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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Your cat on a honda Wave...but close enough..
  2. Some excellent informative posts Kwilco ,and as a diver agree totally with this especially. I’m going to include a bottle of vinegar in my dive bag from now on.
  3. Someone who is aware and prepared,not many I grant you and such a cheap and easy treatment really should be widely available at beaches. But TIT. I always have a dive bag containing my fins ,snorkel etc. so from now on I’m going to ensure a large bottle of vinegar is included.
  4. That level of severity in all those cases point very much to box jellyfish, scarring too. Sea lice , often experienced in Andaman are actually jellyfish larvae,for most just a minor irritation but like my wife has an overreaction. Not dangerous but very uncomfortable for them. Box are altogether different and potentially life threatening. Not experienced them on Andaman side. Am a keen snorkeller so pool is very limiting and boring
  5. Where’s the picture of someone having beer forced down his throat…and presented with an inflated bill…? 😤
  6. If you return to the UK you'll get the full unfrozen pension for the time you are there,same with say going to a EU country,but when returning to Thailand it'll go back to being frozen at the original rate ...if you tell them..
  7. No state pension yet? One which they'll freeze even though you've contributed equally AND won't burden the NHS for treatment
  8. Quote from Stellios (Easy jet owner) "If you think safety is expensive try having an accident."
  9. Were you saying third or turd..Or leaving it to our choice..?
  10. Did you look up the Bay of Pigs..?
  11. On this topic can you think of anyone less likely to take offence at being the butt of humour than the English? We even do it to ourselves more cruelly and hilariously than outsiders. Think of "The Windsors" (channel 4 ) lampooning the royal family and of course Spitting Image. Perhaps we have a confidence in ourselves that transcends any lampooning and we simply laugh along with the joke ?
  12. Goodness gracious me! Fine pair of …shoulders..lovely boy. Show 'em off,show'em off ! There, I’ve struck back for Thailand!
  13. This is how it all starts ,a minor incident which escalated and before you know it - Nuclear Armageddon! This is just a rerun of the Bay of Pigs with a different ending 💥 😳
  14. He was filled too,make sure your pride doesn’t precede a fall…
  15. Well that’s exactly what happens; double the price of something and demand / sales drops significantly. Here,wine is significantly overpriced (about double the UK price for an Australian example ) so I don’t drink it (or extremely rarely) so net tax intake is nil. Reduce the taxes and I (and many others) will drink more. There’s basically a curve (like the Laffer curve) where the tax rate optimizes the total tax take. Thailand is way past the top of the curve on the downward slope so shooting itself in the foot.
  16. Thats as maybe, but invariably involve someone driving drunk (80+%) mtorcyclists who drive without a care in the world whether drunk or sober most of the time Poe's law strikes again..
  17. That'll go over the heads of most. I did French and Latin A level 😜
  18. Making it an even worse option!
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