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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 14 hours ago, riclag said:

    "boasting about assaulting women"!

      There is something more important to KC and many American's,then a Billionaire's comment on a attempted smear by the low life far left,which failed miserably .How ironic it was to vote a man that bragged about his civilian sexual encounters while listening to the opposition describe him as con artist failed business man.

    It seems rather odd they still pursue the same narrative. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,sick.

    Trump - her boss- is ON TAPE, saying that he grabs women by the hooha and that he just goes for it, he doesn't even wait, he goes for them like a bitch!

    Unless you find an excellent way to spin this into something positive, he admitted to assaulting women, without their consent!

    Now...if Kellyann would be a victim of sexual assault and not only let's that pass but even tries to put a positive spin on it, I absolutely doubt the validity of what she is claiming now!

    ...and HOW ON EARTH is that a smear bz the left_



  2. There are so many things wrong with this...I don't even know, where to start!

    So...let's go!

    1) IF this allegation is true, she deserves to be heard!

    2) But what she is saying about it (basically victim- blaming and sheltering the sexual predator) is just wrong!

    3) IF this really happened to her...how can she stand by and watch all these slimy white guys attack, marginalize and blame women. How can she work for an accused alledged predator like Trump?

    4) To stay in line with her "buddy's" arguments in the Republican- party: why didn't she bring forward accusations (and prove) to the police? 

    5) Name names and witnesses, Kellyanne...and I might believe you!

    6) Until then: to use this as a political weapon, is a kick in the face for all women who were actually assaulted or raped and make Mrs. Conway as despicable human being.

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  3. 1 hour ago, petesc55 said:


    But she doesn't remember where it happened, whose house, how she got there, how she got home, and the people she claimed knew about it don't remember anything, either.

    There are a lot of things in my youth, that I KNOW really happened.

    In some instances, I can give you the names of people who were there and the place it happened, but not the date, in other cases, I can 100% remember the place.

    Does that mean, these things happened or not?

    • Like 1
  4. "I have lived here long enough to know that politeness and respect get you a long way. Rudeness and arrogance get you nowhere."


    ...as clearly indicated by the 2 rude and arrogant C@#%$ who did not let you buy what you wanted and came to buy in due time!


    I am living here for 11 years now and I am not giving 2 hot $4!t$ about the Thai- politeness anymore, as they use and abuse their own "rules" as they please! 

    If you are an @$$4)le, be ready to be called one!

    • Like 1
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  5. 22 hours ago, BestB said:

    Not once have I been asked for license from a wholesale place or refused  a sale between the non sale times

    Ooooooh...we are so happy for you!

    You must be one of the good ones and because $4!t never happens to you, clearly it never does to anybody else!



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