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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 4 minutes ago, recom273 said:


    Does anyone really turn around like that and smack someone in the face without provocation?


    I think I might do that, but only after I have really had enough of someone - as per normal, maybe this is just a culmination of the manager being a prick over a period of time. You can see him prodding the guy when he's clearly talking to the security guard, looks like he's getting a telephone number as he has his phone in his hand? idk .. just saying, there is usually more to these than a 15 second video clip.


    Its a 'sucker punch'...   regardless of what led up to it, its not acceptable behavior in any civilised society. 


    That said, you may have a point regarding possible 'lead-up' - we have only seen a 15 second clip, non of the build up or an indication of what may have triggered the assault. Of course, this would not exonerate the violent actions of the Brit, but it may lend to an explanation and soften the resolve of 'hang-him-high-deport-him' responses.



    I recall living in a condo in Bangkok and the management committee and security guards were awful, they were rude and at almost every opportunity managed to 'trigger me' into getting annoyed with them. 


    We moved out as soon as our lease was up, the whole condo management committee and security team were ultimately changed out after so many complaints - it was quite a toxic, I never understand how other residents let it get that far. 


    A few examples below:


    - Parcel delivery, reception takes the delivery and the parcel goes straight into the juristic office for storage. 

    I go down to collect parcel - they want passport ID, I have Thai DL in my wallet, not good enough. I can see my parcel with my name on it, so I just walk past the counter and take it - (already reached too many situations with these people to accommodate their excessive requests).


    - Son (2 years old) playing with a sponge ball in the play area - security comes over and tells us, ball games are banned. I told them to call the police (the play area was a lovely social area for parents to talk while toddlers played).


    - Son (2 yrs old) on a balance bike - security comes over and tells us bicycles are not permitted, again, I ignore them.


    - Friend arrives, to drop something off for my Wife...  she has a small puppy, steps out of the car with puppy in hand, wife is told we will receive a fine as the Condo has a ban on all pets (the puppy never left her arms).


    - Friend visiting, we go to the pool with a couple of beers and are quite rudely told to leave the area as no alcohol is allowed (I'm annoyed at the rude manner in which we were told).


    - Another resident (a Military officer) pulls up in his car, wants to nip out and get something from reception, as he does so, security marches over and shouts at him to move his car - Military officer knocks out the security guard. 


    - A child threw a paper airplane out of the window of one of the higher floors, this was caught on one of the security cameras - the family were 'fined' for littering (it was about 20,000 baht or something ridiculous, I don't know if they ever paid it).




    My point with all of these seemingly insignificant but irritating examples is the manner in which they build up, the underlying tone in which residents were dealt with and spoken 'at'...   sometimes I felt like punching a security guard or one of the management committee when they spoke with me so rudely, of course, I didn't because that would be assault, BUT, it another resident punched a security guard or one of the management committee I'd have been somewhat understanding that there was very likely far more to the story than a 15 second clip might show.






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  2. On 6/2/2024 at 10:08 AM, JoseThailand said:

    Boys being boys. Remember when you were at school. That wasn't even called an "assault"


    Based on the original post, there seems to be a significant difference between merely flicking a bra-strap and what actually occurred.


    Nevertheless, feel free to defend those who would commit such a reprehensible act as sexually assaulting a girl. Perhaps this aligns with your behavior and values.... ???  :whistling:   :neus:

  3. On 6/1/2024 at 3:31 PM, Dnyy said:


    I'm not a troll. You are just weak and need others from a forum to help you on something this serious. What message are you sending to your daughter now? Daddy is scared and is waiting for other adults to step in. Typical Westerner behavior.


    I notice you don't have an avatar photo.. 


    Here is one perfectly suited for you... 



    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 11.18.04.png

  4. Avoiding the obvious 'China bash' which is all too easy... 


    ... Were there any public toilets around ???....   


    Anyone with children knows, when they've gotta-go, they've gotta-go.... would the child have been able to 'hold it' and get to a nearby toilet ?


    Is the outrage because its 'near a temple'  ??...  'cos I see Thai men peeing up the wall in plenty of area's.




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  5. 2 hours ago, Freddy42OZ said:
    16 hours ago, Robert Paulson said:

    Teaching kids is the most important job we have. I can’t believe people leave it to other people. I mean that’s just insane who knows who this person could be. I think you’re just making excuses rearrange your life so you can teach your kids. And you seriously have got to be kidding me you don’t think you can out teach a teacher who is dealing with 30 kids at once and you are one on one? I find it insane one parent needs to get with it and teach their kids in all families, if not both parents. 

    I went to very good schools and am considered quite smart.  There is no way I could teach maths, physics, chemistry, geography, French, Spanish, Latin, economics or the woodworking, metalworking etc that I was taught at school. 

    I still know a bit about all the things I was taught but nowhere near enough to teach a kid to the level required to pass O or A level exams.

    Also I had 9 different teachers at school, one for each subject.  


    The concept of homeschooling typically falls into two categories: those who are unaware of their own ignorance and those for whom no better option exists due to isolation, illness, or similar circumstances.


    Just as we rely on our expertise in our respective fields, we trust teachers, as educated professionals, to impart their knowledge and skills to our children in a structured and organised manner.


    Moreover, it is ironic that individuals whose intellect often betrays them with flawed attitudes and questionable comments on this forum are the ones who support the idea of homeschooling. :whistling:

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Celsius said:

    People pay top dollar to receive prestigious Thai education in "international" schools.


    You nearly got there.....    in many cases its a prestigious International education that in International Schools that opens to the door to the the Top Universities in the world..   its not a 'Thai education'... 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    Does international schools mean non-Thai students? Some cultures tolerate this and consider it "boys will be boys" etc... maybe even Thailand is like this but I've never seen it myself.


    No... International Schools means schools that are not administered by the Thai Education authority.


    Standards obviously vary, as does the price. 


    This sort of behavior is dealt with extremely swiftly at the 'upper tier' international schools where reputation matters.



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  8. 1 minute ago, save the frogs said:

    Maybe the Ministry or Education is already aware that this takes place in many schools and just turns a blind eye to it.


    Path of least resistance - they are lazy & do as little as possible until they realise they can't.


    In short, ensure that you (use, we, the Op) do not become the path of least resistance in such situations (and many others).

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  9. 3 hours ago, LennyW said:

    Nobody in ICU, nobody dead, the three of them walked away from the melee under their own steam! 


    Which is surprising given the force of that kick...    I hope he was able to go to hospital... the consequences of an impact such as that are regularly fatal.



    IMO - the security guard should be charged with attempted Manslaughter at the very least, there is no way he 'wasn't' trying to kill the guy with a kick to the head like that.


    The violence exampled here is far more significant than a Swiss-man kicking a doctor...  I'm not condoning that, or the actions of the Brits which led up to this fight - but IF that security guard is not charged with a serious crime such, at the very least asault, GBH etc....  then Thailands legal system is disgusting - (which we know it is), and the double standards on display, outrageous.





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  10. China Eastern is..


    BKK-PVG (Shanghai): 4:20 hrs

    Layover: 3:15 hrs

    PVG (Shanghai)-LHR: 13:05 hrs

    Total: 20:40 hrs


    EVA and TG: BKK-LHR: 13:20 hrs non-stop.


    Is the 10,000 baht saving worth the extra 7 hours ?? 

    If cost saving is your only concern - there is also Air-India.



    This thread here has info... 


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