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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 39 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    How else can one take out a large sum of money these days, or do an overseas transfer to a French bank account in USD? (Twice a year in my case.)


    How large is 'large' ???....     


    I used DeeMoney to transfer about 500,000 baht back to the UK - that was just to get better rates, I've not actually tried transferring from my Bank in Thailand to my Bank in the UK directly - so I'm not sure if there is a limit. 





  2. 5 hours ago, connda said:

    Lost my daughter 27 years ago.  The guy who killed her is completely unrepentant.

    This is the first year where I "missed" the day she died.  That is progress in the grieving process.  Nope.  You don't get over it.  But you find ways to live with it. I wouldn't wish losing an only child on my worst enemy. 


    Tough one... I'm truly sorry to learn of this. No one deserves such an evil twist of fate.


    There is no emoji to suitably fit a response, so a left the 'heart' as the sad emoji is so often misused on this forum.


    It is threads such as this which remind me to make the most of my family, to continue doing my best and make more time matter more. Every second really does count, your story is a heartbreaking and cutting reminder of this. 


    Thank you for sharing. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

    The c00f has already proven to me that most people's critical thinking is low, but I do like to try and get into the minds of some people to see if there is anything remaining that can be salvaged, or just the remnants of mind-crushed automatons.


    +1 with that comment....


    More than the subject itself - many comments, bias' and outright fluckwittery are of interest to some of us - it interesting from a psychological and sociological point of view to get an insight into the minds of some of those who post the more daft comments... 


    For some I see no hope at all and just hope they can't afford a car, for being on the road at the same time of some of the idiots leaves cause for concern !!!... 







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  4. 13 minutes ago, Sigmund said:

    One just has to see the mess these Brit drunks create in Spain. Even the locals in Spain are fed up.


    Specific areas of Spain that are specifically targeting British Tourists - with cheap accommodation, cheap booze, cheap 'pseudo-British food'...  (Benidorm, Mallorca etc) - despicable places to be avoided at all costs..  But, this is what the Spanish wanted, or rather, they wanted to attract these cheap tourists, concentrated them all in congested area's, but then complain when they get the accompanying cheap chavy behavior. 


    Its exactly the same in Bali with Australians...    Its the Same in Cancun with those from the USA.


    And now... we have the Japanese complaining about the hoards of Chinese and Thai Tourists.


    Ultimately, anywhere there are a lot of tourists from a specific nation, some of those tourists are going to be behave diks and build a negative reputation....  In Japan now, even Thai's try and avoid other Thai's because they are embarrassed by their behavior....   In much the same way we (I) are often embarrassed by the behavior of other Westerners in Thailand and worry we will be tarred by the same brush....    


    ... But...  that doesn't mean there is a sweeping generalisation that fits the behavior of all from than nation. 




    BUT....  this thread is about Visa's and overstating - not about behavior of tourists !!! 

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  5. 1 hour ago, MalcolmB said:


    An endemic of two negative Swiss men, one of who was obviously mentally unwell.

    Waiting for the Swiss government to put out a statement now. 

    Two, twice, a couple. 
    Don’t look over here, look at the Swiss. 


    Your observations underscore a discernible absence of critical thought, an dearth of intellectual balance, and a lamentable deficiency in education.


    It incredibly easy to pinpoint three discrete instances involving the Swiss this year. However, this remains irrelevant to the discussion, as you persistently falter in understanding anyone else's comments.



    1) This thread is about the British Foreign Office reiterating their advisory for British Nationals to adhere to Thailands visa stipulations. This thread became requisite subsequent to Thailand's proclamation that incoming individuals would be granted a 60-day stay, a policy not yet implemented.


    2) The focal point herein does not revolve around inebriated British tourists or British individuals causing disturbances in Thailand. Those who disparage the British, much like yourself, have interjected such remarks into the conversation due to an inability to engage with the actual subject matter, instead fixating on a misleading headline.


    3) Furthermore, you have failed to grasp the notion that individuals exhibiting misconduct hail from every nation, a reality readily discernible in media coverage.


    4) Similarly, you have overlooked the concept that the transgressions of a select few do not serve as a representative benchmark for an entire nation.



    I would be remiss to castigate the entirety of your nation as undereducated and bigoted based solely on the cognitive challenges you evidently face and example in this thread.




    you like links... 












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  6. 35 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    These lotus tubs usually have fish in them that eat the larvae.

    This is your typical mozzie breeding ground in Thailand.....

    420+ Mosquito Breeding Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free ...

    Aedes aegypti mosquito. 





    I get your point - but some, not all of them have fish...    they're a breeding ground.


    In Thailand there is a lot of 'standing water' which forms a breeding ground, especially in the wet seasons - much more could be done on a national and community level to protect everyone... 



  7. 2 minutes ago, riclag said:

    I was a professional driver amongst other career jobs  in the USA , retired 20 years now.

    I dislike driving here  in Sakon & Issan,Its scary!




    Would you not prefer to be the one driving so that you are the one in control of your own safety rather than placing your safety in the hands of someone with less training, less defensive driving skills etc ????



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  8. 7 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I can think of nicer places to buy for that kinda money ...


    here's on for half that price ... 








    You'll not find any such house with that amount of Land in Bangkok for 10 MB.


    The Property you posted is misleading to the thread and will be on the outskirts of somewhere such as Pattaya, Chiang Mai or Khon Kaen etc....    which is a completely different market, a completely different bid-rent profile to the area being described...


    Ultimately, the land is worth what people will pay for it....  I know people who've spent similar amounts on land next to them, just to prevent someone from building on, it, so they've turned it into a nice garden instead.


    There are loads of people in Thailand with that sort of money - though I'm not sure what they'd get out of a 56sqm ground space....   When its most probable that all other buildings in the area will get sold out at some point to build a large condo or shopping (or combined) complex at some point in the future.




  9. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    Efforts to promote safer driving and stricter enforcement of traffic laws continue in the wake of these tragic accidents.


    ... Erm, but they don't do they.....  Otherwise I wouldn't be seeing 50% of the motorcyclists on the road without a helmet or the daily occurrence of them riding against traffic... 

  10. 1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:
    5 hours ago, Nickcage49 said:

    Should they even have to say that to supposed adults? There's a long history of Brits getting in trouble here.

    If you can't hold your alcohol then don't drink!

    "Should they even have to say that to supposed adults?

    Should they have to say what?"   There was no mention of alcohol or drinking anywhere in the article.


    ... In an ideal world, of course, not, however, I think yes, they "Should have to say that to supposed adults".....    as its clear from so many of the comments that so many "supposed adults" have such a low reading age they clearly need reminding like children....   :whistling:




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  11. 4 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

    In Bangkok since COVID this ghost riding has become the rule rather than the exception, especially by Grab, win etc riders. 

    Never seen any police activity to stop them, or for anything else.


    its just laziness and selfishness, common characteristics. 

    I am sure I will wipe one out, not intentionally, one day, and they will come crying to

    me for help with hospital bills and damage - no chance.


    100% agree....


    This incident is of course the fault of those riding the wrong way into oncoming traffic. 


    But, also complicity is the complete ineffectiveness of authorities and law enforcement to do anything about this issue (and many others)... 




    I too will one day 'wipe out' a motorcyclist who has either pulled out of a side street without looking, or simply rides straight into me expecting me to dodge them while at the same time I can't because there is traffic on the correct side of the road I don't want a 'head on collision with'... 


    Then there is the issue of motorcyclists riding the wrong way down a 'frontage' lane (some call it the motorcyclist lane), and while I'm pulling out into traffic, looking right, a motorcyclists illegally riding down this 'shoulder strip' in the wrong direction hits me... 


    I have dash-cams for these eventualities (on both my motorcycle and car) - but its no good to me if I am the one injured and they are kids who'll get off scot-free because the Police feel sorry for them because they are kids.









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  12. 2 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    And the poor refugees will be sent back to the meat grinder.


    And return on further transport tomorrow after the 'price' has been renegotiated. 


    Thailand cannot do without its migrant labour force - what we see here is a repeated cycle of cat and mouse where operations exists in a 'grey area' of vagueness between what is permitted, what isn't permitted, what is tolerated, what is needed and what any individual or group can get away with at any given time within a fluid political landscape. 


    Migrant laborer are bussed in... Some are caught and sent back - this looks good for the police.

    - xx illegal Immigrants caught this month (picture the PCV poster and lots of pointing).... 

    - Meanwhile xx bus loads of Migrant Labourers are bussed to various centres, for factories, construction sites etc and get to work (cheap labor).

    - Sometimes these factories are raided and have to pay a fine, or through someone 'connected' pay a reduced fine for the BiB to look the other way... 

    - OR, the ilegal Immigrants (Migrant Labourers) are bussed back across the border...  only to return again days or weeks later to re-secure work.

    - Maybe they'll get stopped again (as this bus was) or they'll travel through the numerous border check-points without issue... 



    The game of cat-n-mouse, agreements & re-negotiation continues... everyone profits except the migrant laborer's who have to pay for their transport and fines.... in a vicious cycle that keeps 'wages low', profits for the bigger businesses high and the police purse-strings nicely flexing.... 

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  13. 22 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Most wines I think. Being an Aussie I hold our wine in the very highest regard. Thai 'wines' are not even worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence. 


    I agree with the 'wines' comment - I have not had a decent home grown wine in Thailand yet...  

    However, beer on the other hand is quite different, some of the 'craft houses' make excellent beer.... 

    Phuket Brew works sell some of their beers in some 7-11's... at 88 baht a 500ml can - very well priced and very tasty beer, I hope to see more development in this area throughout the year. 


    Meanwhile, the article itself seems to me more about pairing Thai food with imported Wines and how the zero import tax and reduction in alcohol tax from 10% to 5% will stimulate growth in these markets - as most others have pointed out, we are yet to see this tax reduction  and many of us are cynical that that we'll see it at all and profits will not be syphoned off by the cartel of importers. 

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