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Posts posted by catwho

  1. Who [farangs] out there drives their own tractors, doing their own land,,,big or small farmers.and what is the normal rate for hiring a thai driver ,per day.

    and is there any backlash from doing your own land?

    As long as you give the locals work do they mind.



  2. I went to pattaya int H, waited a while went in and said i needed my B cells frezzed they said we dont do that here ,so i left that was 3 months ago,

    my 2 trips tp BPH one was on xmas day[2yrs ago] frezze gun not working so they did me with cotton buds ,no prob good job,cost 1000 baht]

    went back to see doc anna,8 months later she said u have too many 'ill do some but get some EFUDIX cream and do them yourself,not impressed...in OZ its 55 dollars small tube and looks terrible when done,,

    she did about 10 small ones,then looked for more income saying one needed a laser, which i had done,didnt need to be done,[cost 4500bt]

    i go back to OZ each year to have them done as i have had them done for 30 years so i know my skin cancers,

    i am due back in OZ dec, but want some on my back done now, so i will go and see another doc at the dermo clinic at BPH,NOT DOC ANNA.

    That aldara cream sounds good, if i can get some i'll try it.

    i'll pass on info when i go later.



  3. Thanks SAP,and kownan,

    left friday just got back,today,i did it for the bra,inlaw,they spread away from stems then covered after with the small [ETACT] 2 wheel hand held tractors,as was only 6 weeks old casava,

    on our 20 rai casava,we put cow manure down before planting and i will wait for rain then am going to put down 50ks 2 rai a against 1 rai,just to see what i get after 14 months,as i intend to buy 100 rai plus later.[ its already 3 months old our cassava]

    for our 8 rai of corn we only got 3 1/2 ton compared to 8 ton last year with a lot more rain,price last year 6,000 tonne this yr 7.1700.

    last year [8rai] but still got 8 tonne using no fertilizer, but as i said it rained,so i dumped 8 tonne of manure on sunday and will put some zargor bone and skin down as well and see how we go,,planting corn then change to cassava .

    we have a dam [pond]so will buy a pump and sprinklers, to again seehow we go, we only brought the 8 rai last yr so maybe thay looked after the land.

    thanks again boys.i hope it helps someone.


  4. My wife says the opposite, she says the rain will wash away the fertilizer. Who knows? Issangeorge

    If your there knowan whats your thoughts or other from experiance

    I thought just after rain, then again if u put in down dry and no rain what happens to to fertilizer



  5. My 7Yr old goes there,[3 yrs]she 's happy,her thai reading and witing are good but english ord,thai progam,,so i now give her a few lessons and i send he to be tutored after school by the thai english,100b hr,

    i watch the kids go in before school and all the kids english progam have farang teachers,

    i talked to the pommie guy running them he sad the kids need moe disipline,but the schhool dose not like that for fear of lossing income,, if the parents complain,but i would say they have lost more kids because they are not strong enough,i know 5 familys who have done this.

    Regents,and others are too xxxy for me and i i live in satit village so it will have to do till if and when i go back to OZ.

  6. Hope the surf is good next week,be there fo a 2 week surf, stay at kalim each year 2 or 3 times,clean and 4 to 6ft when on,easy paddle out.katanoi is good too but only for the exsperinced.

    And huggy, good advice,GOOD to see,i'd like to see an exchange between australian and thailand life savers through the movement,i live in pattaya,but if anyone whos in the know in phuket 'its just a thought.


    I would say the other way round no ?? Kalim is rocky and often shallow, minor screw ups there can have you falling hard onto rocks (and I have never seen a headguard / helmet in Thai water) whereas Kata Noi has at least a sand beach break.

    Kalim is only for surfing,the rocks form the break when there is enough water under them,same as all reef breaks,you will only see surfers out when enough water under them,its not a heavy wave,that sends u to the bottom,i have never touch the bottom there,but have many times on others,

    katanoi is a good wave but for an old bloke like me too hard a paddle

  7. Hope the surf is good next week,be there fo a 2 week surf, stay at kalim each year 2 or 3 times,clean and 4 to 6ft when on,easy paddle out.katanoi is good too but only for the exsperinced.

    And huggy, good advice,GOOD to see,i'd like to see an exchange between australian and thailand life savers through the movement,i live in pattaya,but if anyone whos in the know in phuket 'its just a thought.


  8. My mate [a seaman] got knocked back years ago on a defacto spouse visa,being together 3 years and she had been to Oz 4 times

    he appealed in Oz took nearly 12 months and 8000 dollars with laywer.he worked 4 weeks on and off ,and not together 12 months continuisly was the reason fo knock back, he won the case, but cost him,he was only 24 ys old at the time,

    as david said appeal in OZ.

    if you apply for a fiance visa and once u get it and get to Oz u have to be married within 9 months, or visa stopped and she has to leave OZ,

    And it seems u applied for defacto, not married or fiance.if u are married already [legal ,not budda] u should have little trouble with appeal,

  9. I bought my land in pattaya and had the house and pool built 4 years ago,total cost 3 million, 3 bed, 2 bath,14 mt pool,i had it sold a month ago for 5 mill,i went looking around pattaya for another house for a week,all the villages i had looked at not long ago with many places fo sale,all of a sudden have only 2/3 for sale,

    and a 2 story 3 bed house's no pool were selling from 4 1/2 mill up some cheaper,but not good for a resale later.

    i stopped the sale before deposit,and am now glad i did,my norwegien neighbor has 4 house's and he has them constantly rented.

    the thais are buying,and the russians are both renting and buying,i use to check the condos out but not lately so i car'nt comment on them.but the house's i've found are on the up, if you have not got on your bike or car to look around and only listen to others,you are not doing yourself, or others a favor,like anything else you have to do your homework.


    What Real Estate Agent do you work for ? and great to see foreigners can now own land in Thailand like your Norwegian neighbour , I must of missed that law being passed.

    another sinic,get of your ass and have a look around.my wife and kids own the house and havent you heard of companys,and lease's.i tell it how i see it.

  10. I bought my land in pattaya and had the house and pool built 4 years ago,total cost 3 million, 3 bed, 2 bath,14 mt pool,i had it sold a month ago for 5 mill,i went looking around pattaya for another house for a week,all the villages i had looked at not long ago with many places fo sale,all of a sudden have only 2/3 for sale,

    and a 2 story 3 bed house's no pool were selling from 4 1/2 mill up some cheaper,but not good for a resale later.

    i stopped the sale before deposit,and am now glad i did,my norwegien neighbor has 4 house's and he has them constantly rented.

    the thais are buying,and the russians are both renting and buying,i use to check the condos out but not lately so i car'nt comment on them.but the house's i've found are on the up, if you have not got on your bike or car to look around and only listen to others,you are not doing yourself, or others a favor,like anything else you have to do your homework.


  11. I will be coming to phuket,[patong] end of month for a surf[fom pattaya]come twice a year,but will need to do my 3 month visa run [non imm O] will i need anything other than photos and passport,and anyone recomend a seivce,for day trip,in pattaya we only need photos and p/port,

    thanks in advance.


  12. Thnaks khownan for your input now and in the past.

    Another thing that went a little wrong,with us when weeding,the mrs got some locals to work [some had worked fo us before]she told them 170 a day,when she dropped them on the land they said they wanted 35 baht for one row,about 200 rows]when she rang me i said send them home[being mafia]she said then i look stupid , i told her she will either way she goes.they worked one day 2800 baht, then we found our old friends who were happy with the 170.

    it may have worked out the same price but did not like the way they did it.

    i was going to buy more land and work it, but prices are getting out of hand, and i will wait and see if cassava and corn go up to 3000baht,and 8/9000 for corn.tonne

    6 months ago i was ready to move to the country and work with the mrs,

    i also found i was alergic to those little tiny sand fly things that bite the cattle and me,eyes swelled up big icthy pimles. now i why they cover up so much,cooler times no prob.


  13. Khonwan, From your posts and talking to the assistant to the president at Rajamagala University of Technology Isan, Kalasin Campus, and other sources, I am convinced that cassava is the crop to grow on my well drained PH 5.5 11 rai. I do not speak Thai and thus need my wife’s help in planting the cassava and organizing everything. Because people who planted cassava in our area at previous times, when cassava was going for 600 baht a tone, my wife has not been that interested in planting it. Lately she is showing some interest, but needs a lot more prodding. I have a couple of questions for you. 1/ is it still the right time of year to plant or is it to late? 2/ I understand that Ranong 90 is the cassava with the highest yield, is this correct and where would I buy it? My wife seems to think we have to go to Korat to get it, but I think there must be some place closer. 3/ How should I plant it, I know you have posted before how to do this, but maybe you could some it up in easy steps for the non farmer who is trying to tell his farmer wife(who knows everything) how to do it. Thanks a lot. Issangeorge.

    Isan/g while you are waiting fo reply just scroll down to search topic and put in cassava fertilizer or planting it will tell what u want

    i asked khonwan almost the same Q [PM him]and he gave me good info,and he told me to read the threads which enlighten me more on the good and the bad,i have aleady planted my 1st crop, and maizefarme has a very good post there as well.


    Isan/g the good info i got was from the thread you started[what to farm]so you know all that.all i can say is if they dont like the risk.or doing the work [family] it might not be worth it,maybe try mazie a quicker return,,,my wifes family are into cassava and maize,she talked me into it [as they do]and i am happy she did.

    we planted ranong 50, i just found out,and we paid 400baht a bunch of 1000 stalks,but we had to take the ute and truck on the land they just dug up and collect it ourselves, thats why so cheap,otherwise the mrs said 1500 to 2500 for a 1000 stalks[long]ours were a bit shorter.

    we are now going to get the weeds out after 5 weeks,

    my mrs did all the looking around asking farmers,she also went to all the beef and dariy farms looking for the cheap manure,so like i said they have to want to do the had yards or someone else in the family,and we did all the manual work including shovling and spreading the sh--t

    but we got labour in at 200 baht a rai to plant,with food and drink.20 rai took just ove 2 days a family of 8 young and old.you can pay each person by the day norm 150 baht,but they wanted per rai.

    I have learnt alot this yr and am hooked,but as the threads say there is always something to buy or do.


    hope that helps

    if you pay someone to do eveything a lot of you profit goes

  14. Khonwan, From your posts and talking to the assistant to the president at Rajamagala University of Technology Isan, Kalasin Campus, and other sources, I am convinced that cassava is the crop to grow on my well drained PH 5.5 11 rai. I do not speak Thai and thus need my wife’s help in planting the cassava and organizing everything. Because people who planted cassava in our area at previous times, when cassava was going for 600 baht a tone, my wife has not been that interested in planting it. Lately she is showing some interest, but needs a lot more prodding. I have a couple of questions for you. 1/ is it still the right time of year to plant or is it to late? 2/ I understand that Ranong 90 is the cassava with the highest yield, is this correct and where would I buy it? My wife seems to think we have to go to Korat to get it, but I think there must be some place closer. 3/ How should I plant it, I know you have posted before how to do this, but maybe you could some it up in easy steps for the non farmer who is trying to tell his farmer wife(who knows everything) how to do it. Thanks a lot. Issangeorge.

    Isan/g while you are waiting fo reply just scroll down to search topic and put in cassava fertilizer or planting it will tell what u want

    i asked khonwan almost the same Q [PM him]and he gave me good info,and he told me to read the threads which enlighten me more on the good and the bad,i have aleady planted my 1st crop, and maizefarme has a very good post there as well.


  15. I just planted 30 rai cassava,,,,6 months ago when we took the corn out, cassava was 2200 a ton,2 weeks ago aound our area it had gone up to 2.4 to 2.5 a kilo,we are 50k past pak chong,they take 10% of the total weight for dirt,and if when you sell your corn they have 2 prices wet and dry,,,dry 8.5 wet 6.5 a kilo, they said after putting it though the grinder it was too wet and took 10% off the total,they always get you some way,

    the uncle got 7 ton of cassava a rai, good soil and used company ferterlizer,12 months in ground,

    if i get 5 i'll be happy.

    Good news that the px went up to 2.4 to 2.5 already. We will harvest about 60 rai in Aug/Sept, hope it keeps going up. This will be our first harvest as we bought the land only a few months ago so I don't have the experience yet of going through the selling process. I have heard another story that the buyer tests the starch density and pays based on that figure. You indicate they simply weight it, do a 10% deduction for dirt and then another 10% because it was wet, but nothing on the starch density. Have you heard of this issue before?

    My next question is: The factory that buys the Cassava from you, do they convert just to chips or do they convert to bio-ethanol?

    If they just convert to chips, do you think it would be difficult to just do that yourself? i.e. buy a tractor to mulch the cassava and then use about 5 rai to dry it out. I'm presuming that's what they do at the factory. After this mulching and drying process, do they then ship it elsewhere for further processing or do they process it further at the factory?

    Also do they have cleaning equipment too? That is the process of cleaning the dirt etc off before mulching and drying?

    the cousin told me of the 10% dirt, around si shui there are many factorys,did not notice bio,we went to a big factory for cassava chips ,dried,they were 4000 a ton it was to feed his cattle,i saw powdered,chiped and pellet cassava,what they do with it ,dont know,

    my mate has a stud he buys the mulch ,wet, and chiped cassava,both aound 4000 a ton,for his beef

    the mrs said ,,as they all do,BIG money in factory,maybe,but big outlay as well.

  16. with the cassava yeah thay take the 10% off the farmer when delivered,for dirt even though to us it looks cleen,,if able to dry and cut yourself and wait fo it to dry you get 3.5 to 4.0

    with our corn, the neighbor and cousin said we did pick too early so i dont know how many others do what we did,and get touched,for the corn unless u use a john dere you need bags some buyers give them to u some make you pay fo them.

  17. I just planted 30 rai cassava,,,,6 months ago when we took the corn out, cassava was 2200 a ton,2 weeks ago aound our area it had gone up to 2.4 to 2.5 a kilo,we are 50k past pak chong,they take 10% of the total weight for dirt,and if when you sell your corn they have 2 prices wet and dry,,,dry 8.5 wet 6.5 a kilo, they said after putting it though the grinder it was too wet and took 10% off the total,they always get you some way,

    the uncle got 7 ton of cassava a rai, good soil and used company ferterlizer,12 months in ground,

    if i get 5 i'll be happy.

  18. My boy is 6 months,i have taken and still take him to the beach,and i am teaching him to swim in our pool,

    i see are from koh panghan,take the baby to the water [early morn and late afternoon if poss,not sleeping,,

    i take him to our land alot near korat[no aircons ] when he sleeps we put him in a make shift hamock [towel]daytime,,,singlet,nappy,and a fan,he is happy,no mozies yet,but would be where u are,

    and yes children in australia are taught by groups at pools to go under water, and they love if taught properly,

    as bina said water not to cold and towel and rapt straight after,and NEVER take your eye of them.

    also feed him alot of water.


  19. Hi, me and my girlfriend have a child on the way due in november.

    We try to decide if to have the baby in the UK or in Thailand,

    What would be, if any, reasons for and against having the child in either country?

    If your girl is thai,she will probaly want it in thailand ,to be near her family,up to you and her if you want it in the city or the bush.

    she is the one who needs to be kepted unstressed.as u see in the other posts plenty of advice on hospitals,,

    either way u will have to get citerzenship for both countrys and passports,l,,,,egally it is better to be married here before the baby is born, if something goes wrong later....UK if like OZ no prob..


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