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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. That's the way they do it in Thailand. Haven't you noticed?
  2. Each to their own but i think Thai music is abysmal. I love many things about the Thai culture/life... food, weather, etc, etc If you asked me what i don't like about the Thai culture, their music would be top of the list.
  3. You gotta be joking! they're a lot of great things about Thailand but Thai music is definitely not one of them. It's awful.
  4. That's what always makes me laugh that lots of people say the Thai diet is good. is it f***!
  5. Sorry my bad. Thai drivers are brilliant drivers and Thailand having the one of the highest deaths on the roads in the world is just pure bad luck.
  6. I was on a bus/coach from Surin to Maha Sarakham sunday and the seats were full and they just had people standing in the aisle for a 4 hour journey. At least 20 people standing in the aisle of the coach. incredible. And not the first time I've seen that. It beggars belief.
  7. It's the constant tailgating they do here. Why they all have to drive right up each others arses i do not know.
  8. It's rare the seatbelts work in them buses. I always want to buckle up when i get on any road transport in Thailand but usually the belts are just there for show and non useable.
  9. Ridiculous rule but I've yet to hear anyone or any country say there not coming to Thailand because of the rule. I find it extremely hard to believe this has any effect on tourism whatsoever. But saying all that, they should get rid of it. It's nonsensical.
  10. Yet again mentioning this but never actually saying when or IF it will implemented. Just decide what you're going to do and crack on ffs! And anyway its the tourism board saying this and its the government we need to be talking about it or finally deciding if they going to do it.
  11. Is any country getting as many tourists as they were pre-pandemic levels? I doubt it.
  12. You'd think he'd keep a low profile and not be DJing in a club.
  13. Most developed countries don't having power lines dangling down dangerously everywhere.
  14. wonder how the 700k was earned? people who have 700k laying around the house don't usually wanna put it in a bank in case questions are asked. Although now she will have the police asking her how she got that money instead. Stupid is as stupid does.
  15. Probably get 5-10 years, while someone who got a couple of pills will get a life sentence.
  16. @Burma Bill So, The Ghanaian tourist only started drink driving the day they started the 4 am closing time. The problem is people who are willing to drink and drive. not the closing time. To think 4am closing times and drink driving is correlated is utter nonsense. Anyone who is willing to drink and drive will do it anytime they want. So, the Ghanaian would have just killed someone at 2am instead of 4am.
  17. tomorrow's story....tourism booming with chinese tourists hotels fully booked for xmas and new year.
  18. @TallGuyJohninBKK I bet you're a barrel of laughs on a night out but then saying that you probably don't go out much. obviously you're cowering behind your sofa.
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