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Everything posted by ubonr1971

  1. A google search tells me that a 'proctologist' can insert a camera device up there to see if its anything more than hammrroids
  2. add a zero to that number?
  3. what sort of specialist should I see exactly?
  4. The wife and I are thinking of buying land and getting a loan. We have 60% deposit and income to support it. Question is.... if the loan is only on the land, do we need permission or anything to go ahead and a build house on it? thanks
  5. I had them a year or 2 ago and was a right pain in the a%s Stage one was extreme itch and I started using a cream from the pharmacy. Then switched to a new cream and a large round lump has appeared. Last time I went to a private hospital the dr talked me into a procedure where he cut that big round lump and it was extremely painful and if I remember correctly didnt work. It came back. After months it all disappeared. Any advice on this?
  6. I was in KTB bank trying to get a new Mpass token as my existing one is giving me issues. She said that its best to register with Mflow on the website. Any issues with this. Is it the same as Mpass. Just credit funds and drive through the toll? thanks
  7. But as a builder do you think its easier to build a house on stilts or raised house with steps up etc. Does this save the hastle of adding soil and building retainer walls?
  8. Your last sentence is very true. We have been looking for several years. My wife dislikes land that is too remote due to security issues. Neighbours can be good for security or bad of course. As its not a western country I think its better to have neighbours around for safety issues. The small soi around the entire boundary is good for us I think. Its a big selling feature to be honest. When you say sloping channels for run off... does it mean we should have drainage pipes leading to outside the walls?
  9. We are thinking of buying 2 rai of land that borders a river at the end of the block. You can see the photo attached. I think the land is valuable because theres public road around the entire boundary i.e. no neighbours right on proposed fence that one might have when living in a gated community, for example. There are 2 big houses either side that basically can look into our block from their second stories. But I suppose we can plant blockout trees etc. I think the proposed sites of the 2 houses are in correct position would you agree? The main issue with the land is that it can flood. A few years ago there was really heavy rain and apparently a government department opened up a water channel or whatever and there was huge flooding. I remember this whole area on the main road was flooded bc I could not drive my car on the main road that is in the attached photo below. The water was up to the top of the wheel of a car I think. During that time the river was really high but I couldn't actually go and see it as I didnt want to drive my car down that road with the high water levels. Therefore I think the 2 options are: 1. Both proposed houses have to be on stilts ie raised by a meter or 2 or 2. Add soil and raise the land in only the areas where the houses are. If the flooding event happens again then only the lower areas will be flooded. What about drainage? Should we be putting slotted ag pipe all the way around the entire boundary on the inside of the proposed concrete wall that we intend to build. The run off could be at the river end. A pipe going down to the river. Would this be advisable to you think? Its hard to decide if we should make an offer and buy this land. Any opinions are appreciated
  10. May we all celebrate chechan man boys death this year. The world will celebrate
  11. Im finding it hard to get a thai teacher to teach me conversational Thai. I live in the sticks of Isan. Was thinking of resorting to online teaching. Has anyone done this? Is it a viable option? I want to apply for Thai citizenship in 2 years and thus have to significantly improve my speaking abilities. thanks
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