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Posts posted by catwho

  1. Anyone had a bore hole drilled in these areas , i do live in shkui which is half way between both above areas,

    i want to keep dam [pond filled ] plus irragate 6 rai.all yr round.any contact numbers or comments welcome.

    i keep tabs on the new and old threads, and quotes or jobs from 10,000 to the last one,170,000.

    thanks .


  2. OK, anyone know where I can hire, steel or borrow a sub 10kg bike, dont mind if its old as long as its shimano 105 or better. Also are there any road cyclists round pattaya? It would be nice to find some training mates.

    2 main places[bike shops]1 in treppresit rd , crn soi 16 .CN bikes . the other is namchai down nakula end of suhumvit ,where u turn left to go to the markets.[on upp side s/vit,

    cn have secound hand bikes and depending on short stay or long stay for u, have a look at range .[mainly TREK BIKES]

  3. Been in skhui 59ks before korat now for 3 months ,all the family bar me are with AIA ,the mrs took her father to bangkok hospital korat thinking all would be paided for by AIA which she did check 1st,came time to check out after 1.1/2 days and BILL 30.000,

    of which we found was only covered up 17000 by AIA , he needed blood transfusion ,no op's, and check up to see why he was bleeding from the bum,

    they came down 2000bt after taking to AIA rep who hard called and who talked to them for an 1hr trying to find out why so much.but just like B/PATTAYA /HOSPITAL , they charge lke the light BRIGADE.

    it cost me 10000bt,

    In pattaya i always went to Queen suriket, at utapoa where my son was born ,great hospital.and AIA was always covered and never paid a baht,5 times there.

    QUESTION is anything like Q/S in korat,that HAS GOOD DOC'S AND GOOD service and dose not overcharge,with extra ,extras.

    i have asked the MRS to ring her AIA rep to ask if has an answer.

    thanks in advance cat.

  4. khonwan,

    I am out of the cassava bizz now .after breaking about square,this year,but i thought others may be interested,

    we turned to parsley,and choi soi,i think is the name,used alot in pad se u.and the mrs has turned to buyingt from the farmers the vegies and running them to korat markets for a quick profit.plus we opened up a small shop to sell fertilizer and other products.doing OK ,but the mrs learning the hard way at times ,,cause as we know u carnt tell em.


  5. We had about 10 trees cut down,to help build our house; using the big electric chain saw,carnt remember price,but not too xxxy, we were on a tight budget,, and we have plenty of trees ,i hated cutting them,,,,,i did notice because of the width of the chainsaw there was a lot of waste,they take what ever is left to the chipper[bonas],what was not used to make rafters,i had anything big enough cut to make wooden table,chairs,and keep the GOOD round branches for legs.

    If you can somehow get a blade to cut your peices after cutting down you will get more from them,


    or like me yopu will find you had too cut more trees then u were told.


  6. Hie all,

    I'm wanted to setup a business selling Thai onion shallots. Been searching everywhere but cannot find any reliable suppliers. Anybody can help me? Is it shallots plantation are located mainly at Lampang and Sisaket?

    We just finished our parsley crop, and the vegie they put in pad se u,dont know name,big lefy vegie.

    now the wife is putting in spring onion ,[2 rai ]plus parsley,6 rai,the onion came as a small onion with the shoot and i quired the planting cause there was no rush,i was told you have a month to plant the young ones , that once planted are fully grown in 4 to 6 weeks,but thay have cut the the young one down to the bulb ready for planting,sprinklers are set and fertilizer down ,up to the mrs when she plants them.

    we are in shikui 50 ks before korat so a long way for u to come ,if i can find the source from where they come.


  7. Not quiet,i have over time read a lot on the pension in this forum. and i hope i am going to get it right.

    i have gone home each year either each 12 months or 15 denpending on my non imma O visa, which allows for this if you apply before the 12 mts as most know,

    i am 60 now and intend NOW each time i go back to OZ ,each 12 months i intend to work [wich i have lined up] for that time and pay tax to show that OZ is still my place of residence,as i put a tax rerurn in each year.

    i now have no property in oz, but show my sons and my address as the same as i have done for the last 20yrs.

    i intend to do this for the next 5 yrs and hope to have no prob getting the pension,

    i like to see my family each year so dont mind goig home ,i know extended time OS is considered non resident.

    any thoughts .


  8. Just moved to SHIKUI about 50ks before korat.moved from pattaya,built a rough shop house so to sell fertilizer, PVC ETC for irragation,amongs other things,decided better of selling to the farmers then being one,as we just lost a little one our first little crop of cassava.[20 rai].since sold to pay for new land and house.

    we have another 10 rai with water ,,,and as are a few other farners around here we are into growing parlsey ,we are selling all seeds and what ever esle they need.

    we have stated of very small 8 bags for each fertilizer normaly used ,we are actualy 20ks from the shikui,so it might work out well as we are selling at their prices.

    which are ,at the moment,16 8 8= 680,,16 16 8=815,,16 20 0= 795 ,,46 0 0= 650,,15 15 15=920,,30 20 0=970.

    the firtilizer is called pravit [risingsun] when i asked if thai or chinese, they said norway company,but probaly made here as all in thai on the bag.

    they have ask for the rabbit and horse one,but finaces are restricted so will take things slowly

    we did meet with a big company [lowest min buy 200,000bt] but they were 100bt more for each bag then what i am getting now,

    then all the bartering came into it and prices and deals came into it, and i show them what i was paying they came down in price but not enough.

    Just an insight into the market.

    got to go my 2yr old wants to see the stars.


  9. I am going back to OZ for different reasons,main one cost of education here and standard.

    my daughter will be going into 3 primary,at satit, i wanted to move her to english section till we move to oz,but the pom english teacher i asked for advice from told me to leave her in the thai section,a school servey showed kids learn as much english in thai section.[carn't work that one out]

    i will leave her there and keep sending her to be taught after school in the condo at satit where the teachers live.100 to 150 hr,,she got most improved last year,and confident

    in herself.

    they are getting more into soccer now that the english teachers are there,the kids are always happy,never see fights or arguements,they have some phillo teachers in thai sect,as well as english.i carnt comment on the english sect,and my daughter was doinging ordinary in thai sect till i got her a tutor.

    the disipline is the same as in nearly all thai private schools,[ordinary]the engilsh teachers try hard, they got rid of the last principal[pom] cause he was too hard... goverment schools are a lot more strickter.

    hope that helps.


  10. The nephew [thai] has lived with us for over 2 yrs so is able to be included as dependent on the visa application spouse visa, pemanent..[he is now 15]

    we will be taking our 8yr old and our 20 month toddler back.and i can't afford to look after him as well.

    the wifes thai sister which wanted to take him back at xmas.[they live in PERTH we live in tweed hds OLD border] found,that because not dependent on her she would have to pay $10.000 for schooling.

    plus the extras for travel.etc if they brought him over on a sponsor ship.visa

    she wanted us to bring him over on our visa then send him over to them,

    Any body fill me in on the poblems arrising from this.

    I told them the school and and who ever would ask for paper work to show who was the legal gaurdian And maybe trouble for us.

    thanks .


  11. Hi all,

    I am a new member to the forum. I am currently doing my phd research on Thai cassava value chains. I have just returned to my university in the UK having completed a 5 months' fieldwork in Thailand (I was doing a case study on Khorat). During my fieldwork, I struggled to get firsthand experience of farmers who participate in the guaranteed cassava price project, mainly due to language barriers or difficulty in finding willing / available respondents (also my interviews were done mostly with the factories). This is a shame as I understand that the guaranteed price project is a major component of the cassava industry, and missing out on what is actually happening on the farmers side means failure to give a complete understanding of the industy. I found your discussions in this forum tremendously useful. I hope to summarise the discussions for my academic research purpose, as this pretty much confirms my fieldwork findings, but much clearer simply for language reasons. Is there anyone in the form whom I can contact about this, like a moderator? I can assure you in advance that no mention of names etc will be made, any any direct quotation should it be taken, can only be done with prior consent of the person concerned. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Hi cassavainkhorat

    I'll PM you next day or two with some personal and some general info.



    Hi Khonwan, can you advice how to I PM you? i am new to this forum, sorry. but would really hope to hear back from you on the issue above.


    click on the arrow on khowan's name and send message

  12. thanks for the clarification...did in 2006, and just getting the paperwork for no 2. lined up now.

    Translation for no.2 took me 3-4 days to get, (Monday afternoon, pick up Thursday). But I forgot they do have the express translation option, either through the agency, or if you do it yourself. So that can make it a next day thing if you do it through the agency.

    Payment was definetly by cheque then, which annoyed me to no end, as had to run out to the bank and back before 12!! Glad to hear cash is possible now.

    Official paperwork didn't seem to mention that you could get the doctor to do it, so that does cut the time frame down (thankfully).

    Cheers for the updated info.

    When having documents signed in Australia, you can have almost anyone sign them (Police, Doc, Chemist, JP, Post Master, etc.) When Outside Aus, it is hard to find one of the above that is an AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN.

    You can have the doctor that attended the birth sign the documents, but there is a time limit for that to be accepted.

    I processed my Son's Citizen-by-decent about 1 month after he was born and almost had to drive back to Pattaya to get the Doctor to sign. Luckily there was a JP in the Consular Section waiting room and he approached me when I was bracing myself for travel to Pattaya. He signed my forms and I queued up again (should have seen the look on their face!).

    For the passport application, the witness only needs to be an Aussie citizen (non relative), so find yourself an Aussie now for the passport application. Short of that; go into any bar with the form in one hand and offer an icy cold beer to the first Aussie to sign it!

    where in pattaya can you get the correct photos done ,i tried theprasit opp markets [useless] like you blokes i dont want a knock back.

    And thanks fo the updates boys i'll be going in next week,i had he's birth cert done at soi post office [translated]or is it better to have it all done at thai f/affairs.

    i was and want to get express marriage cert,etc done in the morning stay in bkk, o/n then go the next day to embassy,for his oz citizenship.



  13. MY 19 month son contacted the disease friday,well thats when it hit him as it takes 3 to 6 days to come on.

    i first thought it was from pattaya park as we were there thusday,and thought he must have swallowed bad water ..but the pedeatrian doc,said as above 3 to 6 days.

    if you are worried about this google the disease.its mouth sores,red spots or red blisters on hands feet and bum. maybe fever which or son did not get,so far,

    normaly we go to queen sirikit,but went to bkk patts as it was saturday,i was surpised at only being charged 700bt,as the medicne given was only for pain and fever,and the doctor explained very well the prob in english,i did go on the saturday a few months ago and was charged 800bt,

    i was happy with that as the many times i was there before when my daughter was young.it always cost me 1000 to 2000bt for all the pills we did'nt need.

    ARE they changeing.

    If he had to go into hospital,i would have driven to Q-sirikit,as he has already been there twice since born,both times 2 nights 3 days for a cost of 4500bt and 4000bt in private rooms and great people around you.he was aslo born there.Eveything there now is in both english and thai and numbered.


  14. Unclear what your have or want. If you need a new visa you have to apply at Consulate - a two workday process. If you have a valid multi entry visa you cross border, get stamp for other country and are free to return for a new 90 day entry. If you are without visa and just want a visa exempt entry you do the same for a 15 day stay (not 30 days anymore on a land crossing).

    A crossing/return does not require you stay in other country any set time (although other country might try to scam a "fee" if they know you are just returning).

    I have a valid non immg O ,multi entry, i wanted to know if i could do as i do on the cambobian visa run ,cross ove the bridge get stamped and come back same day and get another 90 days.you answered that for me as a yes.. i have a multi enrty.O.thanks lopburi.

    I went to had lek near trat last trip there they hit you for 200/300 exta same day cossing.i have been 3 times and got me 3 times.its nothing if you stay

  15. My 90 days are up [28th march] on my immg O visa. i normaly do a run to cambodia,but have to go to nong kkai to do a triathlon 28th..[friendship bridge],can i do as we do in cambodia in and out.or do i have to stay 2 days or go to veintenne for the day. i will only be there fri, sat,sunday, leave monday.

    or is it best just to do a visa run 25th to cambodia.

    thanks in advance


  16. My wife can break almost anything with her teeth,never had a filling,bought up in the contry,where u dont see many fat kids or many with bad teeth.

    but even that is changeing,5 yrs ago i left my 2 yr old with her familyfor a few months came back from OZ and half her baby teeth were rotten, too much rubbish and not shown how to clean.[damage done,] i soon change her back from a little spoilt brat to now a beautifull little girl.

    their diet is changeing for the worst,now instead of sticky rice with whatever for a snack,now chips and coke etc.

    it up to the parents to teach their kids the right way to clean.but help from anywhere is welcome.


  17. I hope the owners of Lucifers have been watching the news over the last few days and have taking note of the tradegy at the Santika club in Bangkok. They need to rethink the exit/entrance to their club

    YEAH me and my mates say the same,we stay up the back so we can throw the stools through the windows and jump in the water.

  18. Hard Rock Hotel - though probably quite expensive.

    Out of interest - What activities does HR Hotel have for kids to do?

    I went with my kids to one there 2 yrs ago,the kids loved it, 7 year olds,heaps of games to play ,they can play in the pool and foam room,good food all under supervision,parents left their kids there and pick them up later.

    dont know how much but google their web site,

    same family did on in horseshoe point that was good to around the pool.

    last party we had the mrs hired a blow up castle, and put in on the vacant land next door,they never stop playing.about 2000 baht to hire.,


  19. I'm living in Pattaya and would like to find the right place for me to play tennis. In the states, I used to play at 4.0 level and now (probably down to 3.5) I'd like to join a club (or go somewhere) where I can play regularly with as many other players as are available.

    Tennis players, I'd love to hear where you'd suggest I go to play, or join, and why.

    -Thanks a lot


    behind thepprasit markets behind the white condos,and a big pool, up near sukumvit.


  20. I had not been there for a while,and when i did go back twice in the one week,,half the staff and no customers,then again the r/garden did'nt have any either,

    that was 2 weeks ago. i love the wraps

    i hope it comes back it a good place for an optic.


  21. The price for dry at the time we sold last week, dry 5.5 a kilo.wet..4.5 to 4.7 which is what we got,from a high of 8.0 dry, a few months a go.took the pice.... if allowed to dry out the price may go down again,the mrs took the punt.


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