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Posts posted by Thakkar

  1. Unable to fill out important forms or exercise good judgements on who he should/should not be meeting because,  "aww shucks, he's new to politics"


    Meanwhile The things  Ivanka's Dad's romantic rival, Jared is in charge of:

    US-China relations.

    US-Mexico relations.

    Criminal justice reform.

    Opioids crisis management.

    WH Office of American Innovation.

    Middle East peace.

    Restructuring the entire federal government.

    One of the chief adviser to The President.


    Go figure.




  2. 22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Of Course Trump won't accept the proven facts Russia hacked the elections.  Even Trump admits it will delegitimize his victory.  It's all about Trump.  Heck with the trut


    I'm not  sure it will ever be possible to prove beyond any doubt that the Russian interference changed the outcome. But you are right that Trump certainly seems to think so. Maybe because he knows something, or maybe it's just his usual insecurity. He knows that even if proven, he would still be president as there is no mechanism for a do-over of the election. Yet he seems more concerned about losing the veneer of the "bigly win" that he so craves. And just for the sake of that vanity, to preserve that veneer, he is prepared to let Russia continue to interfere, he is prepared to let American election integrity die for the sake of his vanity by trying to stymie the investigations. I haven't seen such self absorption since the looniest inbred Roman emperors.



  3. 6 minutes ago, rhodie said:

    Well, that took a while. :smile: First you seemed to agree. Now you reliase and do an about face. I was referencing Scaramucci and comparing him to others that all do the same thing. But somehow that is a "meaningless generalization". :passifier:

    "Seemed to agree" - only in your head. The "bullish!t mountain" I referred to is a reference from Jon Stewet who coined the term to describe right wing, particularly Fox News BS. The fact is, "all sides" DON'T do it.


    When you say, "they are all the same" - what are we to make of that? That we should not chastise anyone or call them out for particular lies in particular instances because "all politicians lie" so we should just disengage? Be completely cynical? Not care?


    Each instance of lying needs to be called out on its own demerits, exposed and chastised and the liar held to account, not be allowed to slide on the baseless presumption that "they all do it"



  4. Scaramucci: From Wall Street Carnival Barker To White House Comms Director.

    Anthony Scaramucci, the newly appointed White House Communications Director, has the hair and wardrobe of a stock-photo businessman, a nickname too absurd to stick with anyone else (“the Mooch”), and a fortune made from hawking high-cost, low-performance investments to ordinary people who don’t need them.






  5. 7 hours ago, Trouble said:

    "On Friday, the Washington Post reported Kislyak was overheard by U.S. spy agencies telling his bosses he had discussed campaign-related matters, including issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race."


    Seems to me that it might be ordinary business for the Russian representative and his masters to want to know how both Clinton and Trump administrations would view future relations with Russia. Clinton being more of a known  than Trump they were probably more interested in Trump take on relations.  Whether Sessions or anyone else discussing Trumps public or private views (if that is what took place) with representatives of Russia does not seem to be to indicate collusion.  Collusion is a secret or illegal conspiracy to cheat or deceive others.  Where's the deception and conspiracy?  So far there is nothing nefarious to come out of any of the now 6 investigations taking place. It seems that to date it is all just the press making an issue of this and reporting unsubstantiated rumors from hidden sources. Further, It it obvious that although persons with access to the US intelligence agencies reports have evidently leaked information about what Kislyak told his superiors, they have not leaked any pertinent information indicating any nefarious dealings. It kind of indicates to me that with all the anti-Trump leaks, there have been no leaks to indicate collusion and seems to me that it would have been leaked by now if it existed.  It is difficult for me to believe any of the reports that the press makes when they give no information as to the source of the information.  I think I will just wait an see what the 6 investigations taking place report in the end.   Until then it is all just speculation based on news reports which are unverified from sources unidentified and of questionable integrity.  Basically its all just something one might see in the National Inquirer.


    The accusation isn't that Kisliyak was doing his job as ambassador and suspected spy master. 


    The accusation is that Americans in the Trump campaign might have colluded with Kisliyak and other Kremlin-linked Russians.


    These investigations take time. It took almost five years to prove that Clinton lied about a BJ.


    You will agree that the current allegations (and so far, they are just that—allegations) are far more serious. If self-professed patriots cared so much about a BJ, they should certainly care about this, and allow the investigations to take their course.


    What we know so far—not from leaked sources, but from the Trump campaign itself—looks suspicious:

    Sessions failed to disclose meetings (as required) and later amended his disclosure forms.

    Sessions lied under oath about those meetings and later recused himself when the lies were revealed.

    Sessions specifically said that he and Kisliyak did not discuss elections. It is not proven if he lied about this as well.


    This is where we are regarding just one member of the Trump team.


    A similar pattern emerges (without referring to any leaks or speculation) when we look at other TOP members of the Trump team:

    Kushner (senior advisor)

    Don Jr (eldest son)

    Manafort (campaign manager)

    Flynn (national security advisor)


    It is hard to see how anyone can argue that a thorough investigation is not warranted.


    While some bloggers and pundits might be getting ahead of themselves, standard news reports are clear about which are the allegations and which are the facts. And there is no doubt that the facts so far revealed warrant suspicion.

  6. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    Good question about the EU sanctions, I have no idea. As for being approved by the Trump administration, I think that normally, the standard practice is to inform the host country prior to making the appointment official, as to avoid complications and unpleasantness. But given that this is about Trump's administration and Putin's games, such things shouldn't come as a surprise - whether attributed to incompetence or manipulation. Possibly there's no contradiction.

    ... or manipulating an incompetent administration. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, iReason said:
    38 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    "both sides of the aisle want to destroy him"


    Actually, one side wants to get to the bottom of why so many Trump associates met with so many shady Russians, did not disclose the meetings as required, then denied those meetings, then lied about those meetings, then lied about the reasons for those meetings.


    The other side wants to ignore that whole unsavory thing, wish we would all ignore it so they spcan get on with major tax cuts and regulatory crippling in service to their major donors.


    Must you continue being so logical and rational?

    You just might explode some heads.



    I apologize if I make any heads explode.

    But I suspect a lot of those skulls are thick enough to withstand any any logic penetration, so I think they're safe.



  8. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    He hasn't been doing himself any favors, but both sides of the aisle want to destroy him so they can get back to the old patronage model of politics.  None of them are happy to see an outsider get the office ahead of the parties' anointed choices.  None of them want to see it happen again in 2020, when they may be up against a better choice.  They want to be rewarded when it's their turn, for all the years of doing what they have been told to do by the parties' power brokers. 


    "both sides of the aisle want to destroy him"


    Actually, one side wants to get to the bottom of why so many Trump associates met with so many shady Russians, did not disclose the meetings as required, then denied those meetings, then lied about those meetings, then lied about the reasons for those meetings.


    The other side wants to ignore that whole unsavory thing, wish we would all ignore it so they spcan get on with major tax cuts and regulatory crippling in service to their major donors.



  9. 7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    who cares if they talked about 15 minutes or 1 hour?

    who cares if mrs abe speaks english or not?

    who cares about adoptions?


    certainly not anyone who's got a life.

    we focus on the big developments….jobs, security, immigration control etc.

    Either Trump is lying about all kinds of minutiae just for the heck of it—which is juvenile and disturbing in anyone, but especially THE PRESIDENT of the US. 


    Or or his lying has more nefarious motives.


    A lot of people care, hence headline news everywhere, including Fox. But not Alex Jones, who is still breathlessly reporting on the "far more important" news of the hidden love child born from the illicit liaison between HRC and a space alien.



  10. 1 hour ago, iReason said:


    "designed to disrupt the trump admins ability to govern."


    He's doing a stellar job of that himself. And incapable of doing so anyway...

    Lovin' it. :thumbsup:



    Youse guys just don't get it...


    The Twilight Zone was good, thought-provoking entertainment. The Trump supporters everywhere are more like Wile E. Coyote, but instead of cockamamie schemes, they have cockamamie arguments.


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