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Posts posted by catwho

  1. nearly all the non state schools have joining fees here in pattaya,where my daughter goes entry fee 20,000 and 22'000 a term,we did get the entry fee down to 10.000.all above the table,not under as these schools are there to make money.the school before was only 6000 entry [askorn]

    state schools u pay no joining fee,unless a bit upmarket from the norm,

    state schools give out envelopes printed with name of school and what the donation is for,to the parents to ask friends to help out for books etc,the temples do the same.

    so be sure if the money is not the normal entry fee,and things were not misunderstood.


  2. If the army hospital is any where near as good as queen siriket navy hospital,at utapao,i'd go there,they only charged 20,000 for a c section and that was with the baby [slight prob]in intensive care 7days,,,army or navy very professional,

    just got the thai passport for my boy ,thai farang,the mrs did the paper work,but when it came to pick up of pass/p they asked for marrige cert,and bith.c etc,mrs said we had to take them,

    i had to go with her to show passport ,take on the spot photo and electronic finger print,,,and when getting farang passport,or citizenship they like to see u married but not nessasary.anything goses wrong wrong in the future u have a leg to stand on.


  3. our boy is 6 months,he is 50/50..sometimes he wants the milk daytime ,or just water,and the puree, the wife steams the punkum,and mashes the bananas,as soon as he stirs of a night she sticks the milk bottle in his mouth for a min or 2 and he goes back to sleep, may stir 3/4 times a night but he likes the milk a night ,try boost food .com,for advice,

    and tessco has hienz and gerber baby food,30/40 baht a jar,mixed vege and apple amngo are good....and dont let the thais hold them for too long,they need to develop,and gain strenth,let him crawl and roll where safe,and if you dont have one get a walker, again look after.

    our boy is white as ,and built like pop eye ,the thais love him,as do i,.

    hope that helps...dont forget the rice cerial


  4. MY 6 yr old goes there, her 3rd year there,they now have an english program separate to thai program.its 100,000 a year compared to thai 44,000,

    At the moment plenty of english teachers for the smaller amount of english program students.

    I'am happy with the thai program and the amount of english she gets in 1st class,

    Maybe change later.

    I fell sorry for the thai parents who get the english homework and car'nt show there kids,

    interesting point about the entrance exam for other schools.

    I want my daughter the learn to read and write thai before i take her and infant son back to oz in a year or two,she already does the thai well.

    hope that helps...i do hate how the thais dont have sport competion between schools or inhouse,,,like oz and england,etc.



  5. given that he will have one Thai parent, the child will automatically be born a Thai national and the Thai birth certificate will say so on the top right hand corner. You should get the Thai birth certificate translated into english and then certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (consular section) as this will be needed for the Australian PP.

    The child will not be an Australian until you register him with the embassy and a Extract of Birth is issued by the embassy (2 week wait) stating that your child is an Australian citizenship by decent. Costs about $80 as I recal. You do this at the migration section of the Aust. embassy.

    Once the certificate is issued, you take that, the translated BC, your passport, a completed and witnessed application, your marriage cert and whatever else is on the requirements listed to the consular section of the Australian embassy. The PP also costs about $80 for a child, and will need a photos taken in a certain way for the E-passport.

    Once done, child should always exit and re-enter Thailand on the Thai PP and enter and exit OZ on the Aust passport, to negate the need for visas when travelling and staying.

    Thanks for that samran,that makes it a bit easier.


  6. My Wife had the morning sickness for first 3 months,i told her to tell the doc on her monthly visit,he changed her tablets,both vitamin and whatever, and she stopped straight away,and what a relief, for both of us,so just check on the tablets next time u go to the doc.it worked for us [at satahip]


  7. All very good advice mines 2 months away,

    just to give u an example my son's wife is 2 months behind mine in OZ,,, he paid $600 for the ultrasound and full checkup,no refund.

    at satahip pattaya,it cost us 500 baht,

    and they always want family around them around birth.my wife is doing the fire thing where there sleep outside with the baby for up to 10 days near the fire,[to make them both strong] yeah thai tradition, and all up only 10 to 15,000 baht for the birth. and do a great job on educating the wife on nutrition and health for both wife and baby.

    goog luck and best wishes.


  8. my wife had too get the same from her family and relo's saying that the father of my stepdaughter had nothing to do with the chid at all since birth,we were lucky she had her sister and niece in pattaya at the time.

    we went to bunglamung,and did the statements from them and translated them into english and thai,and took them with us to the visa section at the towers

    ,thats was just for a tourist visa,but u need it [by rights for any visa]if u are taking a child out of the country..i missed which embassy u are applying but you will need that which ever way u go,

    in thailand at the towers not the embassy.with all the forms and paper work

    i hope that helps somebody.

    good luck

  9. Still very happy with satahip,with the mrs at 5 months,every monthly check up at 8.30am fridays they have video and doctors speaking on how to look after the baby before and after birth, to all mother and fathers to be...before your check up [9.30].

    and all staff very nice.

  10. I guess that you mean he has an extension of stay from Immigration for one year based on a bank account deposit of 800k but is not intending to remain in Thailand for longer than about three more months? But again you are not clear if he has a visa entry or an extension of stay. If he has an extension of stay issued by immigration on the basis of 800k in a Thai bank account for retirement he has the following options:

    He can repeat his 800k extension (with same bank deposit proof) and just leave after 3 months.

    He can depart and obtain a tourist visa to cover the three months.

    He can depart and obtain a 30 day entry three times.

    There is no 3 month extension of stay provision.

    Thanks ,lopburi...i'll give him the options


  11. You are not clear what your mate has.

    Is it a one year O-A visa for retirement issued in Oz with police report and medical? It is a single entry non immigrant O visa issued in Oz to check on retirement options and only valid for 90 days? Is it an extension of stay from immigration in Thailand extending a visa for one year on the basis of retirement?

    If he is sure he must leave according to the class of entry he currently has he can easily visit Vientiane/Penang or another Consulate to obtain a tourist visa which will provide him another 90 days (with allowed 30 day extension) and has no need to visit Oz to obtain a non immigrant visa. If he has been here on visa entry he could also just do border runs for 30 day stays up to 90 days total.

    Sorry he has a ret,over 50, 800,00.and wants to finnish it,can he extend it for 3months,or dose he have to finnish it to get an extra 30 to 90m days extenion. either at pattaya imag, or border run

    ..i do it on my visa O,but was not sure on the ret.

  12. My mate has a retirement visa and wants to finnish it up,but wants to stay an extra 3 months, can he do it on he;s ret/visa? or dose he have to do another visa ,and finnish straight away with the ret/visa,

    if he has to do another he'll just go back to OZ and get a non im/visa O.


  13. Satit is probably the best private Thai school in the area at this time. They use modern principles of teaching (no "by rote" learning). They put a strong emphasis on English and have quite a few Philippine and even a couple of farang teachers on staff for English. The campus is spotless clean and well kept (unlike the so called bilingual schools such as Best or Wuttichot). Would recommend anyone in the market to at least go check it out for themselves before making a decision.

    Like you said, no harm in checking the place out before making a decision. Appreciate all the opinions.

    I like sending them early 2 or 3yrs up,in OZ its as you know 50 dollars a day preschool.

    our 5yrs old goes to satit and she loves to go to school,she has friends to play with and learns.

    many half thai and full farang there,they have a 25 mt pool where they teach swimming during and after school.[extra].the teachers are nice,i even see a bit of disapline with the older ones [if late run around the park]

    some new ones cry at first.just leave them with the teachers and go.they also take in handicaped kids [none wheelchair,have a look.on the way to satahip turn left after the aquarim at greenway driving range.

    they have kindi 1.2.3 and its 22,000 a term [2 terms] food included.

    good luck.

    Is it just me, but isn't leaving 2,3 even 4 year olds in the care of strangers a bit too young? When the children are this young, do the children only go to the school for half a day? And do they go everyday or just 2-3 days per week?

    Another thing that concerns my husband and I is the food they serve in the schools. Our daughter has never had chocolates, candies, soft drinks, cakes, ice-cream (unless it's plain natural vanilla or frozen fruit yogurt) or other junk food. We've been fortunate that when she has been offered them that she won't eat them, but we're worried that all our effort in teaching her correct eating habits will be all for nothing if they serve these sort of things in school. Is it possible to have your children bring their own food with them to school if the menu is not to our (and our daughters) liking?

    There are just so many things to consider and I just can't help worrying (if you think I'm bad, my husband is worse when it comes to his Angel).


    Being with other kids teachers them to mix, and be a child,it also give s you more freedom,

    and while at school she can learn thai,and let that young mind soak all the knowlege in,almost naturally.

    school times are 8.15am till 2/30pm .

    like other schools i've seen except for the older kids, i do'nt see a lot of pom puy kids [fat]

    the water they drink from the cool machines one cup and throw away to be washed.they dont drink from the same cup.

    And the kitcken and food are great,and very clean.

    like all the other schools have to put up an entry fee 20,000 neg.

    I see and talk to people who have changed schools 2 or 3 times ,allways looking for better,if the kids are happy they will want to learn.with alot of help from us,and yes they give them a little home work every day

    and good parenting is no one.

    If you stay in thailand or go back to OZ you are giving them a good start early....you have to start sometime.


  14. I like sending them early 2 or 3yrs up,in OZ its as you know 50 dollars a day preschool.

    our 5yrs old goes to satit and she loves to go to school,she has friends to play with and learns.

    many half thai and full farang there,they have a 25 mt pool where they teach swimming during and after school.[extra].the teachers are nice,i even see a bit of disapline with the older ones [if late run around the park]

    some new ones cry at first.just leave them with the teachers and go.they also take in handicaped kids [none wheelchair,have a look.on the way to satahip turn left after the aquarim at greenway driving range.

    they have kindi 1.2.3 and its 22,000 a term [2 terms] food included.

    good luck.

  15. yeah, that's true I guess... most wouldn't know how expensive a good bike is in isaan!

    That's comforting on some level. Another problem is finding a good bike lock.

    Anyone see Kryptonite u-locks in BKK probikes?

    Udon is a place that I'll check out. I guess I'm afraid to get up there and then not

    be able to find a bike like this trek 3900 which is just about perfect.

    More than likely i'll buy it here and take it up north. I'd like to buy locally when i get

    back up there, but maybe better just to get it and have it - AND get some riding in

    over the next 4 weeks before I get up there.

    There are actually mt bike races??? wow. That's exciting stuff. Don't know if my

    40 year old body is up for it - but if they have old man bracket I'll take a shot.

    I'm thinking that by being in Khon Kaen I'll be close enough to head over to

    Loei or somewhere to get some hilly rides. Is that right? Any hills in Khon Kaen

    or east of there? I think the hills are all west of there - yes?


    IF i can race at 58 ,your a spring chic,they had a big race there last month[khon kaen] get on the site

    i gave u ,,and you'll see the trails,train with the thais,ask the shop what time they go,

    good riding


  16. I agree with SOHB.if you dont take one, order one and use the local bike shop,they rarely charge for labour,and make money on parts,...its a good place to find out where and when the mtb races are on.

    if you have;nt got it .. thaiMTB.com look for english forum ...and look for tonys site as well,its in thai but a good calander...there is a race on the 25th around korat way.happy racing and riding.


  17. heli thanks for your PM.

    after many exsperience's with all 3 hospitals mentioned.all xxxy and more and more pills.and never cured our now 5yr old,till we went to sartahip....9,000bt for 4/5 days in private room [everything].nice groungs to walk around

    for the last yr we have been going to queen sirakit satahip,its like a big department store people everywhere and deals with everything just about,normally very slow but good .

    once you do the rego tell them which doc you need to see and join the Q,

    TIME 8.30AM TILL 12PM ...1pm till 4pm mon to thurs.fri till 12pm always get ther early.

    plenty of shops coffee, mini super market,.

    jans blood test 600bt mine 90bt ultra sound 400bt,,they deliver more babys than just about anywhere and you get your own doc.

    If you have or want your own doc.[NO Qs TILL BORN].straight to doc,you pay 4500bt at about 3 months and the rest when born all up maybe 10,000 ,12000 ,they have a huge pharmacy [grab a ticket] about a 1/4 of the price the other 3 mentioned sometimes cheaper.the doctors speack english,but the staff not much if any,if you can,take some one who speaks thai,..we are going the 2nd of everymonth jans 2.1/2 months..

    if you want the sis picked up PM me,if not booked jan will get her,



  18. I live next to satit school, my daughter has been going there since 2yrs old ,now 5yrs.the nursery is great,and the school last year got rid of the old principal, and the kids are always happy.all the schools have home pick ups to and from schools,at extra cost,my daughter is now in kindi 3 at 22,000bt a term [2 terms in thailand ]

    they teach chinese thai,english.

    you can get a live in house keeper from 3000 to 6000bt a month to help with the kids,or on a daily basis.

    sartahip is mainly allnavy compounds and if you are not thai the good beaches are hard to access.

    get on the net [places for rent pattaya thailand ]and check out whats around,there are many nice housing villages ,and places with big condos,it will give you an idea,

    there are many sports and hobbys here in pattaya,if you are into them.

    the best beaches are ban ampur and bang suray,with nice condos around there as well,about 10 ks out of pattaya,the beaches are mainly flat and safe.

    My mrs is pregnant again and i thought of going back to australia,but its cheaper to live here and i am settled here. and it wont be long before thekids will be mountain biking,sailing ,wundsurfing, etc ,there is heaps to do if you have time and want to do it.

    good luck


  19. Me and a mate are going up to mekong river, in mukdahan, to do the triathlon in march 23rd/24/25th, thai asia championships ,,any one know of any good hotels other than the ploy hotel,or of any night life or bars,[might go earlier if so.and yeah we are to old mad aussies.

    thanks in advance


  20. NON IMMA VISA O .. I was from sydney.the consulate there is too strick and scared to make mistakes.and everthing has to be perfect...i send mine to brisbane never a prob.i still send a THAI family photo or 2 and a bank statement [oz]and a letter for reason going .

    i have talked to him ,consul generel [aussie] he said they dont knock many back, but its still nice to have a bit of paper work.he also said sydney send him applicants to process as they are scared...mainly groups...

    and you can go there and do it while waiting,but still take some paper work exspecially a 1st timer.


  21. I agree with others about BPH they are rip offs, soi 4 international is getting nearly as bad.

    we now take our daughter to satahip ,once you register and get your card its a bit quicker,but be prepared to wait,and eveyone stops for lunch,get there early,main section closes at 5pm,emergancy open all the time naturaly.

    daughter was there for 4 days 9.000 .one night in BPH 22,000 same prob,never again if i can help it.


  22. I hear there is good surf around Puket at this time of year, I have surfed Kho Samui at about 1 metre, nice beach break. Has anyone surfed Phuket? I have heard there is a couple of nice point breaks on a large swell but I have no idea where.

    The surf season is may to oct,around phuket ,,,they have surf contests as well in that time,oct last year we surfed kalim bay and kata noi 4 to 5 foot,great wave u can hire boards, but xxxy

    i was there 3 weeks ago to see friends and patong and others are like a pond,and because of no water movement sea lice hangs around.

    these waves are not comon for this time of the year.

  23. Hi boys

    what i have seen,you dont dig the stumps up after cutting cause the stump reshoots 3/4 off spring,depending on the age of the tree,like was said before after cutting fertilize the soil,you get more the second time around etc,maybe thin them out for the extra folage.


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