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Posts posted by DM07

  1. I got a better one: I was trying to buy ALCOHOL FREE BEER at Tops Daily.

    It was 3 pm, but since the sale of ALCOHOL is prohibited and I wanted to buy NO ALCOHOL, I didn't think much of it!

    First the register wouldn't open.

    Second the cashier told me "Can not sell alcohol before 5"

    Third, I said "That is great! Since this is alcohol -free,we don't have a problem!"

    Fourth he called his superior and she looked at the can and triumphantly held it towards me, pointing at the "0,00%" sign!

    Fifth, I told her, that this means, that there is NO ALCOHOL in the beverage! That is what 0,00% indicates!

    Sixth...sorry sir, can not sell!


    And before I get answers like "Why would you even buy alcohol free beer?"(None of your business!) or tell me, that the selling of BEER is prohibited (no, it's not! The sale of alcohol is prohibited...otherwise, I would please like to see a list of all the specific kinds of alcohol, that are not to be sold and buy the one, not on the list...)


    Here is what happened: one clever chap saw the word "beer" on the can, shut down his/her 5 active brain cells, registered the stuff under "not to be sold between 2 and 5 pm)...and here we go! 

    • Like 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

    Ahhh, the power of the internet to exaggerate, hysteriate and distort facts.


    She never claimed to have been raped- she said it was sexuall assault- there's a huge difference.


    Interesting that it took over 30 years for this to come to light- it stinks of political jerry-mandering. Just another example of the levels US politics have stooped to these days.

    ...and where would that "sexual assault" have gone?


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  3. I'd be happy to try but my German is so bad and es tut mir leid, aber wir können keine Fremdsprache in diesem Forum verwenden (we arent allowed to use foreign languages on this forum).
    Mainly English speaking countries (that matter) are the US, GB and the Ozztrians. It is a blessing to have been born there.
    Funny! I can't remember, talking to you!
    But I guess, you just have to force yourself into every conversation.
    Must be the interner- equivalent of buying a Porsche, when you reach 50!

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