    I posted one single article that was recent news. One. Not “ every news article”


    You have made numerous anti-british comments in numerous threads, yet hardly commented on any of the other threads involving other nationals who have found themselves in the media for the wrong reasons.


    3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    After I saw it last night, then as soon as it was pointed out that it had been previously posted I apologized and admitted I had never seen it before.


    As soon as you saw a 'bad-Brit' thread, like a ;fat Auntie to an all you can eat shrimp buffet' you couldn't resist...  


    Its interesting that the pattern generated by posters such as yourself does not include commenting negatively on other nationalities who've reached the headlines for the wrong reasons.


    3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    Maybe to make yourself feel better and to calm yourself down you could check the posts on that thread.

    You will no comments from me before last night. I had not seen it before.


    You've forgotten your comment in other threads then and the fact that in just a two weeks a number of posters have have called you out for your anti-British bias.


    3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    These Brit bashers are embarrassing to me, you are also starting to embarrass me by the way you carry on to be honest. 


    Why are they Embarrassing to you ?...  you don't know them...     are you worried that you'll be tarred with the same Brush ??...  Why are you not Embarrassed if its an Aussie, or Russian, Spanish, Swiss or German etc...  




    3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    What happened to the stiff upper lip?


    Something you failed to exercise when shooting your mouth of on here without thinking.

    • Love It 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
    21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I think its perfectly acceptable to call you out on your negative agenda to highlight 'bad brits'

    While making excuses for the actual real Brit bashers, the ones that go around bashing people from the south to the north of Thailand.


    Your logic is bizarre.


    Might I remind you that someone has lost his life.


    100% Wrong and more bigoted and bias rubbish from you.


    Where have I made any excuse for any Brit, or other national who's been shown to behave violently towards anyone else...     there is no excuses for a violent reaction at all, even if / when there is a back-story.



    Here is another example of your Brit-Bashing bias...  A story about an Australian and the only comment you have is about another British Man tenuously linked to the story. Its very apparent that you have an agenda.







    Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 13.11.04.png

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:

    I am embarrassed by it. Sweeping it under the rug won’t improve the situation.

    Please remember that we are guests here.


    You are so embarrassed that you keep drawing additional attention solely to issues regarding Brits - its very much as if you have an anti-British agenda.


    I do agree, the British enter the news a lot in the Thai Media for negative stories, but so do other nationalities - focusing on and only highlighting a single nationality shows a degree of negative bias affirmed by a repeated rhetoric over the past couple of weeks since you joined, as it does a number of other posters who struggle to contain themselves when a British idiot does something stupid. 



    13 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

    What do you think of snitches young Richard?


    Depends on what they are snitching on doesn't it...   


    In the context of your behavior on here, I think its perfectly acceptable to call you out on your negative agenda to highlight 'bad brits' - just like another poster does. It could be you are the same poster as he's gone quiet over the past week...  Switching log-in's is a possibility... (hence the IP address comment).


    Thus, if your intention is to derail every topic you can with an anti-British rhetoric and dig up every news article, even older stories that show Brits in a negative light - then this form of toxicity should be handled. 
















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  5. 7 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

    Do you have a link to it?



    You are over a week late jumping onto that bandwagon... 



    I wonder if the Mods could see your IP address they'd be able to find out which Brit-basher you were before the 28th-May...   (when you joined)... 




    • Agree 2
  6. 13 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:
    21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    As a member of Thailand Elite, they have failed me on two separate occasions to provide me with accurate visa informatio

    Don't direct your advice/rant to me..

    I pushed the OP post as he did not receive reply.

    Hopefully your info provides good advice for OP. 

    Simple summary to advise OP would suffice 


    Perhaps step back and chill a little...  nothing directed 'at' you at all...     


    Well done on pushing the Ops post so it gets attention - but its a fail on being a bit too sensitive and getting the undies in a twist for some unknown reason.


    I've given the Op sufficient detail of first hand encounters to provide him with the information he needs.... a basic summary wouldn't be sufficient and would lead to more questions or confusion. 





  7. I use Meji - dark blue top....      In addition to taste, I think the Op is talking about achieving the silkiest micro-foam for his latte... 


    When using a wand, I find the Meji Dark Blue top to be the 'best of them' I've tried so far, but still find achieving that 'silk micro-foam' difficult, such that I often revert to the aerocino (nespresso foamer) but its not as silky. 


    Like the Op, I too wonder if the milk is not good enough to produce the ideal foam, or if there are inconsistencies in it - its probably more down to my flawed technique when I'm not paying sufficient attention. 



    • Agree 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Why not ask that company for support advice. 


    As a member of Thailand Elite, they have failed me on two separate occasions to provide me with accurate visa information / advice under situations with which they are not familiar with on a daily basis - they also failed to respond to letters of complaint written to their management after I found myself in potentially costly situations as a result of their incorrect advice - I would advise members of Thailand Elite, not to trust the advice Thailand Elite Provides and source multiple sources of confirmation.



    To answer the Ops question: 

    I have been in this situation (holding a Thai Elite S.E. Visa and taking work an thus wanting to transfer to a Non-Imm B).

    The Thai Elite Visa (S.E. and P.E. visa types) cannot be transfered or changed in-country to a Non-Imm B.

    The Op will need to exit the country and re-enter on a Non-Immigrant Type B visa - having gone through the application process an a Neighbouring Embassy (such as Singapore - plenty of documentation required).


    Regarding the longevity of existing Thai Elite Membership and Visa: 

    That depends on the Ops membership duration - if the Op has a 5 year visa, and doesn't need the membership & visa, it may be possible to 'extend' or place a 'hiatus' on his Thai Elite Visa status and membership, particularly if on a 1 year renewable visa (with the 5 year membership) - that has to be discussed with Thai Elite and what they'll allow.

    (I have lifetime membership - so this was never an issue for me).


    Regarding having two open visas:

    Yes, that can potentially cause issues and I have encountered just that. 

    I had an Open Extension of Stay (based on work / work permit) and also an Open 5 year Thai Elite S.E. Visa (people have argued in the past that you can't have two open visa's - you can, I did).

    While outside of Thailand the project I was working on was completed and I no longer needed to re-enter Thailand using my Extension of stay based on work (also the extension of stay was also only valid until the day after I returned so I definitely didn't want to use it !!).

    The immigration officer wanted to stamp me in based on my 'extension of stay', thus giving me 1 day... I argued the ridiculousness of this, that he should stamp me in for either 90 days (conditions of my S.E. Visa) or Visa Exemption on arrival - both were valid options. 

    His [the Immigration officers] opinion was that the extension of stay based on a Non-Immigrant visa superseded the Thai Elite Visa.

    We disagreed and I wouldn't accept him stamping me in for one day, I'd have to fly out again the following day and then return again the same day to get my 90 day stamp, which was preposterous situation, but the Immi-officer was being particularly awkward.

    I pressed the issue refusing to give in, two Immigration supervisors got involved one agreeing with the junior office, the senior immigration officer recognised the ridiculous of the situation, and I entered on my Thai Elite S.E. Visa (for 90 days), no further issues.





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  9. 1 hour ago, kidneyw said:
    8 hours ago, webfact said:

    He asserted that the electrocution did not occur directly on the tagada ride but was instead caused by electricity leakage from a decorative light.

    Cop out already. 


    Indeed....     'he' may have been working out how to 'fit brake failure'....  'slippery roads due to rain'.... or 'lap-nai'.... in there....    


    Obviously couldn't...  So blamed the lighting because the ride was working perfectly well !!!! 



    In other news...  a Ferris wheel broke from the mountings and rolled down the hill killing all those riding....   the owner reported there was nothing wrong with the ride, it was working perfectly well but the bolts used to secure the ride are at fault for breaking...   (at this stage I have to point out the parody of the above comment just incase someone like LL wants me to quote a source)

  10. 9 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    I pretty much plan on carrying my passport any time I'm doing any transaction more than buying milk at 7/11. Better safe than sorry.


    I carry my passport around with me as little as possible...   'better safe than sorry'...... 


    ... so it remains in the safe as soon as I get home, and comes out of the safe when I travel again usually within a month or so... (either out of province or internationally).


    Not wanting to start another Pink ID debate, but this is where one comes in handy... Having opened accounts with the Pink ID (and yellow house book), this is all I've needed as proof of ID when going to the bank to execute a transaction, of course, I still need to get into my safe to take out my Bank Book - in which case I may as well get my passport at the same time, but then there is the slim chance I forget it in my car or drop it etc etc... not worth the potential hassle for me.




    • Sad 1
  11. On 6/2/2024 at 8:52 AM, Robert Paulson said:

    Honestly anyone who is reporting to care about kids, wake me up when we start restricting their use. This is seriosuly ridiculous. Anyone who honest with themselves knows these devices are ruining kids lives. 


    Any responsible parent understands how to utilise these devices (tablets, etc.) as both excellent educational tools and sources of entertainment.


    Your sweeping generalisation, based on the lowest common denominator of your imagination, is as flawed as most of your comments.


    Moreover, these devices have become an essential part of the educational syllabus. Children now need to have a laptop, iPad, or similar device for some of their lessons.



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  12. 5 hours ago, pedro01 said:

    He promised his kid would have his devices taken away - but the kid was still on social media. The kid even sent social media messages saying "my mom is angry but my dad's ok".


    We now have a clearer understanding of why this child believed he could escape the consequences of his actions: he has never received proper guidance or discipline from his parents.


    It is commendable that the school is unequivocally conveying that such behavior is entirely unacceptable. However, it is concerning that the school appears to be suggesting that tuition-paying students may face less stringent consequences than scholarship students, which, in my opinion, is fundamentally unjust.


    Regardless, this behavior demands an unwavering response. Your daughter should never have to encounter these boys again, and every other student at the school must be assured that they are in a safe environment.


    All students need to know that such behavior will not be tolerated and that the repercussions will be swift and severe.



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  13. On 6/4/2024 at 12:56 PM, Presnock said:

    students are  usually international too with some locals mixed in usually of a richer family 


    The better international schools are able to 'pick and choose' based on national quotas so that there are not to many of one single nationality to generate cliques. 


    In my Son's school I do not think there is any one dominant nationality - Thai's are capped at 20% if I'm not mistaken and there is a large waiting list of very powerful people trying to get in.....  the rest is a fair equal split of other nationalities...  at a guess, perhaps about 50% of kids from G8 nations and the rest split from other nations, Indian, Singaporean, South American etc... 


    Some kids of teachers kids, but not all...   its a good healthy mix of nationalities and the standards of education and facilities are outstanding.




    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:
    5 hours ago, Peterphuket said:

    Anywhere there is standing water, such as ponds and the like, are breeding grounds for these pests.

    there are some places like that near my soi ....   should I be concerned 


    Depends how large the body of water is... 


    If they are 'lotus plant pots' etc (without Fish in them to eat the larvae) then they are breeding grounds.


    The issue then of course is convincing the locals of an unseen danger....   they don't wear helmets, how are you going to get them to add some chlorine to standing water or get rid of the lotus plant pots, and other area's of pooled water ?


    This is the issue with living in a poor under educated community - these issue's are not a primary concern for people trying to make ends meet so they can eat.






    Another point - as its hot most of the year, our doors / windows are always closed and the AC is always on when we are inside - this perhaps helps avoid getting bitten by these nasty creatures... 


    And I use the word creatures not insects, as when I was on Koh Samet, we went down to one of the beaches and were attacked by 100's of these mini-dinosaurs ... (exaggeration, yes, but it felt like death by a 1000's bites at the time regardless of how much mozzie repellant we had on us).

    • Thanks 1
  15. 34 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    not if the water is sold in plastic bottles...read that plastic particles permeate that water.  almost as bad as ocean water nowadays...pretty soon we will be advised not to eat any seafood as the plastic exists throughout their system/skin/meat etc.

    Those of cultured and refined tastes only use San Pellegrino or Voss water to make their Pizza Dough !!!    :neus:   :giggle:



  16. 3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Can agree with that the 10M price om the house shown will most probably not be in Bangkok or very far outside the main city. However, it was about 18M the original news relates to. In that case, there will be several better options. Many of them are located around Phra kanong, both on the Watthana and the Klong Toei sides


    Agreed, thought the article alludes to the properly being more appropriate for a business venture than the residential offerings in the area's you mention, and thats where the value of the land lies - specifically the location.


    Had the very same building / space / condition been located in Khao Sarn Road or on Sukhumvit between Phrom Phong and Asoke and we'd see the value being at least double, IMO. 




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