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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. Moreover, Thais are probably the most intellectually incurious lot you’ll ever encounter. Most folks here are oblivious to international affairs and seem to believe Thailand is the geographical and cultural center of the universe. For most Thais, the pursuit of money and social status seem to be the only real priorities.
  2. Oy vey! Rice is something they’re supposed to be good at - yet they still manage to find a way to step on their own dicks.
  3. Same here. A platform whose principals haven’t figured out how to process foreign credit card payments isn’t ready for prime time, IMO.
  4. Translation: “We don’t need any competition.”
  5. Yep. Unsurprisingly, these are the same slow kids who believed a career con man and reality TV star with virtually no experience in government would make a great POTUS.
  6. ExpressVPN would probably be your best bet. Servers in Thailand:
  7. The Rethugs in Congress are only turning on Hair Fuhrer now because the midterm election results have shown tRump’s ability to help them maintain their hold on power has been diminished. Prior to these midterms, there was no fraud, felony, high crime or misdemeanor Republicans weren’t willing to overlook in their efforts to shield him from accountability. There’s nothing principled about these self-serving GOP jackals.
  8. Pretty happy with the Deco X50 (x2) package so far. My problem was that I was only getting about 3mb down in the master bedroom, thanks to my condo’s floor plan, multiple concrete walls, etc. Anyway, I connected one Deco unit to my AIS router and set the other one up in the master bedroom. My download speeds are now uniform no matter where I go in the house. ????
  9. Seems the WSJ is a little slow on the uptake. Anyone whose IQ is greater than his hat size already knew Hair Fuhrer was a loser even before the infamous escalator descent. ????
  10. Who are they trying to kid? Everybody knows Thais and Khmers can’t stand each other.
  11. Great! All it takes is one “influencer” or “celebrity” in a culture which is totally dominated by the herd instinct to declare “bats are good,” and we’re off to the races. ????
  12. Update again: A copy of my original birth certificate (U.S.) was accepted as a second form of ID. Registration complete.
  13. Update: When I tried to register for the new app, I was asked to provide my passport, visa and either a Thai work permit or a driver’s license from my home country. When I advised the DM rep that my U.S. DL was expired, I was asked for a Thai DL (which I don’t have.) Waiting for a response from DM to ascertain whether any other form of ID would be acceptable. Seems ridiculous as I am already registered and have been using the old app for several months now.
  14. You’re not wrong. For some reason, this point is invariably lost on the vaccine refuseniks, conspiracy moonbats and YouTube “researchers.”
  15. I was referring specifically to your initial "what does theory have to do with faith?" question. Professor Carroll addressed that question when he pointed out that, although not ALL claims made by theists can be reduced to the roles played by scientific theories, some of the claims made by theists DO play the roles of scientific theories and can be judged accordingly. The focus of the lecture is the latter category.
  16. That was my question as well. Need more specifics, e.g., is the drive external or internal? Is it the primary HDD, i.e., the primary boot drive, or a secondary? Is the drive in a desktop or laptop computer? Not sure if this is applicable or not, but I have been able to salvage data from a few drives from PC laptops by removing them and connecting them via SATA cable to a secondary HDD controller in a PC desktop computer. Before I tried this, I wasn't sure whether the drive had failed or the motherboard had fried.
  17. A mesh router essentially splits that one router into multiple access points. These points work in tandem with one another to create a larger network with more bandwidth. This way it can deliver a broader net of coverage than a typical router A great solution for people who live in larger houses or condos with concrete walls, etc., and the usual accompanying dead spots.
  18. Thanks for the recommendation! Subscribed. So far, dns4me has been more reliable than my VPN's smart DNS feature when streaming content from Netflix USA. And the price is right! ????????
  19. Actually, the speaker addresses that question within ~5 minutes of starting his lecture. Thanks for acknowledging you didn't actually watch the video.
  20. Seems as though Grab Food doesn't want any non-Thai business.
  21. Um, CCP? It’s right there in the name. ????
  22. Gee, maybe they can invite Putin, Orban and Erdogan while they’re at it. ????
  23. Not sure which took more cojones on his part - stealing the cab or driving in Thailand. ????
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