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Posts posted by johnnybangkok

  1. Firstly, I find Ford to be a particularly credible individual. I cannot see how she is benefiting from any of this (I’m sure I’ll hear about GoFund and book deals from the more vocal Trumpers soon) and what with death threats and the controversy, it seems it’s actually to her detriment. But putting “did he/didn’t he” aside I find it fantastically hypocritical of all those individuals calling this “political” and “orchestrated by the evil Dems” when the Republicans did even worse with Merrick Garland. With 10 months left in office, this was Obama’s perfectly reasonable nomination; a moderate with no accusation of any impropriety whatsoever yet the Republicans wouldn’t even give him a hearing never mind a vote. Like a petulant child they just flat out refused to even discuss the matter. 

    So when you’re whining on that it’s all just “political” and the dems fault, just remember they are simply asking 

    for an investigation into a claim of sexual assault, which is far more consideration given than the Republicans ever gave Garland. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, DaiHard said:

    I hope that those of you that are so quick to rush to judgment on unsubstantiated allegations just because you don't like Trump never find yourself in the position where your falsely accused because you'll get precious little sympathy

    You say that I am 'beneath contempt' yet you are quite happy to victim blame. 

    You are assuming he is being falsely accused despite the very convincing facts presented throughout this thread that show you otherwise.

    Also, I never said that Democrats didn't play the political supreme court game; it's been going on for quite some time now and both parties have no choice these days but to play, but this guy is now a dead man walking and should do the honourable thing and walk away.  

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  3. 47 minutes ago, Scottjouro said:

    The best thing the UK can do is follow the will of the majority of the British people who voted to leave, anything else is anti-democractic...the Witch May is not up to the job, she should be removed from office immediately for incompetance and let Boris Johnson sort the mess out she had created (least preferable option)  or make Nigel Farange either PM or  at least chief negotiator...they need some on charge with a spine..

    You talk of democracy yet suggest very undemocratic solutions to the problem; unless seriously incapacitated or voluntary resigning, or removed by the queen (never going to happen) a sitting PM can only be removed with a vote of no confidence from parliament; Boris Johnson is no longer a member of the cabinet so again would have to be voted in as leader of the Tories first and then as PM he would have to call a general election soon after as he hasn't been voted by the people. And finally Nigel Farage (please note the correct spelling of his surname) isn't a Tory and isn't even an MP. 

    Guess you're stuck with May.

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  4. I think even staunch Leave fans would agree this has been a farce from the very beginning and doesn't look to be abating any time soon. The mishandling of this has been nothing short of criminal and I really can't imagine that anyone who voted Leave at the time ever foresaw just how catastrophic things would be at this stage.

    At no point in the beginning (and for quite some time after) was a no-deal scenario ever mentioned and yet here we are, with no-deal being an increasingly likely conclusion to what has been misstep after misstep.  

    The goalposts have moved so much now (almost in a different field) there needs to be a second referendum once the final 'deal' is known. The British public didn't vote for this mess and they need another chance to vote on the actual consequences of what Brexit will finally be.

    That's the only way we will ever get closure with this and can then start to move on with either a definitive Leave or a definitive Remain. 


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  5. 1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

    "with all the facts being known"?

    Which facts are known about a post-Brexit Britain?


    What's actually happening is the Remain camp are trying to put the fear of God into Leavers, have a quick 2nd ref, and hope enough of them have been frightened into changing their minds.

    The facts that surround a no-deal Brexit for example. The facts on whether you will be able to live and travel freely throughout EU countries. The facts about trade deals and tariffs. The facts of how a no-deal Brexit will effect UK manufacturers or banks and financial institutions; on customs and citizens rights. What is the actual effect of adopting WTO rules and regulations rather than a trade deal with the EU for example?


    At no stage in time during the Leave campaign was a no-deal scenario ever even mentioned. In fact it has only been fairly recent that a no-deal scenario has come to the fore. Among their many lies the Leave campaign told (and yes, I know the Remain lot weren't much better) was a rosy picture of the UK getting to pick and choose whatever laws and trade deals suited the country best with the idea that the EU needed us much more than we needed them. Well this is looking increasingly spurious as we reach the eleventh hour and although you might be quite correct in that it could all just be scare-mongering, it seems many independents economists and businesses don't agree with you.

    If we are knowingly walking off a cliff, wouldn't you want the chance to stop that?     


  6. 16 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The only people that want another referendum are the losers and as to your remark that people didn't know what they are voting for, well 2 years on and people are much wiser and their opinion on leaving remains pretty much the same.

    That is just blatantly untrue. If you read this post from the beginning you will see that it was started as so many polls are now showing the remain camp at anything between 55% and 60%.







    If you are so confident that the vote will still be 'leave' then why not have another referendum? Then you can say for sure that, with all the facts now being known, the UK electorate still decided to leave. You would then have no dissent whatsoever. 


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  7. 4 hours ago, billd766 said:


    So when we know what the deal is we should have a second referendum? 


    I have said earlier in the thread what would be the rules, the questions, who would frame the questions, what would be the pass/fail mark, simple majority, 60%, 2/3, 70%, 75%, what would the status be if neither side reaches the target.


    If the Remainers win would they allow the Leavers another vote?


    Nobody has come up with any real answers.


    Have you any idea how long it takes to set up a referendum so that ALL the voters, local, postal proxy votes worldwide can be contacted? 


    Meanwhile we have the Brexit deal completed (whatever it is doesn't matter) awaiting the result of the referendum and then we say to the EU, hang on a couple of months until we get this sorted out and perhaps another one after that and maybe even a general election too.  That may or may not result in a win for one side or the other. Maybe even a coalition government or perhaps a stalemate and yet another election. 


    Do you believe that the EU will say, OK take all the time you want and come back when you are ready?

    'So when we know what the deal is we should have a second referendum?' - yes

    '.......what would be the rules, the questions, who would frame the questions, what would be the pass/fail mark, simple majority, 60%, 2/3, 70%, 75%, what would the status be if neither side reaches the target.' - Question - now we know exactly what Brexit means, do we remain or leave?


    'If the Remainers win would they allow the Leavers another vote?' - No


    'Have you any idea how long it takes to set up a referendum so that ALL the voters, local, postal proxy votes worldwide can be contacted?' - The minimum 10-week referendum period is specified in PPERA, and comprises three parts: four weeks for applications to be lead campaigner on each side, two weeks for designation, and four weeks for campaigning. This schedule could be amended by the legislation enabling a new referendum.


    '......awaiting the result of the referendum and then we say to the EU, hang on a couple of months until we get this sorted out' - March is just a date that has been agreed so far. If all 28 EU states agree, this date can be extended. Also, there is 21 month 'transition' period after the March deadline.


    'Do you believe that the EU will say, OK take all the time you want and come back when you are ready?' - Not all the time you want but if the referendum was completed quickly and wasn't strung out too long, yes I do.


    No one said this was going to be easy but my point was (and still is) that people voted without knowing exactly what Brexit meant. Once it is known (which increasingly looks like a no-deal) then that is what a second referendum should be about. It's just too important not to.  And yes, if it happens to come out 'leave' again, then no one should have any complaints this time.


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  8. 21 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    But at this point in time nobody KNOWS what Brexit will entail as the EU and the UK are still negotiating (or not). 


    Both the Leave and Remain campaigns were based on lies.


    This is your opinion and not backed up by any facts as there are no final facts on the table yet.


    I don't have an opinion on the final terms of Brexit yet, partly because it is still ongoing and partly because I am not on the negotiating team.


    I'm not quite seeing your point here as of course no one knows what it is. I'm not saying otherwise, just merely pointing out that eventually we WILL know what the final Brexit deal will look like and once that is known, then a second referendum should be called.

    In the meantime I think people are beginning to understand what a hard/soft Brexit is all about and also the dreaded 'no deal" that seems to be increasingly likely as the deadline approaches. These scenarios are not secret and are based on facts and have nothing to do with mine or anyone else's opinion.

    Much like yourself, I don't have an opinion on what isn't known but my original post did say 'once all the debate is over" so I think it was clear I meant once the final deal is known.

  9. 53 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    I can remember a few years ago that the Labour Party leader at the time, Tony Blair to the UK into a war and that was based on lies and confusion but I don't remember the Labour Party arguing about that. Nor do I remember being allowed to challenge that decision.


    Was that also democracy?

    Ok, so let's use your example here to argue why there should be another referendum.

    Blair & Bush start the Iraq war based on the lies of WMD. At the time, no one knew this was a lie, but several years later the Chilcot Inquiry points out what everyone knew by then i.e. there was no need to go to war and that the claim of WMD was a fabrication. This was many years after the war and far too late to do anything about it.

    Fast forward to current times.

    The Leave campaign tells countless lies, starting with the UK paying £350 million per week to the EU, that if the UK leaves it will be able to properly fund the NHS using the savings made from EU contributions, that the UK would be able to stay in the single market, that the UK will get a great trade deal with the rest of the world, that the UK has lost its sovereignty by being in the EU anyway, that the UK cannot control its borders, that the UK is 'full' and cannot take any more people and that migrants are ruining the economy and therefore the country.

    Lies, lies, lies.

    The Leave campaign was essential built entirely on lies and now 2 years down the line we know this as a fact but are still happily letting them get their way because a vote based on lies was backed by a slim majority of people. That to me just seems crazy.

    You are right to call out what happened with the Iraq war as being based on 'lies and confusion' but what's the difference with Brexit? 

    The difference is there is still a (slim) chance to rectify matters and present to the electorate what Brexit actually means (hard/soft/deal/no deal) once all the debate is over. 

    This is what Brexit will actually mean and when presented with no histrionics and no lies then the people will have a clear understanding of what it will mean to them and through a second referendum, get the chance to say yes or no.  


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