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Posts posted by catwho

  1. Why NO meters,cause the meters are set too low, in bkk you have a big area,pattaya from jomteim to naklua around 12ks radius,city hall have put on too many taxi's and they are in competion with baht bus'es [songthaw]that run the regular routes again unlike bkk.nearly ALL taxis are driven by drivers who work for the owners paying the owner between 800.1000bt a day plus petrol gas etc,before they make a baht,the trouble with the drivers WHO ARE NOT MAFIA NOR ARE THE OWNERS, is that they think like thias, easy come easy go,i not give in,,they dont realise once they get some one in the taxi they can promote themselves to take people to airport,etc,but again most dont speak or want to learn english.Again owners [mafia] do not tell the drivers what to do,its their own stupid selves that bring them undone.before when my wife was driving one she use to say to a customer who had asked another taxi how much to ?.

    and he knock the customer back cause would not pay his price ,wife would under cut him cause he would not come down.and get fares later on to [zoo etc].

    the taxis have radios but company donth have radio service,also have GPS rarely used.how do i know i own 2 of the em.ME BIG MAFIA FROM AUSTRALIA...its the same with the baht buse's drivers dont own them

    SO people like jinthing WHO ALWAYS COMPLAIN and have nothing better to do,do your home work.


  2. I don't know about your situation but when government surveyers went around grand dads village, people first got a bit scared, then they got happy after they had been explained that it was something good they were doing.

    I don't know how true this is in your case but I highly doubt that the government surveyers would do something not benefitting everybody

    Good Luck

    Thanks mikey,why sor bor kor ,not a title closer to chanute,confuse's me,and i am with khun jean,many spoilt kids or crazy money making ideas will costs people the land.


  3. refering back to my other post.land titles.last 2 days goverment surveyors have been doing just that to every house in the village,all villagers asked same question whats going on? was told to wife that 1 rai or less with house was to be changed to sorpor kor and the tor bor har tiltle on the 1 rai or less, is now sor por kor.on which you can borrow money from bank[not chanoute]the rest of your land remains tor bor ha.i feel you should show this in farming as well as others may have feed back to whats happening.in the country.Cause i am bloody confused.


  4. Depending on the family situation,if possible for him, take the girl/f and son to OZ,

    [play the game] get G/F to get son thai pasport [1week bkk]the dad goes with her on the day she applies,[early]then get taxi to oz embassy for passport aplication,10.30 till 12.30pm unless he has one,The son has citizenship papers,when ready take in to embassy to apply,maybe a month.just my thoughs,Be nice play the game, eaiser said then done.


  5. I have defended my point against banal, sophomoric and emotional (my post had 4 typos, duh!) attack only because the attackers' points have been so rediculous and poorly thought out.

    Yes, it really is pathetic ;)

    Thailaw, on 2011-01-17 10:39, said:

    Boy, you do seem to struggle with the English language. Perhaps you are a product of the same UK state schools system of which you seem to be so fond and supportive.

    I'll happily keep my child away from the kind of education you received if you think being condesending & nasty is the way to get on in life. Good grace isn't something they seem to have taught in your great US schooling system either.

    The above reminds me of a well reported conversation circa the mid 1970's between Gough Whitlam (Australian Labor PM from 1972 to 1975) and a young backbencher named Paul Keating, who would go on to be treasurer from 1983 to 1990 and then PM from 1992 to 1996.

    Whitlam: "That was a good speech. You should go back comrade, and get yourself an honours degree."

    Keating: "What for ? Then I'd be like you."

    Paul Keating never finished his high school (catholic working suburbs) but is credited with reforming the Australian economy in the during the 1980's, creating the economic fundamentals which have led to 20 years economic growth and has seen Australia basically avoid the Asian Fin crisis in the late 90's and the GFC which is ongoing at the moment.

    Whitlam was a QC who benefited from the best private education money could buy. He has been dubbed, rightly in my view, as the most economically incompetent PM in Australia's history.

    For the record: - I'd be happy with top tier international schools in Thailand (ISB, Pattana) where there is a good mix - a proper mix - of Thai and international students.

    Having said that, I know many people who have sent their kids to more Thai orientated 'international schools' who have bought up very well adjusted luuk krung kids, well able to handle themeselves both inside and out of Thailand.

    I have to agree with your post,Samran.

    i left school at 14, worked hard was hopeless at theory at school but once i left school things made sense.today i am a multi living in thailand.

    My brother went to uni got his degree in economics and after 2 yrs of work went on the dole and has been there every since.he could'nt hack it too much pressure.

    we can help our kids in everyway but at the end of it ca sera sera what ever will be will be...as i am 62 my kids are 3 and 9yrs,i hope i am around for them when time to leave school i have money put aside for their education weather i am here or not.In the end it will be the kids who have to have the want in their mind and body to do well.with the help of thier mother of course and me if i am here.

    Me i'd like my daughter 9yrs to go to uni and my son 3yrs to be a seaman 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off and live the life off riley like me.But that will be up to him and her.

    We are moving back to pattaya from our country estate to our mansion in pattaya,were i have booked them into goverment school ENGLISH PROGRAM at 15,000baht a term starting may.where they teach them respect, hard work,and the disiplne[cane]...Thats my say,, you blokes can do what you think is best for you kids.


  6. Nitnoi... what state are you in and what was your appeal procedure.

    I have been looking at these posts for a couple of yrs now not sure with 2 kids and mrs if i want to return to oz, but after changing my mind 100 times,have decided to stay,in thailand ,my address for the last 20yrs has been my sons and still is in OZ, we owned 2 properties [sold] so i only have son's add,i return 1 to 2 times a yr ,3/4weeks a time,using his add,have bank acc,use medicare card each time,have over 60s pension card.i am now 62,next yr at 63 intend to try and work 1/2 months till 65 each return, then apply,have been here in thaland 7 yrs now,but as said always return each yr.

    the other question is what ties do u have in thailand [mrs, kids etc] if so did u declare them or go solo,with what you said you get seems solo,

    maybe you got lucky but as fishooks says all info helps someone.


    catwho, The proposed new rules pertaining to Australian pensions is due to be tabled in parliament early in the new year,so its a bit premature to plan to far ahead.

    If the press releases are anything to go by the rules are supposed to be tightened and once enacted will be rigourisly applied.

    Evidentally their main target are the Disability pensioners who ,if the latest press releases are a guide will only be permitted one month per annum outside Oz in a calendar year.

    The rules for OAP are fairly clear in that you are required to have spent the majority of the 2 years prior to applying in order to prove residency or the two years immediately following the granting of OAP.

    Now that Centrelink and Immigration computers are linked their is no sense telling them porkies,in my own case they were able to real of the dates right back to 1989 when I came and went.

    If your wife is of working age ,that will be effect your ultimate pension,so your are better to keep your marriage hush hush.

    As you are still a bit off reaching the two year prior to applying period ,a call to centrelink international may be in order,they will explain to you ,what is expected of you in order to apply and be granted the OAP .

    Its a free call on 001 800 611 4136,have your CRN number to quote for them.

    Best of luck

    Thanks ozzy,i was hopeing [by some miricale] that the gov would make it easier for us OS,BUT will probaly do opp,

    i did see while in pattaya mail,tv. an interview with dr ian at the OZ

    chamber of Com,with new embassador to thaland,ian asked if he was aware of our problem with OAP living here,of course he said NO,

    dr ian filled him in ,probaly on deaf ears.[6 months ago]my mate did ring hobart, and asked for me they said still 2 yr probation,i have nearly 3yrs to worry about it,but when you see posts like nitnoi's,maybe you need a good story and pot luck where you apply.I'd STILL like to know what was said and done at nitnoi's appeal to change their mind.

    ta cat

  7. Nitnoi... what state are you in and what was your appeal procedure.

    I have been looking at these posts for a couple of yrs now not sure with 2 kids and mrs if i want to return to oz, but after changing my mind 100 times,have decided to stay,in thailand ,my address for the last 20yrs has been my sons and still is in OZ, we owned 2 properties [sold] so i only have son's add,i return 1 to 2 times a yr ,3/4weeks a time,using his add,have bank acc,use medicare card each time,have over 60s pension card.i am now 62,next yr at 63 intend to try and work 1/2 months till 65 each return, then apply,have been here in thaland 7 yrs now,but as said always return each yr.

    the other question is what ties do u have in thailand [mrs, kids etc] if so did u declare them or go solo,with what you said you get seems solo,

    maybe you got lucky but as fishooks says all info helps someone.


  8. I taught for 38 years in the UK state system. Corporal punishment was allowed and my lessons were successful - my students though I was 'inspirational.' I used the sanction sparingly. In the 70s it was taken away. Since then discipline in schools has spiralled downwards; assaults on teachers are up; exams are made easier to cope with the generally lower level of learning. Britain's society has become increasingly violent and less caring. At the same time millions of pounds are invested in extra counselling; more personal tutoring; more communication with parents; more positive and constructive reporting. All this money could be saved for the cost of second hand size 9 gym shoes + permission from UK's privately educated ministers to use these shoes.

    I reckon the whole process would take ten years to get Broken Britain back on track - even allowing for slow learners.

    totaly agree, same of OZ.

  9. Kids are canned daily at my school. The one teacher who does it, absolutely loves it. His face smiles while his M2 students get canned upto 8 times each, at morning assembly, infront of 2000 students.

    My students get back hands, palm slaps to the head and back and rulers on fingers. One day my little videos will be published. As it is now, I cannot.

    when i took my 9yr old daughter to school one day ,lady teacher gave about 30 girls one wack across the bum,before class.

    ask daughter if she copped it ,yep she said everyone cops the cane,the school is i the country,near korat,.

    i am all in favor of it,just like the coppers back in oz should be able to give you a kick up the bum,like i got and tell u to behave .

    not like now,touch me i'll sue you.too many goody goodies.NOW who still smacks their kids?


  10. Wife just came back from pui ban meeting in village,asked her what for.was told, sor bor kor can'nt be sold outside family as we all know ,but many thais have been buying and selling,but now must be a clamp down,also was told that tor bor har which we have and many others on this forum,that as from now u have to have 4 neighbors to sign paper with the pui ban to say that the land is yours.when buying or selling,my area shikui koart...courious to see have strictly they manage it,[a fase or not]


  11. Hi Gotlost..............I was tolled the same, price now around 2500bht/ton if you look on the exportprice on starch its 580 dollars/ton thats 40dollars from top price in may and then roots where paid 4000bht/ton or more . some guys are making alot of money but it aint the farmers :realangry: if the price that Somo wrote about are still valid it might be an option to transport the cassava to Chayaphum.........??????????

    anyone that has any knowlegde about freight prices???

    Regards Mikki B)

    Shkui where i live near korat is now 3.25 down from 3.45 a week ago,we are a 100ks before chayaphum.

  12. I was at the embassy yesterday to lodge my sons citizenship papers,[needed old passport of wife and did not translate marriage cert]rang 3 times to check on what was needed,[not mentioned ,the lady was very good to deal with,

    also you can pay cash for that form,i put the wrong dept on the check,i sent the mrs back to bank to get cash or check made out to embassy,[she came back with cashiers check] that was still ok.

    NOW i asked for immigration forms for the wife and step daughter to migrate,the lady came back with,info sheet,and 40sp[sponsor form]47sp immi form,two 160 forms for radiological chect xray,,and 2 forms for medical examination,.

    there seems to be more checking then when i last filled immi form out.when thinking of going back.

    WHOEVER is thinking of going to oz to live with wife or whoever , do yourself a favor,if near bkk go to embassy and get forms,or print off internet [is accecpted] THEN read fornt pages and most important,the CHECKLIST ITEM 85,PAGES 23/24,

    Sponsor now needs a federal police check,which i pretty sure was not there before,

    hope that helps someone.


  13. Robroy, we don’t usually expect to see them at this time of the year; if I recall correctly, they start to appear around February.

    Mikki, we too get wild boar digging up the tubers at time; had bears do the same last year. My BiL saw a big buck deer a couple of days ago coming out of our cassava just 100m in front of our house – no damage though. Rats are the worst – I bought 10 rat trap cages and encourage any of the locals to borrow them for use on our land to catch their supper!

    How’s the price where you are? Currently 3,000 baht/t here in my part of Nakhon Sawan. I’ve 65 rai of “2 year” cassava awaiting harvest as soon as I think the price has near enough topped out – should fetch 2 million baht.

    Hi Khonwan,Be interested to see what tonage you get per rai from that,and my FARANG B.I.LAW,said the stems were no good for planting after 18 months,is this true?he got the info from TV,

    the best price here in shkui now 3.45,6/8 weeks ago down to low of 2.20,from a top of 4.80 mid year,as said before a lot of competion for cassava here.

    All crops around here are healthy no bugs...we just put in 9 rai of cassava,using sticks the mrs brought [3mts tall and straight as]i asked what name they are called ,but as usual she did'nt ask,[any idea?]the other farmers wanted some too,but none left,cost us 2,400bt enough for 15 rai gave papa the left overs.

    thanks ..cat

  14. http://thailandtrail...lamung-tam.html

    I still have not gone there so can't comment on the place.

    Thanks for that, have driven up and down that road and never spotted the place. Will give it a try over the next few weeks.

    If you have the time and energy,go to the very end of soi kaltalo turn right .and at the play ground past school at 4pm [bin,an artist]takes whoever around everywhere,they will wait for slower riders, but u do have to be fit he speaks good english, and numchai bike shop[nakula] sometimes goes too,you can find the place from them, numchai little english, we use to go from pattaya to tamtpatoon do a circut and back, that was through the fields,[short cut ,the other way is go round macapan lake go past fishermans rest,turn right at next main intersection that takes u over the hwy,keep going for about 10ks after going up a small hill, wat on the right, but on the left is some small shops with a small soi leading up to the trails,start left of pond.

    i am 60 am i wait for them to catch up.am in korat now but went back for april race ,saw bin helping run things so, should still be going .


  15. If you have a extension of stay Non-O based on marriage or something else then yes you need to get a re entry permit and the same for a NON-B if you have a extension based on working, if you have a standard Non-O that has ben issued out of the country then you do not need a re entry permit you can come and go as many times as you like on that one

    Thanks,i have an non imma O, Muliple entry based on marriage and family given in australia ,each year, visa only says muliple entry ,not standand or whatever,hate to be caught out,.maybe have to check with imma pattaya before i go. unless you r 100%.

    thanks again


    An extension of stay is issued only in Thailand from the immigration office and it is this that you need a re entry permit, anything that was issued out of the country you do not need a re entry permit, an extesnion of stay based on marrige means that you go to the immigration and apply to stay in the country for the reason of supporting your family and you are married, a NON-O issued out of the country based on marriage means that the reason you want to come to Thailand is that you are married so there is the difference

    In future you may wish to inquire about that for next tome as it is only 1900 baht a year, you never have to leave the country unless you want to and it saves you having to go back to Aus to get one, you only need to show savings of 400,000 baht in a thai bank for the last 3 months or proof that you pay tax on 40,000 if you are working or a certified leter from your embassy that you are recieving a salary from a company outside of thailand that is equivalent to 40k per month

    Thanks again for that,i want to and do go back each year to try and stay eligable for the pension in 3 yrs and see family,dont mind doing visa runs,i was worried about coming back into thailand that they would not give me another 3 months.you have clarafied that.thanks


  16. If you have a extension of stay Non-O based on marriage or something else then yes you need to get a re entry permit and the same for a NON-B if you have a extension based on working, if you have a standard Non-O that has ben issued out of the country then you do not need a re entry permit you can come and go as many times as you like on that one

    Thanks,i have an non imma O, Muliple entry based on marriage and family given in australia ,each year, visa only says muliple entry ,not standand or whatever,hate to be caught out,.maybe have to check with imma pattaya before i go. unless you r 100%.

    thanks again


  17. been living here 6 yrs but always went home [OZ]after 12/15 months to renew visa this time am leaving before 90 days and will return in 2.1/2 weeks, do i need to go to immagration [probaly pattaya] live near korat to get a rentry stamp or what ever,

    what i have looked up its a TM/8 FORM ,but not sure if it applys to non imm o.take photos and fill in form.

    tanks in advance .


  18. year and half still waiting for thai hubby's land to be officially chanotte. latest news is 'its in the mail'-- we spoke personally with the land people at a great cost in phone bills... apparently 'interested parties' in the muu baan liked our dinky little corner near a more or less 'main' road, so the going got rough on the paperwork and we are overseas os couldnt push and pull... i would never deal with land and thais, regardless of what thais do. u arent thai. same as here in my country, we do stuff i would never recommend a non citizen (read: temp citizen, foreinger, visa visitor) to do, cause while rules and regs are meant to be broken, natives know how to navigate in the system and out of it, and know people. foreigners dont know how to swim in the water the same way...

    caveat emptor.



    All land and everything we have is in the mrs and kids name,i know the risks involved with sor bor kor and will not buy it,i'll have to pay more for less land but better off laterif i buy more land.

    pak chong 50ks down the rd land goes for 400. to 1mill a rai,10ks away land tor bor5 is 100 to 300,000 a rai as we have beauty and mountains in our valleys like pak chong, which bkk thais like, althought not farmers they r buying for profit,later.and a lot have been coming in mini vans to look and buy

    i'll just have to wait for the right moment to buy around here,2 yrs ago we brought 20 rai for 10.000 a rai sold one yr later 15000, so we could buy where we r now,i'll probaly have to pay now 20,000 plus for tor bor 5 .but i am happy with that ,the sor bor kor was dropped down to 11,000 form 15.000 and last time got 4.1/2 tone a rai from casava,its a pity ,thanks bina ,we are in thailand.


  19. There was an article in 'the paper which can't be named' a while back that went over ALL the land titles, and had a nifty chart outlining the restrictions, transfer rights, etc.

    Due to forum restrictions; I can't jump you the link.

    However; I bet if you Googled "A place to call your own", along with the name of the un-named paper, you might find it right at the top of the search.

    FWIW: it's a good article. ..

    Its the Bangkok Post. You can not quote it or supply a link but you can name it.

    In Pattya 4/5 yrs ago they were going to change the seaside part of walking st,to a road as nearly all the resturants and bars were ilegal. the usual whahoo,people brought into soi bukhow, thinking this would happen and walking st would slow down,it never happened,[too many fingers in the pie]

    same in the country,it would take a BIG BIG man or goverment to chalange the the whole country where, big nobs and others have either encrouched on gov land or have built and brought land not to be built on, or sold.

    the goverment or whoever always have blitzes on somethimes, but it fizzers out , thats why i love the place,, big brother dose not stay around too long, and we go back to paying 100baht for a speeding fine for coppers lunch.


  20. went to pay tax on our shop in the agriculture and tech inst,while there got the mrs to ask about sor bor kor ,

    was told thai people are selling to each other as they do with every other title and you can put it in your name.at land office ,,one of the bosses there had done just that.

    the only problem people might have is if the goverment wants the land back or who ever has it at that time they will probably only be compensated for about 50% of what you paid.if the land was close to a major village or town,later there may be a prob.i still have not heard of anyone buying land what ever tile[through land office]

    having it taken from them,Heard lots of storys of shonky deals and rip offs,mainly on farangs.


  21. I have done a search on this and found all advice to not buy, mostly old,i have a 100rai of prime land at a very good price that i want to buy ,but as many people here farang ,and thai have brought tor bor 5,etc and build on land that is not surpose to be built on all over thailand,whats going to happen with the system,in my search i did find

    from PDF file phuket that thailand gov intend to change all land titles to chanotte,but because of non funds and manpower it will take decades,in the mean time, what happens now ,,all over thailand people sell what ever title to each other family or not.

    has anyone brought sor bor kor which i was told would now under thai law can or could be changed into new name of new owner, it all sounds like a mine field to me but thais a doing it [WHY] anyone had a prob with this title or know of a prob from this or any title..

    thanks cat

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