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Posts posted by boppia

  1. The world (and Thailand) is being cemented over. That cement isn't only covering the best agricultural lands inthe world where most cities are but it is also covering culture, tradition, and even smiles. People don't want to travel 10,000 miles to see Starbucks, PizzaHut, and Tom Cruise.

    I wonder after the whole world is cemented over what will cover the cement. Viva Chang!

  2. Just wondering how friendly the farangs are in Esarn. Do most of you know your farang neighbors? Do you spend time with them or are most of your friends Thai.

    I don't live up there but when I visit I rarely see any foreigners. If I meet one in the market I will usually just say hello. Most foreigners up there seem to be come-and-go people who visit a couple times per year but spend most of their days in the West.

  3. Rob, not sure what the SV application is. When I married I had to translate some stuff both ways. All I would say is to figure out the spelling of your English name in Thai language before you get to a translation office. Make sure that you are comfortable with the spelling in Thai. Also be careful to check that each time you have it written in Thai by a government official or translation office that they use the same spelling.

    Everyone who plans to do anything with Thailand in the long term should figure out the exact translation of their foreign name into Thai because you will use that spelling for a long time. If you or someone happens to make a mistake spelling your name you may have to go back to other places you did paperwork with to get your name corrected.

    I had a problem when my daughter was born. The trans office in BKK made a mistake but we only figured it out when we were in the countryside. So to correct it and get what we wanted done we had to go back to Bangkok to do everything again with the trans office and certification office in Laxsi. Anyways, Ampur officers won't let errors in spelling slip. Be careful and you won't have problems.

  4. Didn't Carlsberg Beer leave because of problems doing business here?

    I understand you Simon. Living here you are torn between a love of the place and the reality of how the government treats you. The Thai people all the way up to number one will never do anything to give foreigners security no matter how much of a connection they have to the country. Thailand is a land of corruption. If you are corrupt its okay with all the corrupt officials in immigration etc. They love to sell beer and women. (I'd love to hear an immigration official tell me this isn't true!)

    So what it comes down to is take it or leave it. I think you are making the right decision. All the best.

  5. Excellent information. Thanks for the replies. Seems some people have kept it off and others gained it right back. The advice you've added makes sense. It's hard to succeed losing weight long term but people do. I'm still listening if anyone else wishes to add something.

  6. I remember seeing a movie about three guys who went to the Philipines to find wives. It was on AandE an artsy channel in the US. I think it was called something like Filipina Lovedolls or something like that. It was on the Arts channel on cable because it was adult in nature but not really pornographic. I think I remember once scene where one of the guys gets a massage from a girl and she walks on his back. In the end, one guy marries a young maid, another marries a bargirl or working girl, but the third I'm not sure about.

    Just a note. This movie didn't inspire me to come to Asia although it was interesting. I think I've always been attracted to Asian women. I remember watching lots of Japanese and Chinese movies as a kid. And there were the cartoons. I do believe that all the media together had an influence on me.

  7. Kao Saan Seems a lot cleaner nowdays and I've only been here for ten years. It must have been nuts in the 80's.

    Love is the drug on Sukumvit.

    Wierdos will be wierdos wherever they are.

    Some people are dirty. They should take baths.

    Some people take drugs. They should go easy.

    Some people drink(another drug). They should go easy.

    Some people horde. They should go easy.

    Some people fart. They shouldn't do it in elevators.

  8. Thaiwriter, You are absolutely right about the AISS(Anal Image Scanning System) It's being used across the globe in places like I-net cafes, on airliners, in barber shops, on park benches outside strategic buildings and even in a few beer bars. It has proven successful for the most part but it does have its weaknesses;for suspects over 300 lbs its hard to get a clear print and it has dificullty identifying suspects who have undergone a sex change.

  9. Just a note. The US embassy requires all passport photos to be on a white background with the persons ears showing. The ears must be something important.

    Thailand is a great place to catch criminals in hiding. I would even guess some of the people who use message boards like this are running from the law.

    The world is becoming are giant shooting gallery. Your picture is being taken all the time.

    I've even heard some law enforcement groups have put special keyboards and mouse in selective Internet cafes. These devices can read fingerprints and relay them to a central office which checks them against wanted individuals.

  10. It's pretty clear to me now why the UN takes so long to do anything. DO they even sell the freakin' snapper here? Fish is fish! Oooooh, but nooo Red Snapper is soooo much better. I'll wait for the book. It's good name for a title. Where's that writer Moore?

  11. All the best but Thailand doesn't care about foreigners. You can live here all your life and you will still be a 'farang' under the law. And Thai people won't support any laws to give you equal rights. This is the jungle where those who hold the sword survive.

    But I'd love to see the statistics especially how many Thais go to jail for murdering a foreigner. What is the original meaning of farang? Sometimes I think it might mean dog.

  12. I remember lao people doing this in the US. They would put in money every week or.The first person would get a lot and would be the first to get it but would have to pay a little more than the others so that everyone after them got more for waiting. This went with the second third etc. The last person got a bit more. No one loses much money. Collectively the group members are able to give more to those who wait. The people who get it earlier agree to pay a bit more depending on their place in the line. It's not gambling but rather collective action. The only negatives aspects of it is that some members may try to cut out or run into financial difficulty as it goes so the remaining members might have to struggle to get the others to pay their fair share.

    Foreigners don't trust each other enough to do this. if they did they could do something like

    base = 15,000 baht per month for 20 months (Some will pay more.)

    Person 1 = 300,000 baht this month

    Person 2 = 302,000 baht next month




    Person 20 = 400,000 baht in 20 months

    That's the basic I'd as I remember it. the math experts here will figure it out.

    Anyways I remember a Lao girl who had just cam to the US and suddenly had the downpayment for a new Dodge Neon.

    One note. All the members of the scheme are working.

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