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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. So we’ll register you as preferring the more "benign" motives of Russia/China ..
  2. Plenty of good quality programmes -- plenty of dross too- just as in the old days ,but you have to be able to learn to how to discriminate. AND it's on demand at your convenience. Sounds like a cry of " nostalgia ain't what it used to be”.
  3. Did you miss the uninvited in Ukraine and Wagner in African countries? Read a newspaper?
  4. Errr..because the election DID take place and the winner is currently president. Those that tried to overturn the process were arrested,now sentenced to jail terms. That’s how it’s done in a democracy Which bit of that are you struggling to understand?
  5. Can it please just hold off until lunchtime tomorrow when my flight departs?….then by all means knock yourselves out ! ????
  6. So you don't think international comment on an abuse of democracy is appropriate? And do please give us your specific guess of ,"back door support ” for democracy...
  7. I hear another one has just landed...but treated like a VIP... ????
  8. People whe regurgitate that stale cliche are NEVER fun at parties...nor anywhere else.
  9. I've already boycotted my local senator's mobile noodle stall and turn my nose up when he arrives at my gate on his Sam lor selling Ice cream. I'll have the last laugh I tell you! ????
  10. No, but many wives have come to me for ”comfort and solace”. So, guys,I'm doing best with my selfless sacrifice to make all your lives a little more tolerable... Just wait till Prawit gets in...I'll be exhausted! ????
  11. The military backed elements are already against MFP so there's nothing to lose in that respect. Pitas strategy is to keep shining the spotlight on the egregious nature of the whole senator vote rigging arrangement so that people are more aware (and angry) regarding it's purpose
  12. I'm sure when you penned that it somehow made sense to you... unless your imaginary friend took control of the keyboard... ????
  13. This would be such an egregious outcome that if ever violence and deaths were deserved.....
  14. The fundamental error in your reasoning is that it (wrongly) assumes that figure would prefer anyone other than Pita- clearly not the case. There is plenty to support the rationale that he would be most people's second choice. That is why in many votes there is a run off until the candidate with the most support wins.
  15. The essential difference this time is if they try to retain power after such an overwhelming and crushing rejection at the ballot box and the people don't rise up, thereafter they'll know they can always get away with anything.
  16. That's not what my charts are showing. It was 45baht as now at the end of June
  17. Or even a ceremonial sword. That's quite diplomatic..
  18. Well that's the 3rd time I've had to expensively bin the 3 tier welcome home cake and flower garlands I've bought. I can't afford to go on like this ! ????
  19. By definition,in that field you're ONLY going to come across those where it has gone wrong. You'll be completely oblivious to the orders of magnitude more instances where there aren't harmful effects. Therein lies the problem with slanted anecdotal evidence.
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