Extreme immaturity, a complete disregard for any kind of safety or fear of consequences, poor educational attitude leading to a lack of training, people never criticising others leading to breath-taking levels of irresponsibility, unwavering belief in fate/luck/magic. Just Thai culture leading to a particular mindset in some
The fatal combination includes inbuilt (almost genetic) poor driving skills. They genuinely seem unable to judge distances ,this an extreme case, and have dreadful spatial awareness. A common example is there will be a gentle bend in the road and you’ll see unnecessary braking just before it . Or there’ll be a vehicle tailgating me on the approach,but I’ll recognise there’s no need to slow just by adjusting my line ,but the car behind on the exit will now be way behind because he had no idea how to judge it and over braked. Hazard perception is practically non existent too.