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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Easy to cut up then. Maybe. Certainly works with my whole salami! ????
  2. Now if only that could've been harnessed into wearing HELMETS!
  3. Which will be a source of great comfort to the lady who lost a leg earlier....
  4. I always find construction disasters hilarious as well. But what's your take on satire. You do understand that concept..?
  5. you came into this world with nothing, you go out with nothing, so im told I’m going out with huge unrecoverable debts. So I’ll have shifted the dial by going out with LESS than nothing. My life has been a success because I’ve got something for nothing! ????
  6. So that’s travellators and now tollways off my list. Good grief,at this rate I’ll be housebound! ..oh wait ..didn’t that blokes lounge wall just collapse..? Help!! ????
  7. No,that only comes after walking under a ladder while a black cat crosses your path and you drop the mirror you were carrying. Make sure you carry a sachet of salt to throw over your shoulder,just in case. Can’t be too careful … ????
  8. Could you not have checked you weren’t overloaded…?
  9. You could only travel by train..or even not at all? Or do you really NEED to fly..? Silly enough for you? ???? Or if really vexed by the need for a sensible question - statistically are you.ore likely to meet serious harm on a travelator or on the roads.. ????
  10. Give it a name,I used Boris for mine (the Who) . Sad when he disappeared after a few weeks. The only thing he'll bite are the nasty bugs. He's an ally!
  11. May I remind you of the road accident statistics..will you now avoid those too in the name of consistency..?
  12. Of course they are. ”On,yes it's moving - Off,yes it's stopped " Maintenance - tick box..
  13. No,I was countering your incorrect assumption that being intoxicated was a catch to get out of paying any/all claims. Which clearly it isn’t. And insurers rightly carry out an investigation of any major claims - why would you expect different? Nor is being involved in a non blameworthy injury accident while over the limit an unlikely scenario. How about revellers in a club becoming victims of a fire (ring any bells??) unable to escape because of locked emergency exits..?
  14. I was just "filling" in their questionnaire - no need to drill further as it's just a thin veneer of caring
  15. We've seen the way tryiing to accommodate Muslims, spending billions on the banlieus in France has worked out...
  16. No it wouldn't. If you were drunk sitting in a roadside bar which a car ran into injuring you there would be no contributory factor. The insurer would have no grounds to reject the claim and the ombudsman would rule as such
  17. Travel insurance will cover you for a lot so it's unwise not to buy it based on your reasoning. It will exclude say skiing but you can pay extra to have it included. The "small print ” isn't that small and there's always a separate section,not difficult to read, identifying the exclusions. Very many are too lazy to spend the ten minutes or less to read it. You post intelligently and would have no difficulty at all.
  18. Each case has to be evaluated on the circumstances, although some insurers (Tif) have a poor reputation. If football wasn't proscribed in the policy as a dangerous activity ( unlike say scuba diving while not qualified) then there's no basis for refusing the claim. If you were injured in a road accident not your fault but weren't wearing a seatbelt,your damages would be reduced,not denied,on the basis of contributory negligence. Quite a minefield!
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