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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. That's correct. With ATV, your only options are (a) smart DNS or (b) VPN on router, which I don't like (prefer the flexibility of being able to engage VPN only when needed.)
  2. It’s what I call an “imposter society,” i.e., one whose system of education doesn’t really educate anyone. Consequently, you have a workforce populated by people who are simply pretending to be qualified to do their jobs and who must constantly work to conceal their lack of knowledge. It’s no wonder all the hi-sos send their children abroad to be educated.
  3. Hmmm...perhaps some brown envelopes were a little light by the time they made it all the way up the chain of command. ????
  4. If this were a locale where the "pickings were slim," as it were, then perhaps not. However, just the opposite is true here in LOS. ????
  5. Repair the RTP’s image? Sorry, but that ship probably sailed before any of us arrived on these shores.
  6. Unless her brown envelopes are fatter than those of the well-to-do businessman, then she might as well reconcile herself to being down one daughter.
  7. Especially if you’re a retiree who has no path to permanent residence. They must think we just fell off the turnip truck. ????
  8. Right. And clicking on the (right) button just takes you back to the login page; you’re never directed to any page that gives you the option to subscribe or upgrade to the Mesh WiFi service.
  9. Has anyone tried it? There's a link for existing AIS Fibre customers to subscribe, but it leads to nowhere. https://www.ais.th/fibre/aisfibremeshwifi.html
  10. Yep. These fools couldn't order a cheeseburger from a McDonald's drive-through window. It will probably be easier and faster for me to wait until my next trip to the U.S. to get the booster.
  11. I use a VPN first and foremost to stream movies and TV from services like Netflix USA and Amazon Prime Video USA on an Apple TV box using the VPN provider's smart DNS feature. I've tried both Express VPN and Nord VPN. EVPN is pretty much rock solid when it comes to beating Netflix at the "cat and mouse" game, but consistently comes up short where Amazon PV is concerned. With Nord, my experience has been just the opposite, i.e., never a problem streaming Amazon PV content, but Netflix USA access is totally unpredictable and unreliable. My question: Has anyone found a VPN provider whose smart DNS service is reliable for both of the aforementioned streaming platforms?
  12. I'm wondering if some of the Gillette Blue 2 disposable twin blade razors turning up on Lazada and Shopee are fake as well. The half dozen I ordered recently don't look anything like the ones I purchased in the U.S. last time I was there.
  13. Addictions treatment must be a tough business in this country insofar as the average Thai has little or no ability to delay gratification in any arena - even when drugs and alcohol aren't part of the equation.
  14. Thailand is becoming more enlightened and progressing on this particular front while supposedly “developed” countries like the U.S. are moving backwards. Funny how the world works.
  15. Yep. And every Thai knows the RTP can’t be bothered with low-yield activities like traffic enforcement.
  16. Perhaps Thailand would be more appealing to skilled immigrants were it not for the endless and superfluous bureaucratic red tape involved in setting up shop here. The fact that foreign nationals are treated like criminals on parole, i.e., required to constantly report their whereabouts and their movements, doesn’t help matters much either.
  17. Same here. However, by the same token, I suppose Thais enjoy a few yuks at our expense when they see farangs sweating like whores in church during the hot season.
  18. Jesus Christ, this sounds like the same kind of senseless rampage that happens in my home country practically every week. Never thought I’d see the same thing happen here. Just horrific.
  19. Per the official Line account; “Because there is a large demand for the product. The company sincerely apologizes for the delay in answering questions and receiving reservations. Product shipments are currently estimated to be after the 3rd week of October 2022. You can order. But ask permission only for those who can wait ???????????? 790 baht per bottle Temperature-controlled shipping Bangkok and surrounding areas 100.- Other provinces 130.- Limited to 1 person, no more than 10 pieces.”
  20. It’s the idea that people are blaming Biden for these downturns that’s hilarious. ????
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