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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Here things are going from Islamabad to islamaworse
  2. MUCH more if you factored in the lost interest . Tried the simple calculation.?
  3. Phuket also tops the list for surveys by the most mindless , spurious and ill qualified survey companies...as exampled here
  4. Camping in your lounge room. Bringing 5 buckets of kfc As usual, only bringing enough for your own consumption...
  5. That reminds me - I must worm the dog...
  6. On the subject of geckos blowing the circuit board this is what happened to my KT series Mitsubishi,only about 3 years old and little used. The guys were unable to fix it so the missus bought the GT series Mitsubishi (25k for 12,000btu) which is about their top model. So I now have a relatively new broken one sitting in the garage. Does anyone know of any specialists (Korat area) who might be able to repair it? Mitsubishi themselves ?
  7. To do what..beat him to death with your keyboard? Do you want a fair contest and if he wins YOU take his punishment?
  8. If you’ve ever been on a ,long haul flight you can kind of begin to understand where he’s coming from! ????
  9. Oh no! So Dog was just a charade of a programme ? How deflating ????
  10. I was glad to carry the lions share of the load for you…
  11. The first stage of a subterfuge whereby sylth like Thais will,like the National parks policy,end up paying one tenth the fare of us bloated Farangs! ????
  12. What I do in that instance is to confiscate their in flight meal for myself so i can expand ever so slightly at their expense to partially offset the bias..
  13. How about informing yourself on WHO actually killed Sadam and Gaddafi? I'll wait...
  14. So I suppose the increasing adoption of inverters in Aircon and fridges etc.is because they use more electricity... ?
  15. Trauma,they now can't face visiting a Watt,nor a series of other parallel tourist attractions. They have a battery of other issues and now just want to go ohm..
  16. Just completed my return leg with Eva. Can confirm not only was it the most competitive and direct flight too,the aircraft was modern AND the baggage allowance was TWO X 23 kg checked bags even in economy which I took full advantage of to bring a load of stuff that's expensive here.
  17. What is this Thai school that tops the best English schools?
  18. You could have referenced the PISA educational tables to inform yourself of Thailand's lowly and worsening position in the critical subjects. And if you think History and Geography are "useless subjects " that only points to your own poor comprehension (and education?) . Perhaps you also think the appalling numeracy of the average Thai ,along with poor English skills is a worthwhile sacrifice for those other dubious qualities you reference? Thais are let down by the poor education system and lack of awareness of the world outside/global issues because it suits those in control to keep them that way.
  19. I like to walk a mile in another’s shoes. Then they are a mile away…and I have their shoes..
  20. In further developments,the Germans have been confused about Thailand’s specifications to include a long tail version…
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