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Everything posted by ubonr1971

  1. OP is talking about piddly amounts of tax put aside. Hardly worth raising this thread.
  2. Its well known that the best place to apply for citizenship is special branch on sukhumvit. Most applicants move their yellow book to central bangkok and apply there. Its common for farang in their respective province to go and have a chat with the SB in their muncipality. But its also common that the guy will say something like. 'in the last 20 years he has never had a successful applicant'. Ive heard many examples of this in different provinces. Nuff said
  3. You are a sensitive person it seems. My friend was there. Dont cry on your pillow tonight ka
  4. Whats DPA stand for? Actually I have a friend who's involved in a rescue charity here in Thailand. They do undercover work and they are all farang. They work with the police. They are involved in the sting operation and the cops basically go in and raid the place on the actual day when it happens. This group of westerners also operate in the Philippines. The local police get all the glory but they dont care. They want to remain anonymous and move onto the next bust. Im not making this up.
  5. I wanted to know if a copy of Yellow book house registration required for renewal of Marriage visa or WP? I specifically wanted to know this in the event that I move my yellow book registration to Bangkok for the purposes of applying for citizenship. Doing this would mean that I would have a bangkok address which subsequently differs from my wifes address here in the south of thailand where we actually live thanks
  6. I found this in the forum. Hope it helps other people: The owner of the house must go the Amphoe, you actually don't need to go, but the owner must be there with your yellow book, their blue book and their ID card. They will need to tell the people ขอแจ้งย้ายทะเบียนบ้าน for you. I can't remember if you have to provide them with the destination address at that point, or if it is just open ended, hence the need to register in your new house within 48 hours. The Amphoe will issue a document on the spot, I don't remember what it is called, it's just one or two sheets of paper that are printed out from their system and signed. I am actually not sure if you only have 48 hours, I just remember it is some ridiculously short period of time to be registered on your new registration.. You will then take that piece of paper along with the owner of the new house registration you will be on to the Khet in Bangkok. They will need to bring their blue book and ID card. You will need to bring your passport, WP, etc. They will then add you to the new house registration and give you a new yellow book. You will actually be able to keep your old yellow book which will be stamped แจ้งย้ายแล้ว The process is surprisingly simple and straightforward, but the hard part is getting the owner of the house on both ends to process the paperwork for you.
  7. Op we know its you not your friend. For the next gf dont choose a bar girl. Plenty of normal thai girls out there for the picking
  8. good for her. living in the 1st world. living the dream
  9. so have you heard of the 48 hour rule of de-registering from the old yellow book?
  10. If I were in your situation I would get as high as a kite everyday as well. Good luck to you pal
  11. I think they will be ok with 3 yrs of seeing her tax returns. Also, I just remembered my wifes occupation is on the list of exempt services that dont have to register for VAT. I forgot to mention this before actually. Theres a long list of services that are exempt from paying VAT
  12. So its my wifes personal business paying me a salary of 1.2m per year. She does tax returns every six months. I do mine once a year paying the tax in march. BUT how do you think they can link the figures in her tax return to the figures in my tax return. No chance. I dont think they are that sophisticated. ''but I was also under the impression that Labour Ministry required VAT registration to issue a WP.'' Depends on your wifes occupation. If she has a license of any kind for the business then this can be used
  13. Makes me happy to read this. It means I can leave it to the last minute for renting a place and therefore save money
  14. I write to ask whats involved with changing my house book registration (yellow book) to a new address in a different location? From what I understand ''you have to have your current landlord report that you are moving to the new Amphoe, then you will need to take the form they give the old landlord and your new landlord will need to put you on their House Registration within 48 hours. '' How does the above happen exactly? Does the existing landlord have to go to the district office with me and sign the form there. Or can I take the form to him and have him sign it along with a copy of his id card and then I take it to the existing district office? If my landlord is not so keen on me anymore and basically refuses to do this what are my options exactly? What do I do????? When I actually go to the existing district office do I have to take a copy of the lease contract for the new address in another province? If not what do they need from me. Re the 48 hour rule.... whats the point of this? If the new address is in central bangkok then can I register on the new yellow book without my wife doing it as well? I suppose this might depend on the district office? Many thanks
  15. I saved 10,000 baht going to Rutnin instead of Bumrungrad. I consulted both places and saw the drs at each hospital. I would go to Rutnin for sure. Its a specialist hospital. Was most impressed to be honest.
  16. May I ask what does it do taking a digestive enzime like this?
  17. May I ask why do you do this. Have you been deficient in the past? Or do you think copper / zinc is really important for your health? thanks
  18. Many of your friends die in their 50s? What was the causes?
  19. In mid 2020 I visited a private hospital in bkk with lethargy / memory issues. Dr did many blood tests. It was found that I had low Copper and Zinc. They gave me supplements and I was a bit relaxed about it all and forgot to take them basically. 3 yrs on and I did the same tests. Copper in 2020 was 670 and now in 2023 it was 680 (ref range 800-1100). Zinc was 65 in 2020 and now 40 (ref range 70-120). Over a year ago I was diagnosed with heart disease Cardiomyopathy. Also had problems with the soles of my 2 feet. Low labido. Thinning hair. The dr said take the 2 supplements for 3 months and see how I feel then and re-take the tests. So this time Im taking it a lot more seriously and will take the supplements daily and maybe report back then. Im raising this thread in case it helps anyone else to be aware of these deficiencies. Dr also said perhaps I should see a gastro dr bc I could have absorption issues in the bowel. If anyone has knowledge on these 2 deficiencies please report below
  20. No, as stated many times. We do not have a company structure. Many thai people do not have companies and run their businesses via their personal name and pay personal taxes
  21. Im an employee of the business not the owner as such. VAT is only owed when one has a company and providing a service. When the customer pays the bill the VAT is added onto the bill. Its got nothing to do with my salary at all.
  22. The labor office keep renewing my WP despite the fact that the wife and I dont have a company structure. We pulled strings when applying for my WP bc my wife is well known and maybe thats the reason why they still give me a WP every year. But maybe this is going to not help me if I cant apply for citizenship after all?? I wonder if the wife and I should go and change to company structure this year. Then next year when I submit all docs for citizenship I can show all the required company docs? What do you think about this?
  23. My WP is for my wifes business. Its her personal business in her personal name. NO company structure at all. We did NOT submit any company documents when applying for my WP. I know its on their list to get the WP but they evidently still allowed me to have a WP. I have tax documents from my accountant and do that on a yearly document. The top right corner of the tax doc they gave me has the number 91. Is that the PND 91 you are asking about? I earn 100k a month and thus no issues satisfying that rule. thanks for helping me
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