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Posts posted by DM07

  1. So....will anyone in the "free press" of Thailand go up to Prayut and ask him about the BS he spouted a few days ago, about "no flood"?

    And would any of the "but...but...Yingluk"- crowd please tell me. how THIS is better than her handling of the flood of 2012?

    These clowns had YET ANOTHER YEAR to come up with a sensible plan NOT to flood the whole country and the best they have are boats, pushing the water?

    By the way: the same exact BS the Yingluk- government came up with!


    This country is @#$%^&* unbe- @#$%^&*- lievable!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    Apart from heart/circulatory conditions I do not think viagra should be paid for either.

    I did as you suggested and looked at the $ amounts and they are indeed alarming, but one also needs to dig deep into the Forbes report to find -

    "While some studies have shown that the incidence of erectile dysfunction has increased among service members in the past several years, less than 10 percent of the prescriptions were for active-duty troops."

    ...and that makes it more justifiable...how?

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  3. 11 hours ago, berybert said:

    So basically telling the boys it's their fault the diver died. Sounds fair. 

    Noooooo...just let it go!

    As usual in Thailand: no one has to understand, that @#$! you do and when you %$@! up things, that is just mai bpen rai!

    By the way: I am not saying, they have to be told tomorrow, that they killed a guy!

    But at some point, I think a discussion about this point is needed!


    But as I see on here: the coach is still a hero and everybody who thinks otherwise (me included) is a complete idiot!


    Just move on- nothing to see!

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  4. 4 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Scaremongering, Nanny state in action yet again?

    There are still a lot of reservoirs that need water for the dry season, only four are full :- http://www.thaiwater.net/DATA/REPORT/php/rid_dam_1.php?lang=en

    It all depends on how many storms arrive and where they land!

    If its at all possible to mismanage the situation Im sure they will ? 

    Nanny state?


    When it comes to prevention of disasters?

    I wish!


    This country is only a nanny state, when they tell you when and how long to be sad or when you are allowed to drink alcohol!

    Other than that, I would be more than happy for a bit more nanny- state!

    It might actually prevent people from dying!


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  5. 18 hours ago, riclag said:

    America knows the Russians sowed discord in this election and past elections. Goin on 3 years Comey - Mueller!The best a special Council has proven  is several liars,a accused tax fraud and 23 out of 24 Russian's that are accused but will never ever come to testify or be tried to god knows what.All of these investigations can be done with US DOJ  prosecutors.It's a  political witch hunt  


    ...oh...willfully, I might add!


  6. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    Mexicans coming into the USA are coming from a country with the 15th largest GDP in the world, ahead of the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, and Austria. Explain again why they deserve special access.

    ...and since they are absolutely the only ones that are coming into the US...

    ...and since they are absolutely not coming into the EU (which the "Italy" in this case, is still a part of...)

    ...explain again, what you are talking about?!

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  7. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    It's up to the people who are citizens of the country to which the would-be "immigrants" want to enter. Immigration should be for the benefit of citizens, not immigrants. Otherwise, yes, you get a lot of unproductive, violence-prone, welfare claiming "dross."

    Funny- I was always of the impression, that immigration should and could benefit both sides!

    But - of course- you are right: "we" (eg Western Countries) should be the ones benifitting!


    Since (mostly) we already laid the groundwork to turn people into immigrants, with exploiting their countries or placing "our" leaders, thus destabilizing "their" countries- so why not have a win/win for us and a big sack of nothing for them!


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