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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I think gay traveller's are attracted to gay friendly countries in general all year just as any tourism promotion board would.

    There is a reason that Taiwan and Spain are much more popular among gay travellers than Iran or Jamaica or Russia. 


    Erm...  Iran, Jamaica and Russia are your basis of comparison for popular tourist destinations ????


    You can't even see how ridiculously flawed your examples are...    Perhaps you should have added Iraq and Afghanistan !!!

  2. 3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    the tuk tuk driver had to be aware of the child riding in the back without any safety equipment and should have moderated his driving accordingly


    How does one go about 'emergency braking' with moderation ???


    59 minutes ago, lavender19 said:

    Bit strange really. If you brake sharply you usually travel forwards. Not backwards out of the tuk tuk


    I also struggle to understand how this happened...  initially I thought the tuk-tuk was a 'side loader', but was corrected by another poster in a different thread - where it was explained that in local news the tuk-tuk was a 'rear-loader'... 


    So, I'm wondering how the child fell out under heavy braking.



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  3. 56 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Or, I can just use cash. 5-20K baht at a time. from ATM. Don't see the problem. In the US visiting I use CC for most things. just so easy buying gas that way. In Thailand cash is king.


    We're nearly half way though the year... I think I've been to an ATM twice this year.... 

    (a very rough calculations suggest cash accounts for approximately 2% of my spending in Thailand).


    Thats all thats been needed - nearly all my transactions are 'cashless'... its just so much more convenient that way.


    Cash is not king anymore, its nearly dead... 



    That said - this is no criticism of you 'Cash is King' guys...  I'm happy you use cash...   Cash is needed, I'd hate to be in a situation where I can't use cash if I wanted to...   


    I like the idea of having both cash and cash-less options available to me - I find cashless more convenient and disagree with the flawed arguments many people make against digital payment... but, I firmly believe both cash and cashless options should remain available to the customer. 

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Jimjim1 said:

    The OP has yet again come up with another trap for the uninitiated and should really be ashamed of himself for not only doing so but also for publishing it here.

    Perhaps have published it he should now read the comments of most who disagree vehemently with him.


    Cash is very much king


    Tech has clearly passed you by and you are now responding out of paranoia.


    There are risks with online digital systems - but you haven't addressed any of them in your comments. 

    • Confused 2
  5. 21 minutes ago, Jimjim1 said:

    Yes you can shut down your banking app but in the time it takes to find someone with a phone who will let you call your bank in another country and wade through the incessant press this button and that button number the crims have emptied your account and are long gone, and for good measure have sold your phone to the local telephone shop for spares.


    You don't know that you can wipe all data on your phone very quickly, not app by app.


    I can log in on any device and erase my phone within 30 seconds... 


    The caveat here is that it has to be connected to the internet, but then for crims to do anything, it also has to be connected to the internet.



  6. 20 minutes ago, Jimjim1 said:

    What a load of bunkum!

    Put all your financial information on your telephone so that the next crim who steals it will in double quick time have full on access to one’s money.

    Every criminal knows that the majority of people have weak passwords on their telephones and getting into them is the easiest thing in the world to do.

    They also know that by simply placing a password generator that can run a billion combination in an hour on the phone will give access to any who think about and use a stronger PW



    so you Don't know what two tier authentication is then ?

    • Haha 2
  7. You've presented your argument as a mix of opinion, facts outright lies... 

    Straddling your bias and lies with a fact does not make them any less of a lie or less bias.


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Yes, it has some uses, but no more than a Thai DL has, ie can get into a hotel or on a domestic flight. 

    There are many Thais, like ones on your bank that confuse the Pink ID card for expats with the pink ID card for migrant workers, which also acts as a Work Permit -  totally different and this is mandatory. Yes, you'll get some services that you shouldn't as they are confuse  and think you are a Burmese labourer or Loatian Maid. 


    The confused one is you...   the card works in some places and you are telling official that they are wrong to accept it... 


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    It even says on the back -  this is NOT a Thai ID card. If it was, you could show it to immigration but they do NOT accept it as any kind of Thai ID.


    Yet they do...  (numerous examples).


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I've done a comprehensive search in Thai about this pink ID card and there is only official  information for the migrant workers who have it. Prove me wrong -  show me an official Government site saying that this card, for non-migrant worker alien is official. 


    For migrant workers, it is official and you can find information here -



    Searching within your eco-chamber, have you found an official source that states the Pink ID card is not to be used by Western Foreigners ?


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

     I've obviously some knowledge about the Nationality and other relevant Acts, going through the naturalization process and it says that ALL aliens need an alien certificate. 


    So what...you know about the naturalisation process...   but you are making a lot of bias assumptions about the Pink ID, its legality and its usefulness... 


    all foreginers need a passport to enter Thailand...     so ??


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Around 2015, there was a French lawyer in Isarn who demanded he get some kind of card, thinking falsely that it  would give him some rights, which it doesn't, and they gave him an altered, unofficial pink card. Then lots of farang jumped on the bandwagon asking for these things. Again, they are not officially recognized but often you'l  get away with certain transactions like at the bank otr perhaps getting into a National park for the Thai discount, DESPITE the card saying in big letters that it is a NON-Thai ID card. 


    Here we have it... So the French guy upset you and ever since then you hate the Pink ID because this guy thought he was special with it... 


    NON-Thai ID Card = its an ID Card for Non-Thai's... 

    It also states 'This is not an ID card'... which really means, this card cannot be used as an ID card in the same manner which which Thai's use their Blue Thai ID card.



    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    You'll find that many district offices don't want to give farang these cards as imagine all the work they'd have if it was mandatory! They found a little hussle in some tourist areas where they can extort some moeny off gullible, naive tourists who think they are getting something that has some value, which it doesn't.


    Another lie...

    The Yellow house book is free.. the Pink ID is 40 baht...  there is no extortion or hussle of 'farangs' to get the card.


    The card is clearly of value to some - I have found it useful and to date, its saved me a reasonable amount of money.


    2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Take the OP case, who was told he can get 20% discount at a govt hosptial, which is total BS. 



    Sheryl also pointed out that some hosptials have multi-tier pricing and the Pink ID may be used to secure a discount from foreigner (tourist) rates.





    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I've no idea why you are so emotional and irrational about the Foreigner ID card. 


    I don't give two hoots about Pink ID - but repeatedly belch out false statements and outright lies because for some reason to hate it... 


    ... So, its these lies and false statements I am correcting and calling you out on the BS you are posting.





  9. 31 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    With no cash how to I buy the nice Thai policeman his "tea"??


    Seriously, I'm >90% digital payments of various flavours, even the local Mom-n-Pop shop and food shed have PromptPay QR codes displayed.


    But I always carry enough cash for a tank of diesel, just in case.


    Yup... I don't even know why I bother to carry a wallet anymore.. 


    I could just put a 1000 baht note and ID card in my phone case, and thats sufficient, only carrying the phone...



    If I did need more cash while out... I can use cardless ATM.... 


  10. 1 hour ago, SS1 said:


    It could also be a jaywalker at fault. Although we don't know if it was at a pedestrian crossing or not. 


    It could be for any reason that a moving vehicle is forced to stop quickly...   I don't think a jaywalker could be at fault for a child falling out of a tuktuk unless the tuktuk driver was proven to be driving recklessly.



  11. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    Now for the update:
    Lieutenant Colonel Eakkachai Siri of the Phuket Tourist Police clarified to the Phuket Express that after reviewing CCTV footage, it was confirmed that no vehicle from behind was involved in the incident.


    Good that there is a follow up...  How was the initial story so fundamentally incorrect (when stating a following vehicle hit impacted the child)... 


    ... So very tragic...   but I think the parents are correct not to want to charge the TukTuk driver, ultimately, they are responsible. 

  12. On 5/21/2024 at 11:04 PM, worgeordie said:

    I am not Gen Z ,far from it , Worgeordie A.K.A. Johnny Cash , never leave home 

    without it,my daughter goes everywhere without it, if I get her to buy something

    for me ,I offer her cash as payment , does not want it , one day if everything goes

    down ,those with apps,cards, alternative money are F****** , and I like to count cash......


    regards Worgeordie


    The 'one day if everything goes down' is flawed...   That has never happend. 

    It's sometimes the case that single digital payment option is not working...  But, the incidence of that is less than going up to an ATM and finding that it is not working... 


    & Lets face it...  getting cash from an ATM is still digital payment, you're just adding another step to the process by going to an ATM in the first place.


    You mentioned you like to count cash...   Thats one of the very few 'anti-digital-payment' comments I'd agree with... Some people are personally attached to physical cash.... and thus, have their preference... but at least this argument doesn't rely on a flawed logic to justify a choice - its just admitting that emotion comes into the decision. 






  13. 6 minutes ago, mancub said:

    Next time the ice-cream van comes down our street I'll send the kids out with my credit card ..and see how that goes !

    Most cases your phone is more valuable to you and a thief than a few notes in your wallet.



    Binary thinking on an either or level when the convenience of cash-vs-cashless is multifaceted.


    Every 'pro-cash' comment, has an equally compelling 'pro-digital-payment' response and vice-versa.


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  14. 3 minutes ago, proton said:

    You really think people are going to travel thousands of miles just to mince down the road in fancy dress?


    Why not...  they travel to Sydney...    For the Gay and Lesbian Mardis Gras Parade...  


    The smallest voices often shout the loudest...      perhaps they need to and I'd support their voice, just not the manner in which 'they' shout. 



    You can see this here the way Jing plays the victim with any post he disagrees with...  discussion can't be held or entertained, instead hiding behind accusations is the go to response.



    Sure there are bigots about, but in general, the world doesn't care if people are LGBQT+ they just care about how people behave and how their agenda is forced on the rest of the world with inflammatory yet ridiculous attempts behavior such as Trans wanting to use female toilets or participate in female events etc...   such behavior does no one any good.





  15. 4 hours ago, fondue zoo said:

    Why does everyone get so worked up about this, we're entitled to opinions and entitled to voice them, but who cares.

    A bunch of fellow humans want to walk/dance through the streets, wearing costumes and makeup (or not), having fun. 

    It generates revenue, if Siam can make it an annual thing, and do it properly, the money and exposure can be substantial.


    And we always have the option to start our own event, Fat Bastard Beer Belly Day or White Honky Pride Day.

    Marching, lurching, staggering white guys, drunk and belligerent, dressed in flips flops, and singlets that aren't quite long enough so they show just right amount of underbelly, shouting occasional obscenities at onlookers. Not sure what the anthem blasting out of low quality stereo speakers should be though.  Suggestions?



    * there will be some scuffles for sure heh, ladyboi love be crazy.


    To an extent, I think you are correct - why not let a bung of fellow humans walk and dance through the streets - but for 5 days ??...   



    But at the same time...  IF someone were to try and instigate a 'White Honky Pride Day' it would get shut down immediately...  and rightly so...    I used the example of having a parade for 'Married Couples'... that soon would be shut down as if offends non hetero minorities...   


    It is from this perspective I argue that the playing field has been unlevelled as any balanced opinion which does't perfectly fit the LBGQT+ agenda is knee-caped by the victim card.





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  16. 2 hours ago, Thailand J said:

    I carry some cash just in case my phone run out of battery or mulfunctioned and unable to pay with QR code scan or True Wallet.




    Exactly this...  Cashless payments are extremely convenient and something I use mostly these days...


    But, Carrying some cash makes sense, just incase the the cashless option fails (I have not encountered this as yet though).


    Also, cash is also more convenient for things such as flag-fall taxi's etc... 




  17. 11 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Is your name written in English or Thai on your bank account? If English, they by law have to see your passport. If Thai, don't they have to translate for immigration?

    I mean transactions outside the bank. 

    I find it very odd that the bank can write a letter to immigration about you, without having your passport number. 


    The accounts are Opened with my name in English, but registered to the ID number on my Yellow House Book and Pink ID.

    No translations needed for immigration. 


    Regarding translations outside of the Bank - the only translation outside of a Bank I have ever needed are:

    - Freedom of affirmation to Marry.

    - Translation of my an Embassy verified copy of my Passport.


    Thus - the pink ID comment is completely moot on this point.

    • Confused 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    That's not what I remember being written on the back. Do you have a photo?

    So you are saying the pink card isn't 'alien identification'. That's what I said. 

    Defeats the purpose if you go to another province, you must take your passport along with your pink ID card. 


    So you are posting comments without knowing...  (photo below).


    Of course the Pink ID isn't Alien Identification - Alien identification is issued by an overseas entity.



    Nope, it doesn't defeat the purpose at all - the Pink ID adds a layer of convince which is well documented on this forum. I don't carry my passport around in my Wallet, the Pink ID is convenient.


    Whenever leaving the province, I take my passport with me anyway, always have, always will as we may need to prove our Immigration Status... 






    Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 07.29.01.png

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  19. On 2/21/2024 at 5:21 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    Oh no…. Here we go again… 


    … over to you ‘Neeranam’ !!! 🫣



    And now we all know why I posted the above comment...     


    ... because Neeranam always posts misleading information about the Pink ID... 


    He seems to think, or rather projects, that foreigners who have this Pink ID believe they are special or carry themselves with an air of superiority... (something like that anyway)...     Perhaps he encountered and idiot Westerner who has behaved like this and it annoyed him,  it is possibly this which has tainted his opinion of the Pink ID card and he has since gone down the rabbit hole of pooh-poohing the pink ID whenever the topic pops up.


    But...  He always posts the same inaccuracies regardless of how many times he is told he is posting false information. 



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