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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 6 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    Really, conservatives have no thoughts for women's rights and are always fighting for the rights of Muslim women? You live in a bubble of Marxist propaganda. There is in fact a wide spectrum of ideas and attitudes throughout the population, not just good vs evil as it appears to you, apparently.

    Nice try to twist my words!

    Cheap...but nice!


    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  2. I don't know, how many of these question have been answered, but since my office is just at the corner of Patpong? Suriwonge...here is a little update about the area.


    Molly's -as far as I heard- was just moving a bit down Convent, because the former "home" will be demolished.

    O'Reilleys is now Hooters

    The German Restaurant "G's" has moved to Soi 4.

    In it's place, there is the cozy Paddy Filed.

    The "big brother" of Paddy's moved into the "modern" building between Patpong 1 & 2 at the Suriwong- end and is called Shenannigans (and is excellent, by the way).


    I have no idea what happened to the Pintsman, but if they moved out because of the rent, I wish the one that moves in "good luck"_ Pintsman was very well frequented and if they can not pay rent...

    There are still pubs in the area, that are managed by the same owner: After Hours at Soi 8 and the M- Pub at the Ascott Hotel on Sathorn!


    You are welcome!


    • Like 1
  3. I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes of "Castle Rock", a series based on the "Stephen King Universe"!

    Excellent actors, great score, exciting story- line...

    I am a bit scared though: there is a lot of mystery and the whole thing is produced by JJ Abrams and his "Bad Robot"- company!

    If that doesn't ring a bell: I hope we don't get "Lost"-ed, here!


    Another series, that I enjoy as kind of a "guilty pleasure", is "The 100".

    This one is so bad, it is almost good!

    It is full of plot holes, deep enough to hide a space station in it, there are more "deus es machina"- moments, then one is able to count and the protagonists just stumble from bad decision to the next!

    If you would have a shot for every stupid decision made, you would be p!$$ed drunk, halfway through the episode.

    I don't know exactly why I watch it...maybe it is this "horrible car- crash, that you can't look away from" effect...?!

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Liberals expose their hypocrisy in their defense of niqabs and burqas.  A symbol of ultimate misogyny and oppression, the removal of a woman's humanity and right to equality. The are dressed as if they are shameful and need to be hidden away, like some abomination. Liberals embrace what should be the greatest symbol of anti liberalism in the name of diversity and claim the real oppressors are westerners, whose logical disdain for such practices must be rooted in hate of anything not western in origin. Surely conservatives could not actual be acting in defense of women or the safety of communities. Put a pointed hat on those niqabs and you have the KKK, but the liberals would still embrace it.

    Modern progressivism is nothing more than mass cognitive dissonance.

    I, as a "left leaning liberal", absolutely do not defend burquas or whatever!

    I, as an atheist, condemn every kind of religious BS!


    Still curious, though, that the right never cares for equal rights or women's rights, in "their own" western societies, but are always fast with "fighting" for the rights of Muslim women!

    I assume: as soon as these women are out of Muslim oppression, they will be told by western right wingers, never to even think about abortions, to stop dreaming about equal pay and to dress "decently" in order not to provoke rapes! 

    Double standard much?!


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    • Thanks 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Damn right you're going to get a confused emojy, you said 


    You said it, why deny? I am confused.

    I know, that you are confused- nothing new here!

    I am not a native English-speaker, so I think, it was maybe not 100% clear...obviously!



    Fact: no one killed anybody!

    My opinion: the stupidity of the group costed a life!

    Conclusion from my side: this will have to be brought up at some point, if anything is to be learned!

    Conclusion from your side: all is fine and dandy! Let's just go on like always! The coach is goddamn hero etc pp  



    • Like 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Oh yes you did, the inference is quite clear.

    To paraphrase - Not to morrow but at some point this is needed (that indirectly they killed a guy). 

    Very clearly stated. 

    "Noooooo...just let it go!

    As usual in Thailand: no one has to understand, that @#$! you do and when you %$@! up things, that is just mai bpen rai!

    By the way: I am not saying, they have to be told tomorrow, that they killed a guy!

    But at some point, I think a discussion about this point is needed!

    But as I see on here: the coach is still a hero and everybody who thinks otherwise (me included) is a complete idiot!

    Just move on- nothing to see!"


    This is exactly what I said!

    I made the relevant part bold, for you!

    Yes, I said that at some point a discussion about this point is needed!

    And I stand with that!

    "the point" being "the consequences of their action", that I mentioned in another, earlier post!


    But if you need it to be spelled out: no...I am NOT saying, anyone "killed" anybody else!


    And now my special friend vogie can post the usual sad or irritated emojy...

    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    I am a little confused here.


    Can you please explain how the coach and the boys killed a guy?

    I didn't say that!

    What you are quoting, was (and it says that pretty clearly) NOT what I want to tell them (and most of all: not tomorrow), because that was what some implied, I wanted to do!


    I want that the guys understand (all of them) that their actions (and quiet frankly: careless stupidity)had consequences.

    Money had to be spent, people had to risk their life and in the final instance, someone lost his life, in an effort to rescue them!


    That's it!

    Nowhere did I imply, that "the coach and the boys killed a guy"!


    • Thanks 1
  8. A few years ago, there was this senator (?) in the US, who brought a snowball to a session of ...whatever that is in the USA...parliament...to prove, that it is way too cold for global warming!

    I wonder, what he is doing now?



    Probably the same as always: denying climate change and getting rich on bribe money by some coal- company!

    You know, what is a good indicator, that climate change is real?

    The hottest year on record...ever...in the history of records...is the year you are in...right now!

    And the second hottest, was the year before...and so on!

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