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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 2 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
    26 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    This thread is going to be Cat-Nip for a handful of our more prolific 'friends of the realm' !!! 

    I don’t think so, but why would you care anyway.


    Life in the UK would be very boring without booze.
    Every milestone and special day is made better with booze. Celebrating births, deaths, birthdays, xmas, watching sport, public holidays, going to the races, holidays abroad etc.

    Could you imagine how boring those events would be without the drink?


    Totally agree....   Booze is a great social lubricant, although it can 'lubricate some too much'... which is the obvious issue and quite likely the direction this thread will take... 



    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, impulse said:

    Hell, I can sweat in a blizzard in winter.  Just genetic, I guess.  My Russkie grandfather and my very American father (of Russkie lineage) were the same. 


    That's why I usually wear loud print shirts in public.  They don't show the sweat as much.  I love Songkran shirts for that reason.  And I always got complimented on them back in Texas. 


    Back when we were dressed in black to honor the beloved King, my black shirts were always gray at the end of the day from all the salt from sweat.  That's after I'd been working in BKK for years.


    Regarding A/C, I just kept mine a few degrees below ambient to knock out the humidity and keep the place from getting musty.  That said, living on the top floor of my Asoke area building, my electricity bill was still pretty high.  But well worth it for the gorgeous view from the 5th floor.


    Same here....   My AC is currently set to 22 in the living room. 

    The Bedroom is set to 23 (Wife wants that temperature). 


    I've never acclimatised here...   I can be out all day in the heat... but come back, shower and want the comfortable temperatures. 

    I play football in the heat - no major issues (pool with sweat though)....    I walk to 7-11 and I have sweat rolling off my face...    I sweat in -15 Dec C bombing down the side of a mountain......


    As you mentioned, the body getting this warm and needing to dispel heat (sweating) must be genetic. 



    One option for the house - I'm wondering if a dehumidifier may help more, so I don't need to turn the AC so low.




    • Confused 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Gottfrid said:

    So, now you came and corrected many of us. We are so lucky that you have all the superior knowledge to always walk in and do that. Thanks Richard! Really, from the bottom of my heart.

    First you are dealing with my comment as it is wrong, and after that agree to that it might have been circumstances that would leave the truck no time to stop. Yes, that was about what I posted, but not in the same fancy way like you did it, right?


    Take a chill pill...  or what it is to pull yourself back from the edge of wanting to jump into an argument - there is no argument here.


    I wasn't contradicting you, rather, adding to the comments, I was agreeing with you, but could also see how others might read your comments slightly differently and press the issue with some disagreement - as some will argue that any vehicle must follow another with the correct stopping distance. 


    I have pointed out how it might have been possible to for one of the motorcyclists to end up on front of the truck without giving the truck time to stop.



    1 minute ago, Gottfrid said:

    After that, you are assuming it will come a lot of comments regarding armchair detectives? Really? Had a nice party yesterday? Still partying?


    Correct - usually in these threads when we discuss events and possible causes, where will be a number of posters who come along and state that we know nothing, are guessing, are making assumptions, we weren't there, are we crash-investigators, we are just armchair-detectives (a favourite)....  the point of that last sentence in my post was to 'pre-empt the pointlessness of such comments... to remove the oxygen they may have... 


    Nothing against you - so you can retract the neck a little and relax...  have a cuppa !.. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Gottfrid said:

    Why are you saying that? Seems to me this is the bikers fault. First they are not driving safe enough and too quick so one fall off. Another one is attempting a sudden quick break or manoeuvre. Probably driving quicker, but if that happens an a truck only drives in 60-70km/h it will be very hard to stop in time even with 30 meter space between them.


    Firstly dealing with this comment...   any following vehicle should be following within their 'stopping distance'... 

    If the vehicle cannot stop in time it is too close for the speed it is traveling.


    However, going by other reports and info - if the bikes were swerving and weaving in and out of lanes and one bike collided with another causing the woman to fall off, she may have fell into the path of the truck (presumably on the inside / left most lane) leaving the truck no time to stop, with the ensuing tragic consequences. 



    Finally, just to head off a few comments - plenty of members always accuse those of us who discuss such incidences as being 'wannabe armchair detectives' - but discussing these events helps us understand how they may have occurred so we can avoid similar circumstances either as riding, or when driving and giving vehicle behaving similarly more space etc... 






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  5. 17 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    I don’t believe that. Because if I buy a ticket for a plane right now, and I don’t show up to the flight, they are going to sell my seat. I would say the same would happen to you: booked flight they are going to sell any “unused” seat they have available. And yes a passenger with the same name on two seats and only one of them checking in would trigger that system. Idk maybe I’m wrong but they are in the business of selling open seats. 

    Some airlines allow the ‘second seat’ for a single person.  Some don’t…


    it’s really just that simple. 

  6. On 6/5/2024 at 6:35 PM, atpeace said:

    That was true in America and Thailand but the last 15 years I get the feeling their main preoccupation is to mess with you.  If a contractor tells you they will be there at  noon it can translated to I might show-up tomorrow but probably not.  The good ones are so busy they just tell you the truth which is you are probably better off digging the ditch or fixing the plumbing yourself because I'm too busy at the moment and my peers will mess with your head.


    I now just watch Youtube vids and do OK. If all else fails, I've become very proficient with fixing things with a combination of duck tape, contact glue, and zip ties.




    So true…. doing a project myself after the contractor started messing around with timing.

    (& I’m now I’m behind schedule & effing knackered !)





  7. 22 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    I don’t even believe you did this. I could be wrong. Seems what any sane airline would do is realize a seat is going to be unoccupied during pre takeoff routines and if it’s a booked flight, they’d fill the seat with a paying customer… because… that’s what airlines are in the business of doing 


    Not only do you appear poorly travelled, you appear poorly educated. 


    Some airlines do permit the booking of a second seat.... 


    There are now 7 Airlines who offer 'sleeper rows' also called 'sky couches' where you can book 3 seats in economy, bedding is provided - its cheaper than business (which is usually about 4x Eco)...  and also cheaper than premium economy on some flights.






    Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 21.34.28.png

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    As far as I’m concerned flights are each man for themselves. The airline has designed the seats a certain way, anyone has a complaint they need to take it up with the airline. Don’t be telling me anything on a 15 hour flight because I am not listening 


    If in economy class...

    You'll be told to put your seat upright, window-blind open, tray table secured and seatbelt fastened... and you'd better listen or you'll have problems with the flight attendants. 


    ... The same goes at meal time... You'll be told to put your seat upright until meal service is over.


    If you are not listening...  You'll have problems with the flight attendants and face some consequences depending on who is behind you and how they want to handle the issue.

  9. 10 hours ago, CecilM said:

    Flying is miserable (maybe different in Business or First). I just accept 14h of misery and get on with it. 


    I think thats the only way to a handle it...    Accept its going to be a crappy spell, and be as little trouble to anyone else around you.... 


    As far as seats going back - some people just have too much to worry about, its pathetic. 

    If the seat goes back its someones right to put their seat back, and if the person behind wants to put their seat back as a result, thats also fine.

    If at meal times, put the seat upright, if someone doesn't, ask the flight attendant to intervene - its not a tricky thing,

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, rickudon said:

    I have once been wheelchaired to the departure gate in Bangkok and so has my son. If you able to hop or totter.to your seat no problem. But you also see people wheelchaired on to the plane itself, although I assume by prior arrangement. As lomg as death or medical attention is not required, no problem.

    The old lady mentioned in the earlier thread may have only tequired assistance. Actually, getting to the UK would be the  least of her problems unless their was family to take her in at the airport.


    Same, this year...   Injured a few days before travel.. E-mailed Thai Airways... got nothing, called Thai Airways, put in holding for way too long.  Wife ended up pulling strings and contacting a friend in TG.


    We got the Wheel chair service as soon as I'd arrived at the check-in area - through to the gate, then used crutches. 

    The same getting off the flight in Bangkok.


    I think one of the primary issues is that we can exit the plane in an emergency under our own power - clearly using crutches or hopping showed this.

    If I'm not wrong, depending on the size of plane and number of crew only certain limits of impaired passengers are permitted - i.e. only 10 deaf people  / 10 blind people etc and they need to be travelling with able bodied people etc (or some such similar requirement - I think its down to FIA regulations).

    • Confused 1
  11. On 6/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, Confuscious said:
    On 6/4/2024 at 2:33 AM, CHdiver said:

    Belgium is a small country. It would not have been a problem to just hop over the border to say the Nederlande and fly from there. Or have you been banned from all EU Airports? Then jump into the train to Switzerland or Brexitstan.


    Did you made this post from your barstool n Pattaya at Soi 6?


    Making a hop over the border would have been a BIG PROBLEM FOR ME.
    I was recovering in the hospital from a recent OPEN-HART surgery and was lucky to get a taxi to the Brussels airport.
    Go on border-hopping was totally out of the question at that time.
    And jumping on a train to "Brexistan" was also totally out of the question at that time.
    How was I supposed to go buy a railway ticket or all these Mumbo-Jumbo your are brabbling from your barstool from my hospital bed?


    By your own admission you are so unfit to travel you would not take on the 2 hour 2 minute road journey from Belgium to Amsterdam after recovering from Open Heart Surgery - but want to take a 12 hour flight to Bangkok?


    Are you sure they didn't thrown in a lobotomy too ?



    On 6/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, Confuscious said:


    On 6/4/2024 at 2:33 AM, CHdiver said:

    What you tell us is utter gobledigock. There are hundreds of patients every day that will not be able to fly for some days after an operation. They all will not be reported to any Airlines or Airports. 

    Exactly, what an utter gobledigock you are brabbling from your barstool in a bar in Pattaya at Soi 6.

    On 6/4/2024 at 2:33 AM, CHdiver said:

    However it's the Doctor's responsibility to tell you that you should not fly for a given time. But that is just to protect him legally. Of course if you turn up at the check in with a wheel chair covered in bandages and a drip, they will not let you fly without the ok of a Doctor.

    Did you find that out with the help of the bargirl in Pattaya?

    On 6/4/2024 at 2:33 AM, CHdiver said:

    And finally, to take responsiblility for diverting a flight, you would have to have very deep pockets. How did you prove that? Putting one million USD on the table? So your story is utter nonsense imho. 

    yes, you are brabbling utter nonsense.
    But you knew that already, or not?



    I'm still at a loss as to how the Airline knew you were unfit to fly... but, it seems, going back to your earlier 'short tempered comments'...  (clipped and highlighted below)...    You were clearly in no condition to travel anywhere, let alone in no condition to fly anywhere.


    So.... How did the Airlie know you were unfit to fly ?... If a few hours in a taxi or on a train is too much for you to handle,  My guess is that the airline staff took one look at you and realised you were unfit to fly.



    On 6/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, Confuscious said:

    Making a hop over the border would have been a BIG PROBLEM FOR ME.
    I was recovering in the hospital from a recent OPEN-HART surgery.
    Go on border-hopping was totally out of the question at that time.
    And jumping on a train to "Brexistan" was also totally out of the question at that time.
    How was I supposed to go buy a railway ticket.


  12. 3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Why do you post something like that? The foreigners were already helping. I am pretty sure that there was both Thai and foreigners walking by without doing anything before that. I am also sure that it would have been Thai´s doing the helping if the good ones of them came before the foreigners.



    Totally agree....    Although I do register the cynicism of an earlier posters who suggested the foreigners might be fined for 'touching' sea creatures, as it often seems there often exists an exaggerated response of outrage when a foreigner does 'something' as innocuous as picking up a piece of dead coral... 


    I remember being warned by hotel staff after my Son took a small jar of sand and shells from the beach in Koh Samet for his school project - apparently, the previous week tourists doing the same think were fined a huge amount (50,000 baht)...  meanwhile we have all the local businesses dumping their litter in the island etc... 




    It is of course great that people (Foreign or Thai) will help... but what is really done about these issues? - enforcement of the fishing industry etc ?...  Is anything done at all ?..  I think the easier more profitable targets are the innocents who 'touch the wrong' thing...  while such issues as polluting the seas and simply binning offcuts of net and rope and not enforced at all which leads to the issue we witness here.




    • Agree 1
  13. 1 minute ago, bob smith said:

    fish and chips x 2 was what i asked for over the phone.




    Impressive if she can do a good job of cooking that.


    Alternatively, why not order from Grab ?.....   OK, so you asked your wife, why could she not have ordered from Grab ?


    Exactly how much have you be pi44ing off your wife lately, Bob ???...    a Wife who has no interest in supporting her husband whenever possible is either a) just along for the ride and doesn't care, or, b) furious with him about something.

  14. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Can't understand a guy that can't cook something for himself, bacon, eggs and fried bread takes about 10 minutes. Failing that ham and cheese toasties from 7-11.


    How hard is it to order something decent from Grab....   Sit down, have a beer and food will have arrived.



    To be fair, given Bob's anti Thai sentiment in many threads if he's verbalised any such impressions to his Wife she may very well have had enough and is simply there for the financial security and no other reason - why run around after him at all (possibly not though, but given Bob's posting history that would be my guess).


    Not only that - but did Bob actually ask her to cook something, or just expect that his wife would 'know' that he want's food at 10pm at night?



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