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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. "Buddha Ahkbar" has a nice ring to it …
  2. Or ”consistency” then given the endemic nature of that in Thailand. Again ,proportionality too, given the Sums involved. Were they way above the typical official this 50 years ?
  3. Or ”was a car even stolen ”?
  4. I bet you know the Thai word for "proportionality"...
  5. What about exchange rate and charges Vs Dee money?
  6. Most likely YOU are. But I suppose appropriate to you is "cheap helmet for a cheap head".
  7. Just not in the DNA,nor risk perception nor anticipation. On a lighter note,I was in lotus yesterday holding my brand new £500 HJC helmet brought back from UK that didn't want leave with my bike. The guy in front of me bought a helmet which they scanned ( 900 baht) . After scanning my groceries she tried to scan my helmet! ????. I giggled and in my pigeon Thai said " from England!”
  8. That is a direct copy paste from HMRC website,so guess it is how it works. So everything over the allowance plus any gifts within the 3years gets taxed at the full 40% and those between 3 and 7 years taxed at the rate shown on the table.
  9. A good site but not relevant for the aspect of non domicile covered here.
  10. Have to say,that was a very useful read and perfectly understandable with a bit of concentration ????
  11. You have overlooked taper relief which kicks in after 3 years . Taper relief Years between gift and death Rate of tax on the gift 3 to 4 years 32% 4 to 5 years 24% 5 to 6 years 16% 6 to 7 years 8% 7 or more 0%
  12. I don't know about here but elsewhere fleeing the scene of a fatality would mean a sentence even harsher than being drunk but stopping. Strenuous efforts would also be made on detection to do a back calculation based on time elapsed to establish probable intoxication, even eye witness reports on what the offender consumed would be admissable. Your only benefit comes if you're not discovered. Leaving behind a bumper really narrows the chance of that scenario.
  13. So just a continuation of politicians unable to differentiate between a mission statement and a vague concoction of ill thought through cosmetic plans. A far higher level of education and skills has to precede a higher income economy which Thailand does not and has no plans to address. Even then it would take a generation to achieve. It's only because of the poor level of education as evidenced by the PISA educational tables that he gets away with such patent nonsense
  14. That's a reflection on your character... I noticed 5 confused emojis. So,,”mirror ” ”reflection” pun. How witless are people on here ?
  15. Try drinking some Big Nok,it might solve your off colour comments…
  16. "You say it best when you say nothing at all" ????
  17. I've experienced a personal reference too. The driver insisted I sit in the front with him because " I'm too sexy for my shirt,so sexy it hurts ” according to him . Think his name was Fred according to taxi iD...
  18. Now ask yourself what S stands for and where it has to be...
  19. I think the point (probably amongst much else) has gone over your head. GPS navigation and satellite communications? No one envisaged that when first venturing into space . I’ll leave you to your lowly ambitions
  20. If you only investigate things you THINK will make a difference history tells you you'd have missed out on some major discoveries. How can you judge now what might be useful in the future? Quantum mechanics would have been classified as that but look at an article in today's Times for an understanding of what that's leading to. There was a bloke in a cave who once said why are you bothering to go much further than your immediate surroundings...?
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