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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Potential for pulmonary barotrauma and pneumothorax by not breathing out on the ascent along with decompression sickness (bends) from uncontrolled ascents.
  2. I don't have Halifax but one thing they say on my similar no fee card is that the exchange rate will be applied when the transaction is actually posted (” pending ” appears next to the transaction) and which could be a couple of days later. Of course this can work in your favour too depending on the movement. Possible explanation?
  3. The widely recognised most dangerous snake is the Black mamba,not the most venemous, still deadly, but because of it's speed and aggression. Agree on the geckos but they are a nuisance,I've had 2 microwaves ruined because they've got in and shorted them out
  4. You don't really understand statistics do you Dick? My uncle escaped drowning because he wasn't wearing a seat belt when crashing into the river. Shall we all now eschew seat belts..? 🥴
  5. Promiscuity was so rife in my day we weren't even sure of my own mother. Ah,the 60s and LSD 🥴
  6. They're working through the alphabet of countries. I'm from Zambia and my wife from Zimbabwe,so we're good for a few months yet....
  7. Zurich....that's where Dignitas is based, isn't it. 🤔
  8. Bob,they'll be turning on you next,try not to look Swiss and never eat a Toblerone in sight! 🐒
  9. They could use the aircraft they had available on more profitable routes and during COVID Thailand kept messing around with allowing passenger flights then not,not what an airline wants. Also they switched their hub to onward routes to Australia etc. from Bangkok to Singapore who obviously were better organised and more competitive. As a single point destination 3 flights per week from Gatwick is all it merits
  10. I've flown into every airport in Europe barcelona... Waiting for the whoosh of confused emojis...
  11. It’s because they moved their onward flights to Australia and the like from Bangkok to Singapore. Obviously AOT became uncompetitive/ inconvenient compared to Singapore,so this just reflects what they reckon Bangkok only route is worth
  12. It is,some production moved to Slovakia. I reckon it's made in Gaza, explaining the mood changes! 😡
  13. Why didn't you just take the cash refund,I did when cancelling my return ticket?
  14. No,they'll do it unprotected if you pay a supplement...
  15. My local rental shop has a sign " No blacks,no dogs,no Irish ”. Owner says he bought it as a souvenir on a trip to England in the 50s....
  16. They're going to be shouting ” Farangs, they took our jobs!”.. 🥊
  17. They're missing a trick here. With a more entrepreneurial approach they would be selling tickets to this conflagration. Get the best looking to hold up number cards between rounds. Heck, you could even place a bet!
  18. In further developments and in a serious escalation police discovered someone had planted a FALSE nail bomb....
  19. You were aroused, weren't you Bob? No shame in admitting to it...we all have guilty pleasures,put it in the " bank"...
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