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Posts posted by DM07


    4 hours ago, glennb6 said:

    to any or all zombies who think man made global warming is real, from me personally, go <deleted> yourself and if you try to steal money from me based on a false premise it will probably end badly for you.


    3 hours ago, Catoni said:

    The Arctic Ocean was supposed to be ice free in the summer time by now also. And don’t forget the head research scientist (and friend of Michael “hockey stick” Mann) at the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Angelia saying back in 2000 that “in just a few years snow will be a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

        What Leftist Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmist crap ! !


    5 minutes ago, micmichd said:

    Would you really consider filthy Germany a clean country? 

    I could hardly breathe there, and it's stinking.

    Oh look...a bunch of uninformed trolls!

    Shu...shu...under your bridge, you go!

  2. Germany is NOT deeply divided over Angela Merckels immigration policy!

    This is, what "the right" wants to believe!

    The vast majority is pro- immigration policy, though details may be discussed in a rational discourse!


    I am so @#$%^& sick of these fact- free and touchy/feely- discussion!

    The crime rate in Germany is at an all-time low, the part of foreigners (Auslaender) in East- Germany is around the 4%- mark (and I am generous here!)...but Rico and Mendy in Leipzig totally freak out, when they see two brown faces!

    And everybody has heard of a foreigner, raping girls and women left and right and everybody has the "feeling", there are more rapes...

    No one give a hot $4!t for "feelings"- facts are still facts!

    Rape doesn't exist since 2015 and it is not a domain by of immigrants and asylum-seekers or Muslims!


    And by the way: Saxony has 3,8% foreigners!


    Not Immigrants or refugees!

    That includes Paolo with his Pizzeria and Nguyen with the Vietnamese restaurant!

    That includes Jonathan from Ghana, who studies at the university of Dresden as well as Emine and Yussuf, who's parents came from Turkey, 4 generations ago and who all pay taxes and obey the laws of the Federal Republic!




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  3. 13 minutes ago, HHTel said:

    And it will remain hopeless as long as 'check-out' people are bagging the stuff up and people like yourself are accepting them.


    So refuse the damn things.  It's not compulsory to accept a plastic bag.  I very rarely do.

    Ooooooh...I can refuse it?

    I don't have to take it?

    Damn...thanks for this great advice- I would never have guessed...



    The point is, I am going there daily!

    It's the same guys, every damn day!

    And it happens every damn day!

    I am really happy, that I have conditioned the little #@$%^& not to hand me separate bags for 1 bottle of dishwasher- liquid, toothpaste and batteries and another one for cookies, joghurt and sausages... 

    • Like 1
  4. Tops, yesterday: 3 bananas (who come with some kind of natural packing)...in a plastic bag...put into a plastic bag at the register!

    A 4pack of joghurt (wrapped in plastic and with 4 plastic spoons) didn't keep the cashier from handing me another 4 spoons!


    It is soooooo hopeless!

    • Like 1
  5. It's leftists that are the most like Nazis. They assault people, harass them in public, try to silence people, ban books, want to ban guns, support the racist Planned Parenthood, etc.
    Eventually, the market will dictate a price to these totalitarian thugs like Facebook, Twitter and one particular web site that is about Thailand (of course I couldn't possibly mean this one). Harassing a significant part of one's business is just plain STUPID.
    Racist planned parenthood?
    Whatever you are taking...take less!

    Sent from my RNE-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, SABloke said:

    Trump's dumbness isn't really a legal argument though. If twitter was the only avenue he was announcing policies then the courts should have also ruled that all citizens must be give a smart device and a personal twitter account - similar logic.

    How is that "same logic"?

    Trump is not FORCED to do politics on twitter, but he says, he will!

    So if he does, he can not ban anyone!

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, SABloke said:

    True. But then I was confused by the recent Trump/blocked users thing: If twitter is a privately owned commercial platform, what right did the courts have to force Trump to unblock followers? Didn't they use the argument that twitter was a defacto PUBLIC space?

    Oooooh...I can answer that: if you are dumb enough to announce, that you are using twitter to announce and explain your policies and you are the President of the United States...how can you exclude American citizens -who's prsident you are- from having access to your wisdom!?

    That makes no sense and so you are rightfully prohibited from blocking people off your account!

    That is just logic!

    • Like 2
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  8. 19 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists, the hard-pressed German security forces should be fingering the thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom.


    This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. 


    The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy, designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy. Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms.


    The writing is on the wall. Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK.


    Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit.

    Allow me:

    Instead of wasting manpower spying on so-called right wing extremists, the hard-pressed German security forces should be fingering the thousands of potential Islamist vipers Merkyl's has taken to her bosom. It is Merckel and you can be sure, that Islamists in Germany are under close watch. Not that that matters to you, because...well...conspiracy! 

    This former Communist is the poster girl for an elite caucus, including billionaire socialist George Soros, bent on transforming a Continent of strong, independent nation states into a docile multicultural miasma of easily-exploitable cheap labour. What the @#$% has George Soros to do with this? Some of these "strong independent nation states" are quiet happy with the economic advantages, they gain within the EU, thank you very much! 

    The EU's disastrous "open door" immigration policy, designed make indigenous populations minorities in their own backyards, is key to this strategy.  Germany has a total portion of foreigner of approx. 14%! A) that is hardly anywhere near a majority and b) that is ALL FOREIGNERS! That includes Luigi in his Pizzeria in Munich and Stanos and his Greek restaurant in Hamburg. That includes Jonathan, who studies in Leipzig and Emine, who is of Turkish- decent, but living in Dortmund in the 3rd or 4th generation, working and paying taxes into the German society, being a part of it for decades! Demographic studies indicate that, in just a few decades, migrants could have the voting power completely to transform political, religious and social norms. If you talk BS like that, please show those demographic studies!

    The writing is on the wall. Unless more European citizens get the message, the Continent is destined to become part of the rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate, the "rapidly expanding new Islamic caliphate"? As opposed to ...which old rapidly expanding caliphate? dictated to by a totalitarian ideology enforced through sharia courts - more than 80 of which, ominously, are already operating in the UK. Source, please! And if you can: a reliable source and not some right wing revolver paper like Breitbart or one of the blonde bimbos at Faux News!

    Now you know why so many of us voted for Brexit. Isn't there a new referendum on the horizon, because the majority woke up to smell the coffee and found out, that Brexit will actually do more harm them good to Britain!


    Just sayin'!


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