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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Intelligence is often hereditary. I'm sorry for your loss...
  2. Absolutely it does,the influence is passed on from generation to generation.
  3. So your anecdotal evidence of ONE trumps statistical evidence such as Singapore's top place in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES?
  4. Most students would become interested if the standard of teaching and structure of lessons were improved
  5. That is not borne out by their place in the PISA educational tables
  6. If you look up Thailand's lowly and deteriorating position in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES it isn't even performing in the basics of numeracy, literacy or STEM subjects,not to mention poor performance in teaching English. Some might argue keeping them stupid suits the agenda of the current hierarchy..
  7. Address the fundamental cause, the drivers - especially here
  8. And you've got 7 - so still winning! 🎉
  9. While motorcyclists are Mensa members? 🧠
  10. You add the secret ingredient of a Thai driver?
  11. When you said " until death do us part” I didn't think you meant in the next hour or two! 😨
  12. I have a friend in Samui who's asked every hospital on the island for Shingrix and none have or can get it for him. Anyone know different or have suggestions? Flying to Bangkok twice is very expensive .
  13. Arbuckle's Airships Affiliated with Rialto's rowing boats.
  14. I doubt the US president has any influence on getting Hamas to drop it's implacably stated aim of genocide of the entire Israeli population and the wiping out of the Israeli nation. There can only be one logical response to a foe whose stated aim is your annihilation,and that's to destroy or incapacitate that threat
  15. It is far more likely to occur in your later years as the immune system wanes. After 70 is when they administer it free in UK.
  16. Eloquently put. Got my first shot free on recent UK visit . Wasn't difficult to find Shingrix in nakhon ratchasima ,St Mary's kept in stock. 6000 baht walk in 3 months after first . I researched how horrible a disease it is and would happily have paid double! It's like a good motorcycle helmetand gloves I spent big on in UK . Accident a few weeks later, head and hands unmarked. My daughter was coming out for a visit and happily got her to bring an identical helmet with her . Some things just do not have a cost element you should factor in. Buy it!!
  17. 1. Absolutely worth it. 2. Reduces occurrence of both shingles and post-herpetic neuralgia (a complication which can be permanent) by over 90%. Almost double the effectiveness of Zostavax. Listen to this lady ,SHERYL - ALWAYS! She is absolutely right on this ,as she has been on every other medical issue I’ve raised in past decade. The ubonjoe (RIP) of the medical forum! I had my first Shingrix dose free a few months ago on NHS because I was on a uk visit . They told me cost to NHS was over £100 but deemed worth it. Second dose (because you have to wait 2 months) I got in Korat St. Mary’s (5500 for vaccination plus 600 for doctors fees etc) . Having researched it it is a miserably uncomfortable disease . I would definitely pay for both doses if I had to . No brainer !
  18. Nothing wrong with a healthy foot fetish!
  19. Can you not count to 5…?
  20. Not quite ,you have to consider the 10,000 baht capital sum…
  21. She’d not wait out the week… ☠️
  22. Not really here,just not that sophisticated. Think Dunning - Kruger effect.
  23. Because there’s very little function there to engage in the first place.
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