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Everything posted by fusion58

  1. LOL. The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot ten times in a row are probably better.
  2. How the plutocrats and fat cats keep any semblance of conscience at bay: ”It’s because karma!”
  3. Give him a break - he’s just trying to Make America Great Again. ????
  4. No matter: the good doctor already committed the unpardonable sin of contradicting the Dear Leader on TV.
  5. And don’t listen to those smarty pants infectious disease and virology experts - take your covid cues from disgraced reality TV hosts/real estate developers, conspiracy moonbats and YouTube “researchers.”
  6. Apparently, they find living off the largess of foreign visitors preferable to investing in social and economic development. Sad!
  7. Or Singapore. She’s probably getting some coaching from Red Bull Guy as we speak.
  8. It’s hard to imagine something like drug rehab getting any traction in a culture whose members are constitutionally incapable of self-reflection or self-examination.
  9. Thailand: “Our country is the geographical and cultural center of the universe. The Thai way is always the best way.” Also Thailand: “Please visit us, deep-pocketed foreigners; we can’t live without your tourist ducats.”
  10. Yep. It would help if they actually put forth the effort to learn something about the people they’re courting,
  11. Apparently, these chaps didn’t get the memo: there are no shortcuts to nirvana in Theravada Buddhism. ????
  12. Yep. My building doesn't allow food delivery drivers to deliver directly to residential units, but, interestingly, the management allows drivers from Lotus, Makro, et al, who make deliveries which are large enough to require the use of the freight elevators to come to my door.
  13. Many Thais with whom I've broached the subject insist that "farang" translates to "foreigner," but when I ask "are Japanese or Korean people also farangs?" then the reply is always an emphatic "no." Something doesn't jibe here!
  14. Moreover, Thais are probably the most intellectually incurious lot you’ll ever encounter. Most folks here are oblivious to international affairs and seem to believe Thailand is the geographical and cultural center of the universe. For most Thais, the pursuit of money and social status seem to be the only real priorities.
  15. Oy vey! Rice is something they’re supposed to be good at - yet they still manage to find a way to step on their own dicks.
  16. Same here. A platform whose principals haven’t figured out how to process foreign credit card payments isn’t ready for prime time, IMO.
  17. Yep. Unsurprisingly, these are the same slow kids who believed a career con man and reality TV star with virtually no experience in government would make a great POTUS.
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