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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 14 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

    At least these people were far nicer and finally transferred me to a very senior member , 

    Scotland yard were nice too 


    So you care only about how 'nice' they were ????


    I've had my card fraudulently used numerous times - I don't care for pleasantries and platitudes...  I only care for 'cold hard facts' line of questions and answers and the plan moving forwards - no need for please, thankyou's etc... 

    ... And certainly no need for an apology, its not their fault (the fraud team).... 


    .... Thus: What exactly did you expect... Did this 'bad bank woman' tell you to eff off or something ? exactly how was she 'bad' ???....   did you call the correct department even and she told you she couldn't help as it wasn't her department and you should try the number on the back of your card etc ????



  2. 23 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

    And this is EXACTLY why these people are getting away or should I say GOT AWAY with having a great FREE time in the UK last month ordering home delivery on my money because of peoples APATHY !

    I'm tempted to find these Bxxxxstards myself by flying to the UK and dealing with them

    There seems no investigation into these crimes !

    5 times in one night they ordered home delivery.ad I said to the nasty bank woman,they were having a good old PARTY on.my money !!


    It sounds like you were being the nasty one because the 'bank woman' didn't please you in specific manner you expected. 


    It seems as though this is the first time you've had your card fraudulently used - you've lost your virginity... usually you can expect to get F£$ked every year or so...


    ... Its par for the course, no need to get wound up about it.

    ... No need to play the moral highground and 'get all butt hurt' that they get away with this because of peoples apathy, becasue you were completely apathetic about this for the past 20 years while using your card, or extremely naieve to the risks. 

    ...  the whole point of using a credit car is that the USER has better protection.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I can take them or leave them... but certainly don't go actively seeking them out.

    Its usually when we have guests visiting and pass a market that sells them, we give them a try....   the video of them eating silk worms and scorpions etc (usually he kids) is usually up on facebook within a few hours.....


    I did encounter a Western colleague at work who had "gone native," believing himself to be more Thai than the Thais. He would bring in a bowl of these "delicacies" and offer them around, much to the bemusement and discomfort of the Thai staff. They would look at him as if he were a complete oddity. His attempt to impress the locals with his "Thai-ness" had the opposite effect of what he intended. Instead of gaining their respect and admiration, he became a source of amusement for everyone. We all had a good laugh at his misguided efforts.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    Paying for this sort of things just legitimises that it's OK for bank staff to act in this way and endorses that we all think it's OK for them to monetise us. I don't.


    I completely agree...    There's no need for an agent unless that is the last resort (same with Visa's & Driving licences).


    1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    The other point I find mildly irritating about this is that the OP has gone straight to an agent, without even trying the branches that have been recommended or the solutions suggested. In his mind, an agent is the defacto solution, which it isn't and can't possibly be.


    Also agree, some guys in the Jomtien area may have had recent success in opening an account themselves - which would prove good advice for the Op if they can name a branch which is more accomodating.



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  5. 4 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    Who exactly do you think receives that money that is paid to open the account? It certainly isn't Bangkok Bank because they don't levy a fee under any circumstances. That fee is split between the branch person who opens the account and the agent. If the branch staff is willing to act as a facilitator for a small fee, what other nefarious acts is she also likely to be willing to engage in, with your account!


    The same nefarious acts 'some' Thai Bank employee's have been carrying out for years, as we have seen in the headlines...     'our account' (or the Ops account) is no different from anyone else's... Bank Employee's could still act fraudulently...    there's not much we can do to avoid that however our account is opened. 

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  6. 33 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:
    3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    There is a possible reason to do this... 


    Phones are getting more and more 'important' in our lives....  with so much data, banking, crypto etc on our 'main' phone... it's starting to look like a good idea to have a second 'daily user' to carry out and about that also runs a coupe of overlapping apps... such as the primary user mBanking App, WhatsApp, Line etc... 





    I would suggest that many people place considerably  more trust in their technology than perhaps they should and should review the risks they are taking with one phone, or two.  I may well be wrong but I think most people do not have the range of apps you suggest, or don't need them if they do.


    Everything has risk.....       There is a strong 'anti-digital-money' contingent on this forum, it would make for an interesting poll, but I suspect that there would be an correlation between age and distrust of digital systems... 


    33 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    I minimize my exposure to any apps that I don't actually need day to day. A friend of mine lost his phone two weeks ago and he is beside himself in worry at the loss of access to his apps and the risk to which  he has exposed himself. I refuse to be that reliant on the technology. 

    Just like keeping money under a mattress and worrying about a fire, or gold in the safe and worrying about theft... or even money in Northern Rock (Bank / Building society which collapsed) or other banks which only guarantee a certain amount... (in the case of collapse etc)....   


    Thus, with education and understanding we can minimise our risk. 


    IF I lose my phone - I can wipe all the data within minutes... 


    I can then restore to a new phone from an online back-up... of course, that needs an understanding of those who use modern tech that they need to keep up to date with developments, keep back-ups etc (i.e. if your friend keeps back-ups to the cloud, he will be fine).


    But, the issue of course is having to re-register any 'new device' with financial establishments (due to their security policies) - and that takes a little time...  we'd need to get the 'new-SIM' with the same number to receive OTP's etc... (losing a phone outside of the country could be a nightmare - plan B's are always there - with cards etc).



  7. 1 minute ago, Doctor Tom said:

    SCB allow one app per account, so you can't access one account from two phones, not that I'm entirely clear why you would want to.  


    There is a possible reason to do this... 


    Phones are getting more and more 'important' in our lives....  with so much data, banking, crypto etc on our 'main' phone... it's starting to look like a good idea to have a second 'daily user' to carry out and about that also runs a coupe of overlapping apps... such as the primary user mBanking App, WhatsApp, Line etc... 




    • Thanks 1
  8. The mBanking apps such rely on a link to your phone number, thus, you'll need the SIM inserted when using the App even when using the App over Wifi.


    Thus - if you swap the SIM over to your other phone when setting up the App, it may work.

    (If you have an eSIM - that obviously won't work).


    Some mBanking Apps also need the SIM installed / activated to work. 

  9. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    An eyewitness, 43 year old Phinyo Phumra, recounted that he was watching television when he heard a loud noise. Upon investigating, he discovered the pickup truck had lost control and crashed, with the driver ejected from the vehicle and landing outside his house. Phinyo was shocked and immediately called the authorities.

    Phinyo described the moment he heard the crash.


    So he wasn't an 'eye witness'...  he was was just someone nearby who heard the incident. 


    6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Initial investigations suggest that Nutchayapong was driving on a dark road where streetlights were out over a long stretch. He may have been unfamiliar with the road or fell asleep at the wheel, causing him to lose control and crash.


    Drunk & Speeding are the likely cause of him losing control and crashing, with not wearing a seatbelt being a leading factor contributing to his death - of course, none of that is mentioned..... 

    ... but given the frequency of such behavior I think the probability is high.



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  10. 4 minutes ago, MangoKorat said:

    On the whole, I find that Thai's complain abouyt exactly the same things as we do - its just that they've had a whole lifetime's experience of nothing changing.


    Totally agree....   But there is an added 'fatalistic' outlook towards safety that tends not to exist to the same extent in the West... 


    ... this makes Thailand more 'happy go lucky' but there is also a tragic flip side to this which we read in the media such as this. 


    Repeated eduction is the huge step forwards towards a 'nationwide cultural shift' towards one of respecting safety measures.




    Examples are wide spread: one that always sticks out for me is... wealthy folks turning up a private schools with kids in cars without seat-belts, mum holding a baby in the front seat, while helicoptering their children with 'alcohol gel' because they are still scared to death of catching covid... 

    The same parents let their kids ride bikes without a helmet, yet they wear a helmet when skiing because thats what everyone does.... 


    The point I want to make here is that there is a huge absense of critical thought when anything is done, parents just follow what everyone else does, from whichever echelon of society they are from.




    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, No Forwarding Address said:

    There lies the problem, I have had an SCB account for almost 25 years, was able to check balance from anywhere on-line, now they only do this via smart phone app............I don't use my phone for any, any, financial transactions, so can't check my balances and monthly bill payer anymore.........before the naysayers come on, I have been a quasi IT Scty enthusiast for 30 odd years, and just plain don't trust Cell phone transactions.🤔🤔


    SCB removed their online Banking because it was not as secure. Moving forwards with the times means adapting to mBanking....   That said, SCB should have just added tier authentication to make their online platform more secure (just as international Banks do with their OLB).


    Mobile Banking is as secure as Internet Banking is (in fact the mBanking is a lot more secure that the Thai Internet Banking - particularly SCB's which only needed a Log in and Password - it didn't even have two tier authentication).


    That said - I don't like to have 'everything on my phone' that I'm carrying around daily - not through fear of getting hacked etc or theft and thieves can access my account - I can wipe my phone within minutes of it being lost.


    Instead, the issue is getting all through all security to set up the apps again on a new device.


    I've considered getting a 'second' phone for all the financial bigger financial stuff (overseas accounts / crypto etc)... and keeping the 'user phone' with one Bank account (smaller amount) to use locally.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I don't think above could ever happen to me. And in the unlikely case that it would happen, then I would sort it out with the people involved.


    Yup... and thats what most of the suggestions for the Op are - to sort it out with the people involved, by just using the car insurance - BUT, the Op has not confirmed that the car has insurance. 


    4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think anybody who asks a question like that in a forum should expect legal answers and not something like you can sort this out by lying to the insurance... 


    It seems the original poster (OP) may lack the acumen to solve this straightforward issue on their own.

    Utilising car insurance was an obvious and simple solution.


    Often, when reading of situations such as this, the OP's post is poorly written and lacks useful information, making it challenging for others to provide sound advice.


    It's not surprising that some individuals find themselves in these self-inflicted predicaments. The flaws in their initial posts often reveal a lack of common sense.



  13. 29 minutes ago, Hakuna Matata said:


    OMG, they like to lay down their eggs in electric appliances and electronic equipment.


    Those pesky Thai ants have damaged my favorite short-wave receiver in Thailand, the SONY ICF-7600D


    Vintage Sony ICF-7600D, Sony ICF7600D, Sony, Sony Radio, Sony, Vintage Radio, Fully Working, Sony FM, Sw, Mw, Lw, Gift image 1


    On a high floor in a modern condo our Internet stopped working properly, we were getting poor and intermittent signal... 

    I opened up the router and it was full of those tiny ants which were shorting the electrics inside the router...  I've no idea why, but they were attracted to it, something to do with an emitted electrical frequency ? (no idea)....


    But... Its not about food, cleanliness etc...    so the insults aimed at the Op are unwarranted as the ants also seem to be attracted to 'some' electrical items. 


    • Like 2
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  14. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am not aware of insurance contracts which make differences if we are strangers, related to each other, boyfriend and girlfriends, or anything like that.

    If anybody would tell the insurance an incorrect story, then that would be insurance fraud. 


    However, this suggests that you perceive the world in binary terms, strictly 'black and white,' while much of Thailand exists within a 'grey area,' where such ambiguities are prevalent.


    Therefore, you have a choice: you can simplify life for yourself and those around you, or you can choose a more difficult path, potentially creating additional problems. Most people would choose to make life easier for themselves and those around them. I'm sure you would too, but it seems you've taken a binary stance because you feel entrenched in your position in this discussion.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    It is, but if no-one that I don't know has my number how can they find me by number?

    it’s sold by ‘someone’…. 

    I get the same style of message… 

    - block & delete & that’s it.


    I also get the ‘group message’ thing with 100’s of stranger in  the same group followed by everyone ’exiting the group’….


    Not sure what they hope to achieve or how the scam works though.


  16. 2 hours ago, Sandboxer said:


    Yes, provided he has not been here more than 3 months. Insurance companies can (and generally will, unless there's an oversight which is rare) void claims in this case.


    Same is true even if someone is driving on home country license+IDP, even though the IDP itself is valid for 1 year (Thailand simply invalidates this validity with its own stipulation).


    Agreed... lots of debate on such issues but your comments are exactly as I understand it.


    That said, insurance rarely check how long someone has been here for when making a claim using a foreign licence. 


    Additionally - its not hard for them to tell the insurance the wife was driving....    

    ... I'm not sure why the 'guy' is being put on the hook for the costs unless neither vehicle is insured in which case the owners, particularly the car owner is somewhat accountable for not having insurance. 


    • Confused 1
  17. 16 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:
    2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    1) Does the Brand new Ducati have Insurance ?

    2) Does the Car have insurance ?


    If neither have insurance why should the Op be on the hook for others not being responsible for the things they own?...  Yes, he made a completely idiotic mistake.... but thats what insurance is for in the first place.


    I have just the necessary government insurance for my bikes. I take care of them. If I crash a bike and it is damaged, then I pay for the damage.


    But if someone else damages my bike, why should I pay for that? That rule is for all belongings. If you damage my home, i.e. smash a window, you pay. If you splash a bucket of paint over my clothes, you pay. And if you damage my bike, you pay. It's that simple. 


    Your bike is not a 600,000 baht brand new Ducati.

    When I had my BMW it was fully insured - now I have a scooter, it just has the Por Ror Bor. 


    In 'theory' the 'car driver' damaged the Bike, so the car's insurance should be on the hook... IF the car is insured in the first place - the issue here in Thailand is that many vehicles go uninsured. 


    I do agree - if someone damages someone else's stuff they should pay, but when vehicles are involved there is a legal requirement for them to be insured - the insurance should pay.







  18. 23 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

    Maybe in theory yes but if that is the case why are foreigners advised to carry a copy of their passport with them? If only Immigration can check you document then no need to carry a copy with you.


    It's Thai Law that all people in Thailand carry 'Government issued photo ID'....   (this is the Blue ID card for Thai's)... 

    As foreigners do not 'usually' have an ID card, the common advice is to carry your passport for ID purposes (not to check Immigration status).



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