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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Does it occur to you that you could well have been in this guys shoes had it gone differently? Or do you have head tattoos also…?
  2. The only smoke involved is that clouding your brain. It's VAPOUR! And it is far less pervasive and acrid than cigarette smoke with all its chemicals.
  3. If they didn't tip at that,then as I said at the time,the powers that be will know the only thing Thais will.tip into is apathy.
  4. I can guarantee you it is (even if you’re not sufficiently educated to understand the PISA educational tables). I brought my 9 year old Thai stepdaughter to the U.K. where she went to the local government schools (no fees) . There she eventually obtained A levels including Maths and English and thence to university where she had a student loan provided for the fees (no she doesn’t have to repay it unless earning sufficiently) and where she obtained a first class honours in Business Economics and at her first interview she was offered a good graduate job in E commerce. So yes, a better education and didn’t have to "pay large".
  5. "Nobody is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them." Assata Shakur
  6. The point was there's a significant possibility they weren't given the low incidence of helmet wearing here and to which I referenced,and you can almost guarantee if so it was of poor quality a few hundred baht worth. Mine is a full face HJC I brought from UK along with motorcycle gloves. Cheap helmets for cheap heads is the custom here
  7. Easy mistake to make Why just yesterday at the cretieow stall my noodle soup 40 baht had 2 million accidentally misplaced under the moo deng. I complained vociferously and they gave me a free bottle of water to make amends...oh and put the 2 million baht in a plastic bag securely fastened with an elastic band to take home. Still trying to get it undone...how do they get it so tight?! 😡
  8. The hard landing is deliberate to ensure the aircraft stays on the tarmac and not bounce up again due to severe winds. I'd say it was the skill of the pilot following his training rather than luck. Friend is a BA captain who when confronted with strong winds on landing refers to banging it down to make sure it stays down.
  9. Can't afford 4 wheels, maybe, but could well have afforded decent crash helmets? Not saying it would have guaranteed survival in this case , but the relevance is that so many Thais don't bother with any helmet where statistics say that so many more would be alive today by that relatively cheap expedient.
  10. They've got little remorse over their continued failures to reduce the far greater fatalities from Thai drunk driving ,so why here?
  11. And this Russian driver differs from so very many Thai drivers in this respect how exactly?
  12. You need to do more understanding. It's not tasting blood that does it,it's when a tiger, usually an injured one who can't catch it's normal prey discovers what easy prey a human is and thereafter targets them . Not a cub who scared defends itself by biting.
  13. The only stupidity is not understanding that he can have no feelings or know what's happening. He's DEAD! DOH!
  14. It is also an expensive pointless exercise bringing back a lifeless lump of flesh and bone simply to dispose of. Disposal here with a memorial service in his home town achieves the same thing - they won't even see a body anyway. It could be anything in the coffin
  15. Sounds like you need to do some proper reading before embarrassing yourself so comprehensively 🙄
  16. A good illustration of the crude underpinnings of a pick up. Ladder chassis ,solid axle and leaf springs . That’s why the ride is inferior to a car with proper IRS. 😉
  17. I think Pita wanted to modify the defamation laws due its misuse in silencing inconvenient opinions. But of course that got manipulatedand exaggerated into an untrue representation of his aims. But we know the real story behind that of course..
  18. There's 2 types of guest, one that is enjoying your free hospitality and another who is a paying guest and on whose patronage you rely for your living. The latter certainly has a right to complain and if that complaint is met with arrest and criminal prosecution then the host is doing his very best to ensure he no longer receives patronage from many paying guests to the detriment of his living. Unfair or dishonest reviews should be dealt with outside of criminal prosecution which inevitably leads to very poor publicity causing far more damage than the criticism. But then you'd have to have a brain to realise that...
  19. Are you unaware of the problems a decent education would cause for those responsible for arranging it....?
  20. PAYING guests,and if enough of them decide not to be guests and pay what then for Thai tourism?
  21. Well yes, I did track days on many of the UK circuits . Silverstone was my nearest. Not a cheap hobby and at 11.7mpg in my M3 £100+ in fuel alone was just part of the cost! Didn't see any Muscle cars amongst some of the more expensive participants. McLaren, Ferrari along with pure track cars and hot hatches made for an interesting mix! Live aboard dive boats and Skiing in top resorts also expensive...but worth it to me. Understand exactly what you're saying. 👍
  22. What's the ATM limit per withdrawal. Generally relatively low making the 220 baht ( plus whatever your cardholder charges) a much higher %age charge than Wise.
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