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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. We demand that you personally demonstrate the veracity of your theory. Think of the kudos of being proven correct. C'mon,you know you wanna !
  2. If only you’d opened your mouth it would save us having to listen to your twaddle…
  3. But have you…? (come out)
  4. Weighing scales before and after…
  5. You sure that wasn’t someone else’s….?
  6. So it's an "I'm alright Jack” from you. No sympathy for us 1 billion baht per year paupers? Selfish! 😡
  7. So it's an "I'm alright Jack” from you. No sympathy for us 1 billion baht per year paupers? Selfish! 😡
  8. I just want to know who won. I’ve got lottery tickets to buy !
  9. Well, the headline says "terminal brawl " so maybe one was shot dead….
  10. Glad you've got to the heart of the matter...
  11. ”Dearly beloved,let he who is without sin cast the first phone ”...
  12. It's going to get worse. A good indicator of where a country is heading economically is to look at their position and trending in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES.
  13. Perhaps the UK FO should be admonishing the immigration authorities?!
  14. Mixing your metaphors? ”People in glasshouses shouldn't m@sturbate with the light on”.... How about that..? 😜
  15. You're entitled to your opinions but not your own facts. It's still not murder
  16. Pretty sure there's a legal term in your language distinguishing the difference
  17. He's the Farang ” honest taxi driver ” equivalent we so badly need just now ! 👏
  18. Well,he’ll be getting only 🐓 for the next few years ,no 🐈‍⬛. But that might well be your secret fantasy,eh, "TRANS" am …? 😘
  19. But head tattoo man will now do the perp walk…and his missus will use that significant time away to do what…? Guess?
  20. Try using that as a defence in a court of law in such circumstances. Confident of acquittal are you .?
  21. Jack - you really need to be more "nimble " in your understanding of defamation as it applies here. But I’ve seen Meerseeks has just explained it to you.
  22. Do look up the definition of "murderer " to save further embarrassment. Then understand "manslaughter ". It’ll be a good education for you…
  23. Why would HE (The "heiresss" 😝) bother when there’s a handy statute that works far better…?
  24. For all that, instigating violence for someone upsetting your sensibilities by making a pass at your wife is very poor mitigation (if any ) in legal terms and which could for you ,as with this guy, end with you facing a severe penalty and sorely regretting your actions.
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