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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. 50 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    I don't have to wake up because I do not (and will not) have a dog in this fight (as they say). It will be my sons and grand children that have to deal with a country flooded with people of a greatly different culture and ethos. Have you ever resided in California for any length of time? Your post highly resembles communist propaganda, BTW.


    Anyway, I already said it in my original reply of "pipe dreams of the DonaldHERE, proving I am con-resistant in this case (but not con-proof).

    Much (if not all) of the statistical analysis of immigrants into the US show a net benefit to the country- Wikipedia quotes the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office which found that "over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use...between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes. Illegal immigrants are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security. In addition, they spend millions of dollars per year, which supports the US economy and helps to create new jobs. 

    Since the figures do not bear out the 'drain' that immigrants often get labeled with, lets then investigate the 'greatly different culture and ethos' you seem to be so worried about.

    Taking away the lower levels of street gangs and equal undesirables (after all you wouldn't like to be represented by the KKK or equally extreme white representation), again numerous studies have concluded that whilst there is a massive upside economically, it is also culturally. Charles Hirschman, Professor at the Department of Sociology and the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, Washington University concludes.

    “While it is not possible to predict the role of immigration in America’s future, it is instructive to study the past. The current debates and hostility to immigrants echo throughout American history. What is most surprising is that almost all popular fears about immigration and even the judgements of ‘experts’ about the negative impact of immigrants have been proven false by history.” You can read his full paper here http://www.iwm.at/transit/transit-online/the-impact-of-immigration-on-american-society/

    America was built on immigrants and has done pretty well out of it since they first arrived hundreds of years ago. To change the narrative now is disingenuous at best, complete fear mongering at worst. 

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  2. On 10/30/2018 at 3:42 PM, how241 said:

    Good to see a president who has the balls to do the right thing and send in the army to protect the border. He can do this because he is Not a paid professional politician. Hopefully,  many in this group will see that this president is not playing games and stay in Mexico or return to their home.

    I think many of us wish he was a 'paid PROFESSIONAL politicians' as that might mean he has a clue about something and understand that he is held to international law in matters such as this. You can stick as many troops on the border as you want but if these people present themselves for asylum (as seems to be the consensus) then he has no choice but to process them. You don't need the army for that.

    Also, it is well documented courtesy of Stormy that he doesn't have balls. Just a weird shaped mushroom.     

  3. 4 hours ago, Srinivas said:

    oh im well aware of his media prowess and he is no dummy when it comes to strategy.

    But the "fake news", and by this I mean media forces in opposition have tried to sell him as a clown, idiot, ignorant, rapist, russian agent, tax cheat etc but not smart enough to beat him and not a way to reach voters. very low iq arrogant thinking there too.


    so my point is when Trump says fake news, he is not attacking freedom of press imo.

    he is attacking his opposition media and baiting them. 

    mediacrisis.info is just a collection of print media games, not all trump related but interesting recent propaganda. 






    Well considering he is a tax cheat (most rich people are but even so, have you seen his tax returns yet?), that Russian involvement in the election is now proven (whether he personally colluded directly is still the question - but sure to be answered soon) and his misogyny is legendary, they may have a point.

    He is a clown/idiot/ignorant by definition of what comes out of his mouth and his daily outburst just demonstrate his lack of even the most basic of knowledge on matters that anyone would expect a POTUS to have.

    The 'fake news' Trump fans cry about all the time certainly have an agenda but I don't think it's unjustified and the right have just as much responsibility through the likes of Fox News (basically a Trump propaganda machine) and the likes of Breitbart and similar crazy sites.

    Freedom of the press is enshrined in America and this guy is doing his level best to undermine one of the very pillars of democracy because they are calling him out on every one of his numerous infractions. If you can't see this then you are as much a problem as he is and don't be too surprised when one day an even worse despot than this guy rises to the top job but by then he has total control because the free press you quite readily throw under the bus are no longer around to stop him. 



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  4. 4 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    Trump and the USA should do nothing; after all they are not the World's Policeman, right?

    How about just common decency or has the race to the bottom got so bad that international law can be flaunted and journalists murdered on foreign soil? 

    This continuing excusing of the US administration because of Trumps lack of morales has got to stop. 

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    NeExt thing you know, Sen. Flake will be demanding an FBI investigation, limited in scope, wherein they will interview four witnesses and find that Mr. Khashoggi is guilty of dying.


    After a thorough FBI investigation, Mr. Khashoggi has been found guilty of assaulting 12 Saudi gentlemen by causing severe bruising to their knuckles and partial deafness to one through his high-pitched screaming.

    A spokesman for the Trump administration said "we will be looking to bring the full force of the law down on Mr. Khashoggi ...........when we eventually put together his dismembered corpse".    

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  6. 9 hours ago, beechguy said:

    Again, if Obama thought he was doing such a wonderful job, why was he warning that we would have to get used to living with 2% growth? Things got better in spite of Obama, not because of him. Improvement in budget deficits were caused by sequestration, and very little to with his grand plans.


    The most disturbing part of your post, is comparing my small tax savings to the millionaires, as if I should be resentful. I was taught that if it's not yours, don't take it. Apparently a lesson never learned by most thieving Democrats/Liberals.


    If you walk into a restaurant, and a guy has a better looking steak, do you just go over and demand part of it, because he's dressed better than you?


    Once again, thank heavens that Hillary or Bernie isn't in the WH!!

    As I mentioned, I’ve given up teaching my dog to drive and this is the economics equivalent of that but here goes. 

    So things got better for Obama “inspite” of himself? So by your logic Trump inheriting all of Obama’s “good luck” would mean he could massively exceed the 2.9% GDP growth of 2016 yet here we are with a mere 3.1% GDP growth in 2018 and 2.5% predicted for 2019. These are still solid numbers though so he should also easily drop the deficit yet he seems to be adding roughly a $trillion per year. 

    Its almost as if giving massive tax cuts to businesses and the rich DOESNT do a thing for the economy but does add a lot to the deficit. Who could have predicted that (hint: every economist in the last 50 years). 

    Also your anology is deeply flawed. A better one would be that you order a $30 steak and the rich guy sitting next to you also gets a $30 steak but his is twice the size of yours. When you complain to the waiter about this obvious injustice, he mumbles something about it being the fault of immigrants, gays, Muslims, women or someone else other than the rich guy. 

    The rich guy then eats his twice-the-size steak, puts his meal on your bill and tips over your table on his way out. 


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  7. 12 hours ago, scorecard said:

    I have a friend in Melbourne, he's happily married with a couple of kids, he's a trained professional costume and make up designer to suit period films etc., and he actually does some of the make up work. He plays football.


    He makes quite some extra income doing the make up for cross dressers, most of his clients are middle aged men: professional bankers, engineers, tradesmen, and laborers.


    Years ago he asked one of his first cross dress clients what gay places he likes to go to and whether some gay clubs were better than others to meet other cross dressers.


    The client answered 'I have no idea, I cant answer your question, I've never been to a gay club and I'm not interested to go to a gay club'. 


    Bottom line, this client liked to get professionally made up, put on his female clothes, which he kept in a locked wardrobe in his mothers' house then walk around department stores, shopping malls, sit in cocktail bars in big hotels, etc. 



    I know you are trying your best but you’re showing your lack of knowledge here. Let me help you. 

    You are referring to cross-dressers, a distinctive type of individual who although liking to dress as a woman, are not gay. This is opposed to transvestites/transsexuals who are predominately gay/bi. 

  8. 1 minute ago, kannot said:


    I assume your 'ironic' is inferring that I am being  'an intolerant a**hole' to those that are being 'intolerant a**holes?'   

    Some people cannot choose what they become, yet some people choose to belittle them.

    They don't deserve tolerance and they are being a**holes about things that don't and shouldn't affect them.

    Me pointing that out isn't ironic. It's factual.

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