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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. Yeah, it would be nice if the author of the piece were more specific about that.
  2. Good man! Being the victim of laughter is no laughing matter! Numerous studies by YouTube researchers have shown that laughing emoticons can cause severe damage to a developing child's fragile sense of self-esteem, privilege and entitlement. Solutions? 1. More helicopter mods. 2. Report offenders to the RTP and to the PM himself if necessary. 3. Retain legal counsel and consider the pursuit defamation charges. 4. Ask to speak to the manager. ????
  3. Sounds like this bimbo didn't really think things through, i.e., didn't search for a country with no extradition treaty with the U.S.
  4. Just like everything else in Thailand, as long as the powers that be can be paid by the polluters to look the other way, then nothing will ever change.
  5. Just more ginned-up grievance from the folks at Ailes Jazeera. We're talking about a white dude calling other whites "white trash" - not a white person dropping 'N' bombs.
  6. And they wonder why so many of us balk at the prospect of keeping 800K on deposit in a Thai bank.
  7. Never happens to me - they're all afraid of my wife! Even my wife's GFs and other females in our social circle are afraid to send me friend requests.
  8. You are correct, sir. In fact, I would submit that maintaining appearances/social status is the number one priority for Thais - whether we're talking about the lowliest rice farmer or the Grand Poobah.
  9. ???? Man, I'm missing the laugh emoticon already.
  10. Shocked, I tell ya. Just shocked! ????
  11. Well, then don’t just stop at 110 - keep extending!
  12. I was wondering the same thing. The Southern Thai style Kaeng Som I’ve had at some of the better restaurants in BKK has actually been quite good, IMO.
  13. As crooked as Thaksin is, this current bunch just sounds like the pot calling the kettle black at this stage of the game.
  14. And they wonder why so many of us balk at the prospect of keeping 800K on deposit in a Thai bank.
  15. So let me get this straight: The Keystone Cops raid RCA under the pretext of locating the ringleaders of a gang of online scammers and subsequently broaden the scope of their “mandate” to search patrons for drugs, conduct on the spot urine tests and check tourists’ passports for overstays? Just more confirmation, in case anybody needs some, that these clowns are incapable of learning from their mistakes.
  16. Huh? Wait a minute - I was told by some Thailand apologist or other that those zero dollar tours didn’t exist…
  17. ???????????????? He must be talking about some other Thailand that exists in a parallel universe.
  18. Careful - you don’t want him to dismiss you as a “woke snowflake” or something like that. ????
  19. Or someone who moves to California and complains about all the liberals.
  20. In other news, the chocolate ration has been increased from three grams to two grams…
  21. LOL. That’s right up there with “your check’s in the mail” and “I promise I won’t ___ in your mouth.” ????
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