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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


    Of course it's rude for guests living in a country to slag it off - even if they just love being so PC.


    If no one is interested in this "stupid event" then there wouldn't be any contestants, any attendees, any televised offerings etc etc. 


    But hey, the feminists and the politically correct have to tell everyone else what they can do and think.

    "Of course it's rude for guests living in a country to slag it off - even if they just love being so PC."
    And you are complaining about there always being one?!





    Just out of interest: where did I say "No one is interested in this stupid event"?

    Obviously you are!


    • Haha 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    Its to late ,the west as we knew it is finished ,not now ,not in 10 years but when the children are grown it will be a foreign land ,just look at Spains socialist leader ,he is letting them in ,in droves ,"because Spain has such a low birth rate' Trouble is its not hard working good immegrants that are coming ,but the dross of Africa .

    ...and I guess, it is up to you and your ilk to decide, who is "hard working" and "dross", right!?

    God help us!


    • Sad 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Winky Wilson said:

    Thailand is a massive flood plane, always has been. This is why rice has always been the cash crop.  Climate change is BS. Their are legends of past flooding on a massive scale that have decimated the country before weather recording.  Weather recording has brought about fear of changing weather. The earths weather has been changing since its creation.

    Yeah...I remember!

    There was a great flood and a 900 year old dude built a boat, together with his family and they got 2 of each animal on board...except for the dinosaurs - they hated them, because they used to poop on Adam's & Eve's front lawn!


    "...since it's creation!"



    • Haha 1
  4. On Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 6:00 PM, geriatrickid said:

    If you don 't have actual facts, don't present your opinion as a fact. You took Chief Saunders' comment out of context.


    Let's back up and see why Saunders said what he did. 

    - ISIL in a post on its social media channel stated that one of its soldiers undertook the attack wielded the gun that killed two and injured 13.  ISIL claimed the attack was in response to its calls to target citizens of the U.S-led coalition battling it.

    - A senior known member of ISIL repeated the claim through its media outlet, the  Amaq news agency.


    Saunders only stated  "At this stage, we have no evidence to support these claims".  What part of AT THIS STAGE  did you miss?


    That's all. It was a reasonable statement that reflected the fact that the investigation was ongoing and the ISIL claim was being investigated. You have twisted his statement out of context in a  sorry attempt to support your biased opinion. Instead of labeling people right wing tinfoil wearing crackpots, try being truthful.


    The Toronto police department which is in disarray, is not capable of determining if there is an international link. It has neither the legal mandate, the resources, nor the expertise. The assessment will come from the RCMP and CSIS who have the national mandate, and legal authority to investigate domestic terror and foreign threats. The Toronto police department has faced a number of investigations  over the past few years for bungling investigations, negligence and corruption, so it really isn't up to the job anyway.  It's done a useless job so far on the murder of the  boss of Apotex pharma, so it's not unreasonable to expect a more capable security service to  take over a complex  domestic  terror investigation.

    Not even comenting your usual hot air balloon of fancy words and nitpicking!

    Just one question: since you are going on and on a bout it: which part of "at this stage" combined with "no evidence" didn't you understand?


  5. "No evidence Islamic state responsible for Toronto attack"


    Which part of this simple sentence is unclear and needs to be explained further to you right wing Muslim- haters?


    Oh sorry...I forgot: the police is of course in on the deep-state conspiracy, that does not allow anyone to make any connection to Muslims!


    I have a few meters of tin- foil to sell to you!

  6. ...blah...blah...blah...guests in this country...have to take the bad with the good...blah blah...respect for THEIR religion...blah blah....

    It is about "having a choice"!

    I am not a Buddhist, but acknowledge that many people are!

    And if they EVER would practice what they preach, maybe I would even respect that!

    But I am not religious!

    And thousands of tourists are not Buddhists!

    And aren't you the guys, who usually make fun about the "nanny states" back home, because they tell hotels or shopping malls not to block the emergency exits or tell people to wear helmets or safety belts?


    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, ed strong said:

    Theses alcohol 'bans' are very shaddy, as mentioned buying alcohol on these buddhist days is still possible in large thai restaurants and your mom and pop style store, marinas etc


    There seems to be little  no worry about drinking from 'coffee' mugs in falang or small thai resatuarants.


    I feel these bans are more to related to the sex industry, as these establishments are closed full stop (even if you want to play pool and drink fanta)


    Now being a buddhist country and where prostitution is illegal (although everyone is aware whats going on just dont admit to it)


    Its easier and thais wont lose face; to impose an alcohol ban and thus subsequently killing the sex industry for those couple of days and therefore Buddha is now appeased.

    I honestly believe, the Buddha wouldn't have given two hot @#$%@ about it!

  8. 1 hour ago, jerry921 said:

    It's not requires, as far as I know, to hand your brain over to the IO at swampy when you get stamped in. People can still make observations and criticisms, wherever they go to live, though someone who never does anything but complain gets a bit tiresome.


    I think it's curious that while in most threads there's a chorus of voices complaining that Thai's don't think enough, in a case like this where Thai culture is sending the boys off to meditate for a few days the chorus is largely against the time out. Maybe I'm not distinguishing enough between those, like myself, who were talking only about Adul, and those who were against sending the other 11 off to the temple. If we separate out those who were talking just about Adul, is it still fair to say there's a chorus against what's being done to the rest? If the 11 Buddhist kids go for a short-time stay at the monastery I'm not against it as long as they're protected while they're there from anything bad happening to them.

    I stated, that I am against any form of religious "indoctrination" (as I am lacking a better word).

    I find it kind of curious, that a 9 day Buddhist retreat is basically seen as a valid substitute for getting the boys back to "normal" life ASAP and support them with some kind of psychological guidance.

    I think speaking (or not) about their adventure with an experienced psychologist, might be more helpfull than sweeping leavses, having your head shaved and meditate in silence.


    But that is just my uninformed opinion...

  9. 15 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    Don’t give some rubbish one sentence- perhaps you should start - why is this wrong - explain ? 

    Okay...let's start with your "you have no right to criticize"...


    I have all the right to criticize: I am person with a brain and when I see things, I deem wrong, I criticize them!

    Thais have all the right to ignore me- but that is a completely different thing!


    So you have a "beautiful Buddha- image" in your home, but you really don't like all the "tourist stuff"!

    Who made you master of taste or the taste police?


    You state the fact, that religion shaped countries and morals- and I say: great...now let's stop this BS and reverse it, because in my opinion (which I am allowed to have, as you are allowed to have yours, no matter how wrong i personally think it is) NOTHING good EVER came from religion and the sooner we would be able to make people stop following stone age fairy tales FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, the better it would be!


    To your point "we are guests here": I don't know, how you treat the hundreds of Thais, who come to your house on a daily basis, but here is what I don't do to my guests: 

    I don't invite them in and then I charge them 300 Baht for using the toilet.

    Of these 300 Baht, I take 100 Baht and buy toilet paper, 100 Baht I use to buy flowers for my balcony and another 100 I stuff into my own pocket!

    Oh...and when one of my guests criticizes my taste in music, I don't throw him into my basement with all the other guys who dare criticize my apartment or the way I run it!


    And now: off you go....loving everything Thai!

    Have a good day!


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